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Everything posted by david_taylor

  1. Not to sure about the Discs, but I recently had EBC Red Stuff pads on mine, cost £106 without the labour. I have been really impressed with these, especially once they are warmed up. Previously put standard subaru ones on, were okay, but the amount of dust that came of them was unbelievable!
  2. Common occurance and spoke of a lot on previous topics mate. Its usually the big Mobile Masts that cause the problems. The one thing you should do when putting the pin in is leave the ignition off and the door open. Then the alarm does not go off at full sound, meaning folk are less likely to notice you and think you are trying to steal it! My pin pad is in the glove compartment so looks well dodgy when doing it in a Supermarket Carpark.
  3. Hi mate Personally I would not touch it without the MOT. I own a MY00 UK Turbo and although its in mint condition, I have had to fork out a lot of cash on parts needing replaced due to wear and tear. You dont want to pay a grand, and then put it in for a MOT and get another grand bill to put it on the road. Best of luck anyway. Dave
  4. Depends where you stay. Hypertech in bonnybridge is a recommedation for Central area. I just got mine replaced on my MY00 UK Turbo yesterday and a nice 400 bill! My mechanic is a mate so he does not charge to much for the labour. He took all day and with the turbo model you need to take the exhaust off and the intercooler to drop the gearbox. Needless to say he says he is not doing a turbo again as its way to much hassle, so cant reccmmend him! Dont think the Sports Wagon is as much hassle. Dave
  5. Vicki My car is identical to yours near enough, but I have the door skirts, apparently a optional extra at the time, but I have no dents as they protect the car doors. Glad I have em eh!
  6. Would stongly advise against the 2 spaces thing. Firstly its just ignorant, and I admit p!sses me off. But you are defo more likely to get someone key the car as it actually attracts more attention to it. Just do what I do and park about a mile away at the furtherst part of the car park if possible. Pain mind you if you are trying to carry 2 cases of lager and then trying to get your keys out of your pocket!
  7. Load them into Photbucket, then add them through that. Coppy the http thing over and bobs yer uncle!
  8. Hi all. New site looking good! Well after my previous post on the cost of owner a Impreza, and having to fork out 160 notes for new front pads after only replacing them 6 months previously. My clutch started slipping yesterday!! I now have a £300 bill to look forward to next week. Its the final chance for the car, as thats around £700 I have had to fork out over the past 6 weeks or so! If there are any more expensive mechanical needs this year I am punting it!! Dave
  9. Wish I had been so lucky when I got busted on the Stepps Bypass! Still waiting fo the news through the post!! [:S]
  10. Very tue. All seem to be young drivers. Not enough experience to drive the cars. Would make sense to make it impossible to insure a impreza under the age of 24!
  11. For sure Auldy. The thing is nasty as f"£$! 206 from rear is a good description. 22B will be the best for ever! McRae says, so I agree!
  12. He's telling porkies! He is of to Butlins is Ayr! lol
  13. Last just daft that spoiler. Looks look one of the carton ones from Cars!!
  14. Got a invite in the post today from Alex F Noble Subaru to go through and see the new impreza in the flesh. Called up and confirmed my attendance, plus think I have managed to blag a test drive of the Turbo version! I still think the pics look rank, but will make a final decision on my hatred of it on the 20th! Anyone else been invited. Its the Penecuik branch. Dave
  15. Delighted for you mate. Hope the boy is in his 1st wee scooby rally team jammys soon! [<)]
  16. Dont know what it is, but wonder what the large grey traffic cone is meant to do!
  17. I have the magnex center section and the round tail pipe(not a fan of the look of the oval) and I cannot fault it. Sound just nice, not to loud, but makes the differnence. Plus if you buy it from a registered supplier(Hypertech) then you get a lifetime garauntee. Dave
  18. Sell it....its a shed! lol [] You know you want a classic!!
  19. na mate, its classic or nothing for me. Unless I can get a RB320 really cheap! [] And by all accounts(Gus) the newage will never get near the handelling power of the classic even with serious money spent. [:$]
  20. I would be taking it easy if I were you since you have been driving around for months with shafted rear drop links![]
  21. Man am I getting sick of the cost of Scooby ownership. Not only have I had to fork out for the road tax this month, I also had to pay my 50 pound excess to fix the windscreen. If that was not enough, I noticed a hell of a lot of brake dust this month on the drivers side front. Closer inspection indicated that my caliper was siezed and after only being on six months the new subaru pad were gubbed. Got Red Stuff pads on today and a £160 pound bill. Some difference in stopping distance right enough. Lost count of how much I have spend this year on services, new brakes, drop links and cost of running. With the hefty fine and points most likely coming my way for my speeding offence, I am seriously thinking of getting rid of the thing! []
  22. Pity they never woke all your mates. Bet they would have legged it if 10 guys came piling out of the living room. Main thing though is you are all safe, as I have heard of these gits using violence down south when confronted. Hope the feckers get caught and you get your car back mate. Dave ps. Sleeping with my keys in my boxers from now on!!
  23. Missed out today as I was waiting for a certain windscreen replacement company to turn up. After 3 hours late I called and turned out they fecked up the appointment" Not happy, but made them wave the excess fee from my insuance! [] Hope to make it up to the next session! Dave
  24. Well my Front Drivers Caliper is seized on and the pad is almost done after only 6 months! Got it booked in to get stripped at my mates next week and will be getting the redstuff this time!! This car is costing me a fortune this year!!![:'(]
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