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Everything posted by stum450n

  1. Nope, as of Monday, we'll be allowing non-members on club stands. With Rally Day for example members will get their tickets £5 cheaper than they can be purchased elsewhere and non-members will pay the standard entry price. With timings as they are I don't think that'll work for this one and it's probably more important to 'get bums on seats' and then force ask them nicely to become members, Lol Jamie, I'll double confirm everything with the Mrs and confirm 100% with you later today.
  2. Hi Gerry, A couple of years ago True Grip was shelved in its traditional form because of escalating production costs etc. Since then (just over a year ago) we relaunched in a digital format with two versions - one for members and one for non-members (which is slightly smaller and has reduced content) - both are viewable at http://www.sidc.co.uk/truegrip Last issue (May) we partnered with HP's MagCloud service to offer individual copies of True Grip in print to those that missed having a physical copy - these can be found at: http://www.magcloud.com/user/truegrip I can happily arrange for an issue or two to be sent to him if you like?
  3. Gerry, I can't see anyone refusing to be honest - such a worthwhile cause. Sounds like a convoy of scoobs would be much more fitting for the poor lad. I'll get my thinking cap on and see what can be arranged. If anyone else has some thoughts, get them posted below - can't think of much more of a reason to get something organised than this!
  4. Lol, have a look in True Grip mate - full review and the results on Vimmy's car speak for themselves I think!
  5. I've 4 between 1 and 7 and have had the scoob since we only had 2 of the little buggers We're at the stage where all of us (me, wifey and 4 kids) can no longer fit in the scoob but to be honest, as kids get older they go to friends more, clubs, activities etc so it's a rare occurrence we all have to go anywhere at the same time! The one suggestion I would make would be to get seat covers!!!
  6. Well I'm up for it! See you there 1) T5NYW- Tony & Ann 2) stum450n- Stu & assume it's okay to bring the tribe along with?
  7. Excellent to see such enthusiasm guys! Nicely done!
  8. Just had a look on the big monitor - definitely a paint job and a bad one at that!)
  9. Depends on the weight used but yeah, it's a lot softer so thin vinyl scratches no end! You can't polish scratches out of vinyl either
  10. That's painted I think - im only on my mobile so can't see properly but look at the boot lid, it's patchy as hell. Vinyl tends to have a consistent satin finish, that looks like the haven't had enough matting agent in the paint mix.
  11. Shandy Bass for me Went to school opposite the factory in Chard so there really was no other option
  12. Unfortunately, after a promising start, nothing was ever organised by the RO listed above. As it stands there are currently no regular sidc meets in the region. There is definitely a desire by members for them so please do feel free to organise something. You don't have to be an RO (although if anyone wants to be RO, get in touch with BalliSTic).
  13. Oooh, that looks mean as anything! Love it! It's 2001 so I'm assuming it's a bugeye that's been facelifted? Best thing they could've done
  14. There's a blobeye sport near Oxford that's a learner car - would've loved that when I was learning!!! I, like most, was stuck with a corsa
  15. Well if the brakes aren't functioning correctly I would say that that constitutes the need for repair under warranty then. Especially as that makes the vehicle not fit for purpose and that after all is the sole purpose of a warranty - to ensure a vehicle is fit for purpose after sale. After all, the worn pad (the only friction material thats in question) isn't the problem, it's a symptom of the problem - assuming it's a seized piston or two?
  16. I'm not sure if the same rules apply in Scotland with regards to warranty but any I've looked at in the past have generally excluded parts that are subject to wear and tear - this is not just discs and pads but calipers, pistons within them, hubs, bearings, cv joints - the lot! What does your warranty say about it?
  17. Just to add, we (SIDC) are currently talking to Subaru UK about having their promotions trailer on our stand and perhaps even their Pro-R Time Attack car! It's an immense beast and really is worth a close look so watch this space! ^^ The Pro-R TA Car in the latest issue of True Grip ^^
  18. I'm wondering now if I might suggest a weekend down in Devon for the wife's birthday and just happen (completely by accident of course) to bump into you guys whilst we're down there!
  19. stum450n


    Welcome to SIDC
  20. Welcome to SIDC I was at JapFest although mainly out on track taking pics for the club magazine (www.sidc.co.uk/truegrip). Was a fantastic day out wasn't it! I'm pretty sure there's a 99 uk2000 being broken in the for sale section of the forum if that's of any use?
  21. Yep, with it would rain - all this sunshine's encouraging me to take the car put more often! Burnt 2/3rds of a tank of fuel this weekend and not actually been anywhere specific! All good fun though
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