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Everything posted by stum450n

  1. If you've an iPhone there's an app called iBoost. In the settings you can choose between the different sounds created by different makes - might save searching all over t'internet
  2. Was cancelled in 2005 IIRC mate I'll be in Taunton over the Easter weekend as well so perhaps a mini-meet is in order?
  3. Beginning of May - assuming I can pull my finger out soon enough!
  4. It doesn't get sent mate, it's online at http://www.sidc.co.uk/truegrip - members can login and read the full issue from there as well
  5. Had a feeling it was Nice big pic in the next True Grip so keep your eyes peeled
  6. Both lovely cars. Have pics of both ready and waiting to go into TG. The red classic with black wheels was mint as well Was quite surprised at what seemed to be the most popular mod as people went past though... (Cheers smylie_kylie for the pic )
  7. Spot on, ta! If we can get 10 from across the board we're all set!
  8. It is isn't it. I'm really torn on which one to go to - current thinking is both!
  9. That I did - keep your eyes peeled in the next issue of True Grip
  10. Seems it was my day for forgetting everything eh! Still, good day - love it when a plan cones together! Oh, and please tell me I'm not the only one being punished for being gone all day by being forced to watch mamamia?!? Fooking hateful!
  11. Yeah, I know the feeling! Was banging on at Matty about the excellent sun tan lotion I used in the morning... Completely forgetting I hadn't put any on my face. Ooops! Kinda sore now
  12. Thanks everyone that made it down, was an absolutely fantastic day made all the better with the excellent company! JapFest is a now a must in my mind - if its even half as good as today, we'll be in for a corker! Anyone who doesn't yet have a ticket, get one! Thanks again and if any of you were snapping pics, get em up!
  13. Lol, the membership's worth the £20 alone... and True Grip, now that's got to be worth another £50 Enjoy mate!
  14. Assuming we get about 8-10 cars then yes, otherwise you're more than welcome to join us as a non-member but we'll have no stand
  15. It's a Bank Holiday weekend so you'll probably find that a number of people that might normally attend are busy or going away etc.
  16. Guys, we're going to have a stand at The Rally Show in Cornbury on Sunday 15th May - as it's such a big event and so local to us it would be great if we would have a good show of faces for this one please Adult Sunday tickets are £17.50 and include a stand pass. All stand passes are for members only, prices are the same for passengers. Children under the age of 12 go free. For full details and to book your tickets, click here. Please note that tickets will only be available from the club until 6pm 19th April To add your name to the list of attendees, please view the thread here. By the way, I trust you lot will recognise the awesome bit of road running down past Cornbury from our Summer B-Road Blasts - especially the chicane down hatchings lane! Link to map ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** Unfortunately, due to lack of interest (and only two tickets sold), we will not be in the position to have a stand at The Rally Show, Cornbury. The deadline has now passed for club bookings and without enough names to fill the minimum numbers, the decision was made to not have an official club presence at the show. Apologies for the members that did buy tickets. Kim will be in touch shortly to issue full refunds. ***************************************************************************** *****************************************************************************
  17. The Rally Show, Cornbury, Oxfordshire 15th May 2011 The Rally Show is a unique motorsport experience, real rallying set to the backdrop of a prestigious venue. 2011 sees the launch of their second venue, Cornbury Park near Oxford. Using part of the former RAC Rally stage (last used in 1999), we will turn the grounds of the stately home of Lord and Lady Rotherwick into a two day motorsport festival. PLEASE NOTE: Due to the clash of dates with Japfest at Castle Combe, the SIDC will be attending with a stand on the Sunday only (Sunday 15th May 2011). In between competitions at the show you're likely to see a mix of many other activities, including stunt driving and The Rally Show's flagship historic display, The History Of Rallying. Off the stage there are traders, exhibits and of course hundreds of car club cars. There is no better place in the UK to enjoy the rallying experience with such perfect views of the action. Watch finest historic and the fastest World Rally Cars take on the stunning Cornbury stage. Adult Sunday tickets are £17.50 and include a stand pass. All stand passes are for members only, prices are the same for passengers. Children under the age of 12 go free. Book your tickets here Please note that tickets will only be available from the club until 6pm 19th April To add your name to the list of attendees, please view the thread here.
  18. Hi Jim, it might be that you'll get a better response if you post this in technical - you're likely to get more people looking there Good luck getting it sorted.
  19. 01) phil (pay/collect on the day) 02) jamie (pay/collect on the day) 03) hammer (pay/collect on the day) 04) johnah84 (poss) 05) stum450n (press pass) 06) p1 Murch (pay/collect on the day) 07) matty wr1 (PAID/collect on the day) 08) Bailey73 (pay/collect on the day) 09) bakerzone (PAID) 10) vimmy (PAID/collect on the day) 11) garoge9012 (pay/collect on the day) 12) 733tcaptsteady Please note: All reduced rate tickets have now sold - you can still buy tickets on the gate but we'll only be able to let you on the stand if you are a full club member. For all that are attending, particularly those collecting tickets from me on the morning of the show, be sure to read the convoy post for times and locations.
  20. Just as a case in point with regards to pot holes, the council were out marking them out for repair on our road earlier today... 33/34 marked from the entrance to the road and my house - I live at number 14 FFS - I can see the end of the road from my living room window!!! The road here is one of the worst I've driven down - I lived 18yrs in rural Somerset 5 miles from the nearest A road and not once do I remember seeing a road in such disrepair - even unclassified roads without numbers!
  21. I've absolutely no issue with speed limits and very rarely exceed the speed limit (although I might get there a little quicker than most ), my issue is with the fact they're not a suitable deterrent or in any way a solution to the problems caused by speeding - they're used to generate revenue, plain and simple. That revenue would be much more effectively spent on repairing the roads that are in such a state that they're causing more accidents than speeding in speed camera locations. To quote Matty's figures... To put that in perspective, in January 2011 alone there were 255 accidents in Oxfordshire as a result of potholes. In the first 10 weeks of this year the council received 5,300 reports of potholes having paid out £86,805 between January and October 2010 in compensation, settling just 318 of the 964 total backlogged compensation claims! There's something wrong here, seriously wrong. ================== Loving that saying by the way, not heard that before
  22. Oxfordshire's speed cameras to be switched back on
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