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Helicopter Crash

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very sad news....another great loss to the rallying world....

our thoughts are with his family and friends....

but i guess we were all his friends in some way...

very sad...



Words are not possible.

Thoughts are with Family and close friends.

As Colin used to say "we are here for a good time, not a long time"

We should all take his advice and live for today, the way he did.

Thanks for the memories Colin.


From the facts available and that it now appears on most news sites, it isn't looking good but still really just speculation at the moment. Doubt we will know much more tonight and all we can do is wait for an official news release in due course.

If our fears are confirmed, then it will be the time for the tributes and no doubt there will be a dedicated thread for that.

As I previously said, a sad day regardless of who is involved.


When the news flashed up earlier about a helicopter in Lanark my mind thought of McRae but quickly dismissed it. I get back home and the news is looking ever more like it is him.

If, and as much as it pains me - it surely looks like it, it is him then it's a huge loss firstly to his family and friends, and also to Motorsport and Scotland as a whole.

We're all brought together here by owning these cars. I think it's fair to say that, in the UK at least, the brand would not be what it is today without what McRae achieved, and that Scottish Scoobies or the SIDC as a whole wouldn't be half or quarter the club it is.


I was reading teletext at about 5pm today and noticed there was a crash in Lanark. Colin was the first person that came to mind. Forgot all about it until I just put on news 24 there. Very sad if true, really gutted.


My thoughts go out to his family and it was Colin who got me interested in Subaru's like many of us here.

I also had his PS2 games and Xbox 360 game DIRT.

Very sad indeed.

Dougie C


Can only repeat what Wilky said. Lost for words and can only pray.

Colin was not only a World Rally Champ, but started out in the world of Motorcycle Trials which is where I got involved in websites and why I'm here today. He was 1981 Scottish Youth Champion and there was even talk of him returning to Trials with an appearance in the Scottish Six Days Trial. If this news is true, and I still pray it's not, then Scotland has lost one of it's best sportsmen ever. A true gentleman and an ambassador for both his love of motorsport and his country.


I was just having a wee flick thru the teletext there and spotted the story about the crash, so I thought I'd log on to see if what I was reading was true - totally shocked to see that it is true by the looks of it.

RIP Colin - thoughts are with his family and the other victims families too. :D

  oobster said:
I was just having a wee flick thru the teletext there and spotted the story about the crash, so I thought I'd log on to see if what I was reading was true - totally shocked to see that it is true by the looks of it.

RIP Colin - thoughts are with his family and the other victims families too. :D

Victim is probably not the best choice of words

  JohnSt said:
Victim is probably not the best choice of words

I just meant it as in victims of the accident, it's late and I struggled to come up with the words to convey what I was meaning.

  oobster said:
I just meant it as in victims of the accident, it's late and I struggled to come up with the words to convey what I was meaning.

I think we're all struggling with words right now...


I got a phonecall from a couple of our members at the accident site tonight who have been told by Police just what what Del said earlier ...

I'm stuck for words now :D


  oobster said:
I just meant it as in victims of the accident, it's late and I struggled to come up with the words to convey what I was meaning.

Sorry, agreed, late and I'm tetchy, not least because of this !!



Unfotunately many News websites are confirming that Colin has indeed died, along with a son and others. To say im devestated is an understatement. Im sitting typing with a tear in my eye for not only a hero for our nation, one of the greatest men of our rallying decade but for his family who has now lost a son, a grandson and a husband. My heart goes out, and any sort of public tribute will surely be attended by myself. This fellow Scotsman is the sole reason why I owned a Subaru, watching him as a young lad made me so envious yet excited as to how someone could have such skill. Unreplaceable...

R.I.P Colin Mcrae

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