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Everything posted by thewelsho

  1. Take a pic of the DV and post it up and ask someone else with a similiar car if its the same as theirs
  2. That's what I was thinking...
  3. Dunno much about the 20G so can't comment but you will defo get what you are after with either the 34 or 35. AFAIK, the 20G takes a bit longer to spool up whereas the other options come online a bit quicker.
  4. Yup, won't make any difference, mapped or otherwise. The IC is a support mod not a performance mod
  5. hmmm, dunno. I spose it has lowish miles for its again and its a Spec C, so maybe...
  6. Wow! Its like a whole new car! Nice one
  7. just needs lowered. Also think your car would look good minus the spoiler
  8. If only it wasn't so far to travel... I take it its in Aberdeen, right?
  9. Don't rub it in!!!! It cost me £60 to fill mine... Oh no, this is giving me those "I want to sell it" thoughts - DELETE! DELETE! DELETE!
  10. Very nice, lots of fun to drive I'm sure
  11. Some nice touches to make a stunning car even more stunninger! EDIT: I thoguht those might look nice on my car, so I clicked your link to investigate. At £45+VAT per fin (which lets face it, is no more than a little bit of plastic) I think I'll give that a miss and spend the £200 on something else!
  12. Thanks! Glad I'm not going nuts. I spotted another black one a couple of days ago (might have been the same one), but I can't remember where.
  13. Premier Elements is good for the money mate. Has tons of features and pretty easy to use for the basic stuff. Also has a "straight to YouTube" option. Once you select it, it renders your video and uploads it
  14. The PPG kit along cost about 3K and thats before you get somone to fit it. Seems like such a heavy expense unless your running big power and tracking the car. I'm hoping to go for a 6-speeder at some point.
  15. Looking good Mac, seems like a decent quality set up for not too much mula. The second vid didn't have any sound for me though. Is there sound on it? I'll try it again later when I get home, maybe it was just a technical glitch.
  16. That's what I thought too, maybe its because the sun is shinning in the pic, ha! Only thing I'm not sure about is those extra vents on the bonnet, and of course it could be doing with some lowering springs. I like it! I wonder what the specs are... So? JW
  17. Don't forget there are noise restrictions at KH now
  18. Wondered how long it would take you
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