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Everything posted by st3ph3n

  1. At one point? It probably got out of hand a few times! Good times though. It was never sinister and when it got personal it was always with people who were more than up for it and who could quite easily sit down and have a pint (of coke obviously) after it all. Without that we wouldn't be touching goats today.
  2. Jon, I totally forgot about all the amusement after the Glenshee run. This picture nearly made me piss myself:
  3. One of me that John took a few years ago. My favourite picture of my car.
  4. C'mon now chaps - split personalities is a very real mental problem. I've alerted Carstairs and they've sent some chaps with white coats in a Subaru powered van round to scoobzie's house. They said they'll call in to diablo's on the way back, apparently it's only a short walk away......
  5. Mines up for renewal but I think I'll just not bother this time. Car's worth peanuts as it is!
  6. An honest man from South Lanarkshire? Surely some mistake
  7. It's something else that thing. Apparently there's more videos to come from it. That was just the shakedown.
  8. Same day as my Christmas lunch at work for the third year running! Might not be able to make it this year as it's a later one than normal and I've already paid for it
  9. http://www.7tune.com/confirmed-bigger-badder-subaru-216a/ Allegedly speaking of course. Where do I sign?
  10. The t-shirt is similarly sized to Fox Racing t-shirts I have. I've not got any of their hoodies but I'd guess they run about the same sort of size as the DC stuff.
  11. Have you anything DC at all? The hoody runs VERY slightly smaller than their T-Shirts, but the t-shirt and the hoodie is a perfect fit in the size I normally go for. Have you got any surf/skate type gear at all as I could maybe compare. Revsport just got the new v2 t-shirts in. Some of them are pretty sweet.
  12. I suspect Davie knows that road pretty well somehow
  13. Saw a few cars on the EK expressway that were all queued up like they'd had some sort of set to or stramash. The wind was howling last night about Midnight. The car was getting buffeted about all over the shop. Car on fire on the 74 on Friday night too. The one point of the weekend when it wasn't raining and the people in that could have been doing with it.
  14. Fat chance! In better news my trains to and from auld reekie are set to improve in december and it would give me a viable option for getting out of the office at a reasonable time and still making the meets. Just in time for the winter nights!
  15. Nice one Hutch. Will no doubt see it around the 'shire at some point.
  16. Outstanding choice. When I read earlier I thought you'd be a strong contender Mr Pretender. Apologies for the rhyme. Hopefully I'll even make an appearance at one in the near future. Been very noticable in my absence I imagine.
  17. Well done for all the great work Ally. Some big shoes to step into for the next person.
  18. Not that I know of Dale. They had the Perth ones for a while but they were temporary, and there was some on the 74 for roadworks too. But no other permanent ones that I'm aware of.
  19. I think the A77 is the only one north of the border, which is probably why Dale's never had the pleasure of going through them. If we're going down to Maidens to see Nicola's gran we'll usually go via the backroads. Not because it's quicker but because I can concentrate on the road and not drive with one eye on the road and one on the speedo.
  20. I'm not sure if it's changed recently but they only had type approval for one lane. However! In a specs setup it used to be only 2 cameras are actually active, so you'd need to know which 2 and avoid being in the same lane for them. Look at the A77 - there's a huge amount of cameras covering that.
  21. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/glasgo...est/8315078.stm They're going to make a fortune off of this as there's a hell of a lot of people going through that stretch at well over the current 40 temp speed limit.
  22. I'd love to see Subaru come back with a real character or two in the team. Maybe 2011 ......
  23. Does this mean the Fatboy is westbound and down for the US of Gay?
  24. http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/79442 Huge news that for the WRC. Obviously shame to lose someone from camp Subaru, but bringing ford of America to the WRC table, and indeed bringing WRC to America on a larger level - that's surely the first good thing for the sport in some time. Maybe bring back some of the big names again if it really starts to get interesting and take off. The heady heights of 3, 4, maybe even 5 manufacturers officially taking part?
  25. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=139510 Posted the other day. Been seen on the 'ring quite a bit in some camo panels. Fingers crossed the Subaru version of the Toyobaru is a good one.
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