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Everything posted by scouk

  1. LOL! I wish It's technically the "spare car" in the household which is handy for unforseen problems like this.. Handles like a bag o crap though! And shakes like mad due to havign no roof.. Havent even attempted to detail it unless we get the paint sorted out.. Different shades of white for different panels.. Never mind.. It's a set of wheels... And it's scheduled to rain the next few days
  2. Yeah It's been a fair bit of a roller coaster since owning the car, what with getting pulled for tinted windows which were on the car when I bought it, driving over splitters wheel-nuts falling off, gear knobs coming off on the entry to corners, whacking deer and finally falling off the rollers.. Is that what normal scooby ownership is supposed to be like ? I'm just glad that with all that, the expence hasn't been too much.. Most is just my own time getting stuff sorted again and time lost from being behind the wheel.. I think the £60 fine + Forced MOT and 3points from the tints was the biggest outlay.. Fingers crossed this is the end of it all. The car's more or less the way I want it nowadays just a case of keeping it like that so more care is needed.. Seriously considering joining the AA or RAC for protection during the McRae Gathering Fingers crossed I get it back before Alford next weekend.. Wont be going on track as I'd like to get the wheel alignment re-done first just to ensure everything is ok.. If not, this is what I've been demoted too until the scooby is back: Aye, I was interested to see what your car could manage on the rollers... Maybe next year eh!
  3. Good pics! Definately some really nice cars there yesterday! I've have a shifty though my collection and post some up later...
  4. For those who weren't there today and didn't see the car here's as much of the visible damage that could be seen without getting it up on ramps to have a good look around.. Ouch! Squinty wheel! Nice shine though! Just have to wait and see how much damage there is other than the lower control arm... It's a lot of load to cause that sort of damage so I'd expect to see more elsewhere.
  5. LOL! I'd say! that's a damn good car you got there matie! that's before any real mods! BTW - Cheers for giving me a lift back home really appreciate that!!! Yeah mixed day... Got a damn good result in my view from reamapping the car myself and pretty much installing any mods myself and not letting garages install them! Very much a DIY project which achieved 273.7bhp before falling off the rollers ... Absolutely great resulty in my view! But then there's the damnaged car... Defiantely an unforutnate incident, but Simon has pledged to do everything he can to get the car sorted as soon as possible.! Cheerm min! Looking forward to getting her back now I know the "official" power BTW - if anyone has a photo or even a video of the car falling off the rollers lemme know!
  6. I kinda like the Shake N' Bake (Although never seen the movie it's from) If you want another one, how about "If in doubt, Flat out!"
  7. The Irn Bru look is still taking a wee bit of gettin used to... But defiantely a thumbs up from me! Does look good. In a different/personalised sort of way!
  8. Damn! Was just about to post that! Sizes seem to be about right... As the Squiggle suggests: - "measure around your man boob area and refer to that size when ordering" Linky
  9. he hee... I knew it was worthwhile bumping this back up to the top
  10. My T-Shirts arrived this morning! Thanks guys! Just over 10 days for delivery! Still pretty quick!
  11. Total agreement with that statement.... It's still an impreza underneith but it doesn't have the attitude that goes along with the name "Impreza"..
  12. yep... Simplicity... Despite jeremy's fumblings AFAIK the Impreza has one button.. same as it's had for years on models where a DCCD is fitted. It's the same control as it's always been.. it's just now more intelligent.. Which means it's overcome it's biggest drawback.. understeer.. if driven properly, the new impreza should effectively have no understeer.. But I do think it needs a decent front aero package to keep the nose attached to the ground.. Most of the time you'd leave it in Auto anyway unless your loonying around or on track... Unlike the evo the Impreza gizmo is a driver aid whereas the evo sorts everythign out for you, leaving little for driver skill.. IMHo
  13. What's with all the red scooby bashing !! To be honest, the new car's rear end doesn't look good in any colour.. The silly lexus lights clash with everythign except maybe white.. Black looks good until you get the rear end then you see this silly looking christmas tree at the rear!... What I did think was odd and possibly deliberate was that this tiem the scooby was in red and the Evo in blue... Hmnn.. As I said earlier in this thread, the Subaru will feel better once you get a driver that understands how to drive a car rather than havign a numpty drive and evo where it sorts it all out for you. And in my defence look at what the Stig managed with it!! Evo's are for people who can't drive properly! (In an extreme /on the limit sense... I don't want to get lynched on the way home)
  14. Performance and handling wise, the New Subaru is a good match for hte Evo with no understeer when the diffs are set properly.. But to get the most of it you need a decent driver who understands how it all works.. Whereas the Evo is jump in and drive.. If your a bad driver it don't matter as the Evo will sort everything out for and make you look like a driving god. Despite the fancy diff in the Impreza, it's still down to mechanical grip rather than electronics.. Which is a good thing in my book! But on looks.. I prefer the Evo. It's just got a much better stance on the road.. Part of hte problem is the SUbaru has moved forard internally but on the outside, it's blended into every other car on the road.. Give the Impreza a decent agressive body again and I'd love it to bits!!! P.s. I love the impreza from the front! Not got used to the hatch side view, and I absolutely hate the back end! Also the whole styling is round, curvey and soft.. Where's the agressive lines!!
  15. Sadly... that doesn't surprise me... Given the choice on equal prices... I'd probably take the evo..... If!!!.... it was as reliable as the scooby... Been discussing this with a few folk recently and IMHO Subaru has lost the plot.. Ok yes... design the Impreza to target then wider market! fair enough.. But..Dumb it down and you loose your HUGE cult following.. Also with UK issues of road tax and rediculous fuel prices.. Does Joe public really want a 25-30mpg 4wd hatchback that'll cost them £100's in road tax? Not a car for the UK at the moment..... Whereas the EVO wins on looks alone... Despite similar running costs.. IMHO... P.s. This comes from a Scooby "Fanboy"
  16. They are in an industrual estate at Ellon (About 15 minutes north of Aberdeen) Google Map Link Their Website Link
  17. Prototypes are rarely sold to the public.. They are generally either stuck away in the back of a factory gathering dust or thrashed by journalists/test drivers untill they die! Also the prototypes are more or less hand built (put together) and the build quality will generally be of a higher standard as a result It'll also be the car they played aroudn with different settings/components until they were happy with the end result.. All in all a pretty special car! IMHO
  18. Here's a couple of photos my brother took at the Subaru/Prodrive day at Castle Combe back in March.. Where I first heard about it being for sale..
  19. Me too! Read that post a couple of days ago and never picked up on it properly! that's the origonal Prototype which was actually built at Prodrive! the rest of the RB320's were effectively mass produced elsewhere! That is a truly unique car and should NEVER be modded IMHO! It's been up for sale for a few months and really good to see it up here in scotland! although it's also the car which has been driven like mad around tracks for testing and used in photoshoots all over the place..
  20. No worries.. At the moment there's usually one session a year at either Japerformance or Wallace performance. As mentioned above these are the only two places I know of up here.. Next closest ones I believe would be perth / Edinburgh / Glasgow but I could be wrong.
  21. if you can make it down in time, there's a SIDC Rolling Road day at japerformance in Ellon Next weekend! See here
  22. Interesting to see what they say about it after Fifth Gears review last season ... It's either gonna go one way or the other.... No more, I'd have "that one" and point to both....
  23. Anything else you planning on breaking on that car! Hopefully someone can give you hand!
  24. Depending how duff it is, it may be worth getting a charger and leaving it overnight to see if it holds any charge.. Could save unneccessary embarrasment at knockers!
  25. Couldn't get through on the phone to the Keith station today.. But Elgin: 128.9p Nairn: 125.9p Surely Keith has some if these two have.... Anyone got any further updates...
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