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Everything posted by scouk

  1. That looks just a tad to violent TBH.. (speaking as someone whose car fell off the rollers last year under normal conditions...)
  2. Have to agree there... Stop hitting things! Just be thankful that if you do hit anythign front end on the splitter will take a fair bit of the impact and it's cheaper to replace one of thost than a bumper.. BVut if your skillimg the ground in places, might be an idea to increase ride-height a little or leave the scoob at home HT Autos is considered best value for cost, looks and strength/flexibility.. Still on my first one froM HTAutos (They were origonally GRP material) REbuilt twice so far.1st time, I ran over it within 30 mins of fitting.. Not securely enough it woudl appear.. Then whacked a deer just over a year ago which "split" it again. Bit of patching and fresh coat of paint and it's still in tact! If I break it again i'll probably just buy a new one to replace it, it's done it's job and potentially saved me a lot from the deer incident!
  3. Hahaa! that's kwel!
  4. Cracking pics dale! I really should have gone down on the Sunday instead Respect!
  5. Difficult to find some that havent been taken before but here goes: Loads more photos can be seen here: http://www.scouk.net/gallery/2009_sidc_skye/ Preperation is the Key! Fortunately, this was his good side Regrets? A banana shot! (there's more to come.. naturally...) No Comment Our newest local Scoob! She's a beaut! So nearly got a good shot of it! Nature showing off The Sunshine... Grab it where you can.... . o O (THere's none at Knockhill) So... you guys like Subarus? Errr.. ok.... What a sight to have the in the rear view mirror... (No.. not sczscoob.. the banana!.. Told you there woudl be more) Probably the best memory of the weekend for me... .. STI Forrester infront, RB320 behind then the Banana behind that sneaking a peak on every bend... Couldn't think of anywhere else I'd rather be at that moment "It's ok folks! it'll only take 5 minutes to get hte cars lined up..." Monkey photographer No group shot is complete without the final Scooby! My only scar from the weekend (Nasty deep stone chip on the bonnet ) As promised, couple more banana shots: Salut! Complete Collection: http://www.scouk.net/gallery/2009_sidc_skye/
  6. Got a couple from inverness to Stratcharron (rear facing) and then a forward facing one from strathcarron to Skye.. Was first real attempt with the "dogcam" so quality is 'ok' and sadly a bit jumpy.. Only got the camera a few days before the event to little testing.. Maybe still something left to work with..
  7. Hopefully next couple of days Pulled them off the camera at the weekend... .. Need to have a scan throught he vids to make sure there's nothign too incriminating before uplaoding... Shouldn't be...
  8. Nice to see you guys got a change of location for Sunday! instead of hidden away roudn the back And what's that I see.. blue sky!! That must have been an additional feature for sunday... Never mind... Would love to go down again for next years event.. But won't bother if it's forecast rain again... Thought it was just gonna be a few showers then clear up in the afternoon...
  9. Yep Agree with above comments... Drove down today... Great event would definately go down again, first tiem I'd been to Knickhill since I was 6!.. But.. the rain REALLY spoiled it.. It's an outdoor event and it was WAY to cold and wet to be outdoors.. Sheltered into the ColinMcRae tent for a while, had a couepl wanders round, watched a coupel events, then headed home early at 2pm, Woudl have gone for a few passenger rides but decided against walking back roudn the track after realising the weather wasn't goign to improove... Worst part.. Had rain all the way up the road until Aberdeen where it cleared and I neaded for the A96.. only to discover there's hasn't been much rain at all at home all day Never mind, was nice to go out for a good drive on some good roads (via glenshee).. Just wished the rain wasn't so wet P.s. How bad in the road surface on the M90 up to perth!!! Nearly as much potholes as the skye run!!!! Nasty surface!
  10. Thinking of larger events... me head is buzzing with wee ideas.. But here's one.. How about a borders weekend! And try and get interest from a cross the border to meet up at the front line! Any budding movie directors among us fancy setting up a story line of a battle between scotland and englandshire? Even opening it up into a combat weekend of different activities.. e.g. Find a sprint track/manouvre track somewhere and build up points across hte weekend for different events to see which side wins.. Opens up a bit of scope and woudl be great for hte Club.. Also woudl make something worth writing about for True grip The other idea I had last year was more of a "few" day event.. Of havign a convoy right round the outline of SCotland.. No need for everyone to go on the whole route.. But have it ongoing with different leaders, you can pick up on the convoy as it travels through your local area and drop it off and let the next area take over with stop off in key touristy areas for a break and look around.. Sort of like a Richard Burns Relay sort of thing but perhaps in the name of Colin McRae... Or how about the "The Great Scottish-Scoobies Haggis Run!" I'd say any and all suggestions welcome at this time.. No matter how silly...
  11. Have to say.. on the last few days before the weekend I was getting worried about all the possible things that could go wrong! As it turns out things were better than expected.. Weather was far better, tunout was great and no mad rushing around to get to places on time! no "major" incidents.. Infact pretty much spot on!! Big thanks to everyone who was involved in making it run smoothly... As far as I know this is the first large 2 day event held on SCottish SCoobies soil. So was interested to see how it would be received..If prooved to be a success.. I'd love to see at least one large event every year!! There was even a brief talk about having 2 or 3 large events a year in different parts of Scotland.. THat way you "southerners" can get your own back by making us travel all the way down to the south of scotland for an event! My own view.. I love driving.. But felt it was a great balace of driving/baneter and sight seeing!!! Made for a great weekend all round!! CLearly a weekend that won't be forgotten anytime soon! If stuck for ideas how about some activity afternoon like karting, paint balling etc.. :lol: Here's to future BIG meets!
  12. Not sure if the Hawkeye is the same, but for the bugeye saloon (possibly same for blob) Thule 450 (Feet) Thule 761 (Bars, basic black ones but do the job and much cheaper than the silver/"Aero" ones) Thuie 1210 (Impreza Fitting Kit) Two different types of decent Bike Rack: Thule Proride 591 Thule Proride 530
  13. Yeah If the lead cars run with their dipped headlights on it gives the cars infront plenty of warning.. And as long as you don't fly up behind peopel and tail gate them being agressive tryign to get past I've found that many other road users are happy to assist you in passing them.. Sometimes even get a friendly wave as you pass.. That's what I really like about club runs like this... Not a fan of more high speed agressive stuff.. Can appear dangersous and it's more likely to attract the wrong sort of attention...
  14. Yeah if you've got a decent sized spoiler and no tow bar.. Roof bars is the way to do it.. Amazingly you can get them for the saloon impreza! I'm got a set for mine with the intentions of buying a cycle rack for it.. and a bike.. BUt just got hte roof rack just now.. Doesn't look "too" bad either when fitted... Went onto the Thule website to get all the part numbers then after a few weeks managed to pick up all the bits seperately on eBay ended up paying about 50% less than Harfords prices!
  15. Tried capturing from PowerDVD earlier but was only able to capture keyframes.. Nero seemed happier though.. Shame about the quality... I was recording straight to wmv, turns out wasn't such a good idea.. should have cleared up space and recorded straight to MPEG2 then worried about encoding later... Never mind..: FLatbed, just off the right of the screen I reckon this was the offending hole/chasm!
  16. Wouldn't susprise me.. probably runs up and down that road all day looking for targets Sadly, didn't quite capture it on vid.. met it on a right hand bend and only just caught the edge of the sidelight and wing mirror.. can't see any real part of it Pretty sure I see hte pothole that was hit thought!! If I can figure out how to capture a frame from a WMV file I'll post it up..
  17. I'll have a look later, good chance of it! Too far down the convoy to catch the incident though remember seeing the RB parked at the side of the road...
  18. Am I right in thinking this all happened after the first stop at strathcarron near the tunnel? Think I have the camera facing forward at the time
  19. Great pics! Still havent sorted thoguth mine yet.. Although.. Those last two pics just made me realise my car looks like a donkey from the front! .. Dear God no!!! Where's the nearest headlight mod!!!!
  20. Big thanks to those that helped with the weekend.. Especially ScoobyGirl for beign our local guide to Skye Weather threateened to be pretty poor for the weekend.. But turned out pretty damn good! Very little rain today! Big thanks to everyone who managed to make it along, was a gret turnout! thanks! So... now we've set a banchmark... Who's next to host a weekend meet in Scotland Excuse me while I go for a sleep.. ZZZzzzzz......
  21. I've always wanted to create a "Gymkhana" type event up this way.. I'm not one for drag strips.. Far prefer the handling/skillful stuff like a decent sized sprint track.. A full bown race track is too much IMHo.. Just a nice clean space to safely and legally piss about on and learn about the car in everyway!
  22. That's mostly the speed camera .. sorry.. "Safety" camera people... Police/Traffic are a different group and tend not to advertise their whereabouts unless they want to pre-warn people....
  23. This one may also be useful: http://www.nscp.co.uk/site/locations/ Highland area...
  24. The sympons you speak off suggest it could be buggered.. It can depend on the valve.. One test to see if it's jammed is to remove it and try pushign teh piston up by hand.. Some are tighter than others (ooh err!) If it's aint budging, coulg be a stuck piston.. Some models can be serviced.. Just be sure not to wildly stick screwdrivers or sharp objects in tehre incase you damage the piston, shoudl be possible to push back the piston by hand/thumb..
  25. Probably best to take it easy.. I hear the TD0 series of turbos are pretty stong buggers of things. Other aftermarket ones are a bit softer to this sort of issue.. But it is putting the wrong sort of force on the propellor which when running really hot could in buckle it which ain't good.. There was a post here recently about removing BOV's and just stuckign a blanking plate over it. Safe in the sense no air excapes fromt the system, but bad because it causes the turbo to stall.. Which doesn't do much good at all, except give you a slight "squirrel mincer" sound
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