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Everything posted by nanaki

  1. got to love the x-games. i believe mcrae managed to barrel roll an impreza last year and still finish the timed lap. Must have annoyed some of the others. bet they wanted to be first to start doing tricks in rally cars for the crowd.
  2. well it was when the brought it out about 6 months ago. they don't have the price on there site anymore but it used to be burried in there FAQ section. will see if i can find my old thread on it here.
  3. have fun at around £2.50 a litre, You won't notice much difference without the car being mapped for it mate so its not worth the pennies really.
  4. standard brakes at knockhill... let the fun begin. lap 1 - to cold to stop you so you take it easy to warm them up... lap 2 - they work and you hammer rounds the bends and late breaking.... lap 3 - pads now completely worn down, smoking and crumbled and you hit the brakes but don't stop.... well it could happen if you seriously slam them on. have fun mate. wish it was me.
  5. I'm guessing multiple runs to confirm one wasn't a fluke? Nice results there.
  6. Wuz if there is a problem with it fitting onto an MY 98 then please correct me however i was under the impressions it was a straight swap. If something is in the way or it needs an adapter then tell us please. I have no idea what an ISCV is for a start.
  7. actually its never been to crail since i swapped it out however getting all 4 wheels pointing one direction is the biggest issue right now regarding drag times (car is pulling to the left and ive had the tracking checked) my car has never been mapped, not modified enough to merit it (plus im skint and keep having to spend my money on repairs)
  8. yep straight swap for an STI 5 into the 98,99 and 00 classics (done it on my 00 as has ally-b and several others)
  9. well when the Forrester starts overtaking a few people on the track that will wipe the smiles from a few faces. i reckon both projects are going to be interesting.
  10. sounds like the car went into limp home mode, reset the ECU (that should clear the CEL) and then keep the revs down untill the remap
  11. I'm sure there is a guide on doing this on the scoobynet forums. I've seen it before. It is possible but its not a simple fit. You need to grind / hammer away at the bit underneath the inter cooler on the chassis to give the new larger one some room as I recall. Will also need to make custom brackets to mount it and get the correct hoses to make it fit. Best person to ask would be squirrel. I know he has actually done this on a car before so he should be able to give you some insight as to the hell you are about to have.
  12. Actually it's no strange. The starting of for sale posts is now limited to registered members. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=105676
  13. I have to say it was a great night for those that mad it. As for those with bad nights the DS running out of power is a killier. that wins hands down!!!
  14. gus if you even manage half as much work on this as you did on the 555 then it will be one amazing car.... however somehow I get the feeling you intead to surpass even yourself on this one. have fun and post more pics for us all to enjoy (or even start one of the first modding blogs)
  15. excellent, look forward to seeing them.
  16. Would be interesting to see those stats or even have a few of them published. Don't suppose we have stats for the old forms to compare them to do we? Would be nice to see the 4 weeks before compared to the 4 weeks after.
  17. Yes but that's why when you win the lottery you buy 2 of them. One to keep and the other to drive like there was no tomorrow.
  18. ok this is going to be a bit more difficult than i thought. the new forum dosn't understand tab at all and hates more than a few spaces in a row. makes it a nightmare to format (i even tried typing it out in code tags but that failed miserably as well) I think we need to speak to andy and see what we can come up with.
  19. Don't worrie mate. I've got an offline copy of all the quarter mile stats. Will use them to make the new post later this evening.
  20. I'll have a go at sorting it out later once i finish work. We all just wanting it in the new style list format we have on the new forums.?
  21. Might want to have a look here.I've never seen them cheaper. http://www.shop.indigo-gt.co.uk/index.php?...1b0eb08f9d5cbda
  22. nanaki

    June Run 2007

    The few I took from this run.
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