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~ ~ Cal ~~

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Everything posted by ~ ~ Cal ~~

  1. Nice one - Woosh ( Ken with the P1) is also an offshore instrumentation chappie. Glad you got sorted out I used to work as a surveyor moving semi-sub, jack-up rigs etc. I also worked in the Far East providing navigation spreads for fibre optic cable installation ships ( international broadband if you like). Enjoyed some weird expereinces out there. I know work in the office for Shell but still go offshore occasionally..... Catch ye later dude
  2. What happened to the blue STi - these storeis freak me out. Scoobs seem to spin more often than other marques for some weird reason . I think the WR1 is Gee's unless I'm wrong
  3. Welcome Scottie ! - hope you enjoy your new purchase
  4. Gordie - try here for some info [Scots Law God luck - pay him a visit in person first if it's practical
  5. Forgot to say - doesn't need to be complicated :- just a list of events with short description with associated URL ? Otherwise Swiggie will be doing the backstroke through his paperwork. He's an SIDC orpahn who bounces from regional family to family So what do we think peeps ? Dougster, JohnS, Phil S - any thoughts ? Cal
  6. Would it be possible to have a sticky at the top of this section to keep a concise note of all up and coming events e.g KH, Dastek, AWD day, Mini-meets, NBO's, TOTB's etc . We could keep it to the clean stuff as nobody needs to know about AndyJDM's doggin' sessions at Linlithgow . I know the man is fan of clean flaps Seriously - is this a good idea or not ? Even seraching our section for events can be annoying sometimes ? Thanks Cal
  7. I'm on painting / diy duties so it's a no-show from me Would haveloved to see the haiprin action in wet /ince though Enjoy if you go Cal
  8. I would do the following :- 1) visit him amicable in person to ascertain whats going on 2) threathen to slate him on every forum / msg board known to man and let him know that it would potentially cripple him 3) threaten ( at this stage ) legal action but son't do anything yet 4) get a win-win i.e get wheels back plus compensation cash but let him feel as if he's go off lightly with messing your around 5) BUT if the wheels are goosed then we'll have an SIDC meet at his workshop and persuade him to comply Good luck and stay calm - he may be a loose cannon with financial difficulties, stress etc = time bomb if wound up by Scooby lover Cal p.s dod you have something in writing on what he would do to the wheels ? quote or something with description ?
  9. JohnS - any video footage of this kaleidoscope of track experience !
  10. You trying to confuse me chief !!!!! All - this new edition is a sound bloke ! Scottie - here's a useful thread for starters known faults for 02 onwards Re:- yer exhaust >> underneath your car looks like this ............ By the way :- What's with the Pooly username guv ? had me thoroughly fooled
  11. Looking good Stephano - They are a scunner to fit but you appreciate them more after the marathon fitting session ! make sure they wax oiled the hole in your arches !
  12. Welcome matey ! Whats was yer user name on TRS ? I had a black CTR too Loved it but love the Scooby more
  13. Grant, I'll be a along for a snifter Wil try and fit in some KH rallying too
  14. Gene - Lets just say he had me in stitches Speak soon re:-collection Have a good weekend........
  15. ! On reading the thread title I originally thought you'd photoshopped & published my car in a matter minutes Teleport your Bose my way matey Cal
  16. Carl - I know what you mean but I know they'll fall off soon enough . Besides leaving them blank was a no-no for me ! Scott L told me that they weren't jet wash friendly when I called him ( Brian - I think they were £135 with SIDC discount) One they look more delapidated I'll get some more robust stickers
  17. 10/10 to JohnS for a comprehensive post Alford is great fun and good for spectating too. I would like to do Kames at some point. KH is where I popped my cherry....... What other tracks have people been on ? Croft ? Castle Combe ? For info :- I really fancy going at the 3 sisters hard ! Cal
  18. Brian - Got the flaps from this guy (Scott Lowe). Nae cheap @ £140 for 4
  19. Hi Matt - do you have a clicky for the AWD meet ? I searched for it but could only find posts that were from December 04 and before Luckily i knew the flaps were a fokker to fit so budgeted 3.5 hrs for them as I was going to a wedding in the avo'. I used a towel to jam those retaining plastic nuts in place. Drilling inside the arches with an electric drill was muder polis. I could barely fit the drill in between the arch and the disc assembly
  20. Excellent new chief Was only jesting about the biccies - was buying printer ink @ Asda. What you gonna be doing offshore then ? Cheers Cal
  21. The new flaps took 3hrs and 40 mins to fit. Major ball-ache but worth it for the snug fit. I noticed a sticker was already peeling off though Me like... Malky - please pinch whichever one you like for the lanyard thing-me-jig - thanks
  22. Bugga ! Just register quickly cos it's WELLLLLL worth it ! High res downloads of most of the Best Motoring series. Including spec C at the ring'.Evo versus Scoobies, and many more such as Skyline GTR's etc You know it makes sense ! You'll need bit torrent bty
  23. Much cheapness for a professional looking thang ! The langyard terminology gives me a chuckle Sounds like were gonna be hanging heavy duty tools round our necks ( Though in Dougsters case there will be a piccy of a tool hanging round his neck ) Only kidding my dedicated compadre Maybe this thread should be a sticky so that we can eliminate post wh0ring like my own thread ? Cal ( who'll get his piccy sorted out today malky)
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