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Everything posted by wilky

  1. I suppose that would work, however be careful flairing the pipe I seem to recall someone having a disaster after doing a similar mod. If you go to the website www.22b.com and do a search there is plenty of info and ideas on the technical pages there, you can get answers to most questions by simply reading old threads, the information is top drawer. Are you going to use the walbro to lift to the swirlpot and then another pump(s) to feed from there? Callum W
  2. Standard if my memory serves me correctly. Callum W
  3. I find prune juice works quite well if your regular brand isnt available ;-) Callum W
  4. I know, I wasnt being unsympathetic to you woes, I was merely being silly to be funny. However McCurrie has red carded me.
  5. Have it stolen and torched. Problem solved.
  6. There is, and your mapper can advise you on it. The previous owner of my car had the full monty ie, as severe as you can make it. I always knew that I would eventually be changing my engine management so i have put up with it until now, however I have changed the oil very regularly just incase fuel was contaminating it because of the overrun. There is no evidence of this ie increases in oil level but I did get the odd whiff of fuel from old oil and hence my concerns. I would not have it again, because of the public nuisance factor. Callum W
  7. It amused me for about a week and then drove me crazy and made other road users especially motorcyclists extemely upset, making me stay below 2000rpm, if your not careful as well the polizei get a bit tired of it as well. Callum W
  8. Can someone PM me the Squiggles phone number I need to get in touch so I can throw money at him and ive lost my original phone. Cheers Callum W
  9. Yes, lets be brutally honest here, your going to get buttons in this current economic climate anyway, so why not buy something cheap and cheerful that will get you to and from work and turn the subaru into an ongoing project??? Thatway you can SORN the wrx and not have to pay to keep it on the road, and have a wee car to bugger about in! Callum W
  10. Ahhhhhh. Penny drops. Cheers Callum W
  11. Oops! So whats the difference then Peter? Thats a new one to me, or am I just out of date with my info??
  12. Woops!! 2 bags of cement in the boot next time!!! Callum W
  13. The good old "Ive just pumped the neighbors dog" look.
  14. I can just see you after that reply, breathing heavily through your nose with a self righteous look on your face, nodding at the post on your screen. lol
  15. They are not the headers I put on that engine in 2004. Callum W
  16. John Sorry, I never saw your post, Yes the group buy is on, I e mailed Colin the details. Callum W
  17. Colin Why dont you answer your phone? I spoke with Chuck, he says we defo need the guides and retainers so ill order them as well, I presume this is okay? Callum
  18. Its okay Ed, Its cool. I was recognised by the club in 2006 for my efforts. Thanks anyway. Callum W
  19. lolololololol hahahahahahahahahahaha. You penis lolololol Thats the funniest thing Ive seen for ages!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. I came across this thread as I was driving along the M90 and surfing the net on my Blackberry, I nearly choked on the coffee I was drinking and dropped my cigarette on the floor burning the carpet, Luckily I steered the car with my knees as I picked up the cigarette, and wiped the coffee off. Interesting stuff guys, however your never going to stop it, and giving yourself an ulcer getting stressed isnt going to help either. Next time you see someone doing one of these things, why dont follow him home, find out where they stays get all you fellow subaru crusaders together with big firey torches and lynch him! Problem solved!! Callum W
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