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~ ~ Cal ~~

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Everything posted by ~ ~ Cal ~~

  1. Cheers Johnny Edit - I'm too late Still looking therefore
  2. Malky - I can send you at piccy later in the next 48 hrs if that's okay ? Can't cope with a piccy of my car in standard form ! It looks a tad different these days Thanks Cal
  3. Fraser - you're becoming a modding durty whore !!!!! Why not give yer burd some struts for Valentines Day
  4. Guys, Anyone got one lying around that would fit an 02 WRX ? Not too concerned about the make as long as it's not oiled up to high heaven ( oil = MAF killer I believe ) Can pick up from Abz or Glasgow......... Thanks Cal
  5. That would have been me Think i was off to Asda to buy some empire biscuits to accompany my cup of tea or something ! Did I wave at you ? I usually give most Scoobs a wave / flash Cheers Cal
  6. Brian ------- > I did do a search on Scoobynet under "Japanese" a while back - failed miserably I get jerked off searching as the number one return is always soemthing to do with fokkin Hull Chavs Anyways, the mag is pure braw this month
  7. Wullie - you've got mair lights in there than Times Square ! Looking good ya big pimp
  8. Just to let you chaps know that this months Jap Performance mag contains a nice pull-out guide on Scoobies including all models / modding guide / ten of the best scoobies in the UK. The magazine itself also features a modded STi9 with PPP and an article on EVO 340 versus STi9 ( I wish Subaru would ditch the equal length headers ....needs must in the quest for torque eh ! ) I got my copy from WH Smith Happy drooling Cal ( drowning in flat four heaven )
  9. Sounds good 1) Jamie......HI SOOB.....Friday 4th 2)Swiggi........Fraser.......any visiting family anyway! 3)Calum...... ~ ~ Cal ~ ~ Friday 4th
  10. I saw some STi ones going on Ebay last night - try searching for "centre caps" or searching Subaru and sorting returns by price. You can get silver / grey ones from the dealers too ( may not be prodrive though )
  11. Evening Popeye I'll take the TV off you afterall You can email me @ work if it suits ( calum dot shand @ you know the rest ) Or PM me back Cheers Cal
  12. Grab yersel a cup o' char and a biccy............Welcome to the force son
  13. Great stuff Grant..............Doune would be best IMHO - you'd get the space for Scoobs and perhaps some hill climb action too ( public liability insurance permitting) I loved going their when i was younger.
  14. Just read this ancient thread which was interesting I hadn't really appreciated the politics before >>>> glad it's all resolved now Cal p.s is it easy to change 02 WRX brake pads if necessary ( not ideal to bed them in on track but if needs must ?)
  15. FAO those with the B-Hague camcorder brackets > Where are you positioning yours ? I like the view from behind the nearside rear seat ( (akin to the view in my video clip >>> right click save as, here) Anyone one have any pics or advice - I suppose the rear pax window would be suitable unlike the CTR's curved rear window........ ?? I may also try a WRC wheel cam-mode again although it's a tad hairy even with a lanyard on it Any ideas ? Cal
  16. Kenny - video evidence of your beatch slapping will be televised .....besides yer so tight you'll be driving @ less then 60mph to save fuel <<<<<<<<<<<< Back top topic >>>>>>>>>
  17. Thanks for the advice guys - all appreciated ! I never thought about the diff knackering aspect of haunyism I think I'll juts take it easy and then wind it up. I have these RE 070's on at the mo' - they are sticky as hell once up to temperature Fuel surge sounds like a pain in the erse ! What approx. % is it empty when it kicks in Also - I know the Scoobies brakes ain't that hot - are the new age Scoobs any better than the classics ? Would love to take the driving course but mildly rooked at the moment although my birthday is due 3 days before the SIDC day in March Cheers Cal
  18. Any special advice ? I know the track well and could give it some in the Honda but now cacking it for taking the Scoob round ;Q It does seem way more planted but the weight distribution becomes more of an issue. I have been out with Kev (Woosh) in his P1 and he was sideways at almost every corner. My pishy 220 bhp won't be allowing me to do that but does anyone have any pointers for specifically hammering round KH in Scoobs ( specifically buglies ). I don't plan on going sideways ( not great idea @ an SIDC or HM event anyway) but how is everyone getting the tail oot at the hairpin ? Are you using the "hauny" ? or doing some Skando flicks before hand ? While we're at it who were the sideways bobs at KH last year who were black flagged for excessive lateral motion ( balck wagon & red classic IIRC ?) Loved the show whilst it lasted ! On a tangent - anyone seen that Racing Rivals series - those boys can really shift some ass! Thanks Cal
  19. Sorry to hear of your friend ............Keep safe out there fella ! Cal
  20. << runs round the room dishing out chill pills >> Scott, A demo from the traffic cops would be an EXCELLENT idea ! They could appreciate our thoughts and vice versa. Then show us their arsenal and do a live demo etc etc. Might be a bone of contention in here but I think most people would welcome it and so would the traffic........ A driving course would be great too :- I have done 4 defensive driving ones but would prefer a more sporting lesson if you catch my drift. Having only had my car 3 weeks I'm sh1t scared to go quickly round corners as they are heavy mutha's. You do learn a lot @ KH but i think Also :- are their any SIDC "home-made" videso of track action / sprint trials etc etc Alford is also fantastic and gets lots of people into track days in a relatively safe environment. I'm looking forward the Kames. I'd love to do the IOM and 'Ring / Spa but realise they are a nighmare to organise.......... A summer weekend run way up north with camping / B&B's would be nice too...... Cal p.s does anyone think our numbers are pretty low in comparison to number of owners in Scotland ? ( despite the fact the forums are busy) I suppose this section of the SIDC is still relatively young though p.p.s re : lanyards etc :- we could also use our coupons for avatars ? Maybe not a great idea but it would be some much easier to associate user-names & faces.
  21. Relative newbie so take it easy on me if this sorta stuff is already in place ? ******************************************** Karting at Tranent More track days (maybe unrealistic saying as not so many Scoob owners do them ) More Discounts More Action ( runs ) More involvement from dealers ( unlikely ?) BUT most importantly for Ecosse - a phpBB2 style forum or equivalent ( again discussed @ length and maybe wont come to fruitition) Just my 2p's worth Cal
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