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Everything posted by wilky

  1. That rubber bit is actually a carbon fibre skirt which I wore away and which made the car too low to do the McRae gathering. So I took it off, I have a new one to put on. Callum W
  2. No, the WRC running gear was done by someone else. The engine in your car Cal was the original round of mods which was infact done by the same man. Callum W
  3. I chose not to use hypertech for alighnment and went to Progrip who did a fantastic job! Totally transformed the car. Callum W
  4. Thanks for all the kind comments, I absolutely love the car and have to pinch myself sometimes when I look out the house window and see it. There are a few chips on the front so im getting the bumper repainted, and ill be putting big sexy mudflaps on as well, probably in yellow like the way scoobay did with his 22b, I liked the contrast of the yellow against the blue, and it will help protect against the big 235s throwing up stones. Callum W
  5. WRC hubs are smaller so the centre hole in the wheel needs to be smaller than on road cars, and have longer studs, plus more up to date wrc cars have 4 stud wheels not 5. Callum W
  6. Here you go. http://www.subaruwrcspares.com/ Be prepared to shell out a clondyke however. Callum W
  7. Your GTR doesnt interest me. However thanks for offering, Im sure it will be very nice. Callum W
  8. I just cant help myself posting this lovely picture of the car at its spiritual home............. Its gallus.
  9. Steve has them on order mate, Ill ring you tonight. Callum W
  10. I originally fitted them to the millenium falcon.... They made such a difference to the performance and slowed me down so much, that the added advantage of 17s size and handling improvements were far outweighed. I only went for 17s again because I got a super light set of gramlights for a very good price. It will affect the braking as well, as im sure your aware. Hate sounding negative, who knows you may like them!! (Upbeat etc etc) Callum W
  11. You would need the gearbox and the gearlinkage ie from the box to the gearstick. You would need to change your pedals from 2 to 3 pedals. You would need the clutch cylinder, reservoir and pipework, and to install this. You would need to check that the automatic driveshaft would fit the manual application, ie from back of box to rear diff. You would need to ensure that the box matched the rear diff, if it wasnt a match you would need to swap the rear diff for a matching one. You MAY need different gearbox mountings. This is just off the top of my head, it is quite a PITA, but it can be done, is it really worth the hassle? Is usually the biggest question. Hope this gets you thinking in the right direction. Callum W
  12. Ive been saving this for ages but the time has come................ Heres me sitting at the wheel of L555BAT.
  13. Discs are 294mm classic 4 pot size, I have no idea of the make EBC was what I had. Pads I thinks are the seat Brembo ones. I have no idea about the BOV I was running a different set up. The bottom line about wheels is as Colin said, 17s will improve the handling along with geometry tweeks but reduce your braking, and slow you down. Having owned that engine and those brakes, I would stick with 16s as Ive tried that engine and brakes on track with both sizes of wheels and I chose 16s for my slicks because it made the car so much better. All this is just my opinion Cal, You may find you prefer 17s. Callum W
  14. Dont put 17s on her Cal, unless they are really light, the brembos will be exceptional on 16s. The pads they take are cupra r, and go for the brembo ones from Seat as the compound is really good. Enjoy the car Callum W
  15. Just dont mention the war..........
  16. Superb Grant, you earned it. Enjoy, it will stay with you forever. Callum W
  17. I stole that picture off the net, You would need to borrow one and watch for metal to metal contact and the 90degree turbo intake as well as the hoses and pipework below the intercooler before you decide if you were brave enough. Callum W
  18. Totally with you Colin, but im looking from a money saving point of view, hassle, yes a bit of fiddling with the right angle intake on a TD05 but its not as hard as people make out. Callum W
  19. I know. It can be done. Callum W
  20. In that case its the STI T/M you want. Anything can be made to fit, if you need to get creative then so be it. You will need to lose the "guts" out of your scoop and it would be a good idea to get an new STI scoop copy that will fit a classic to ensure good air flow. You can channel the air onto the new topmount by surrounding it with foam rubber strips. heatsoak is always a drama even with a fmic, once you start moving forward the air cools it anyway. With a heatshield it just holds the heat as well, been there tried that. Yes it induces det, but are you going to run 500bhp and try to win TOTB? No. So relax. With a decent TMIC compared to a FMIC with the power you are looking at the difference is about 1bhp so save yourself the expense and work out how your going to shoehorn it in. Borrow one, take it home and work out how your going to do it. I fitted one into a leggy GTB which really shouldnt have the space either, but I did it. Slightly later than yours but there you go. This cost £310 to do. Callum W
  21. Before your first trackday you should a. Drink as much as you can the night before b. Stop shaving the week before c. Noise all the fannies who think they can drive up on here over the course of a week. d. Turn up on the day, forget your licence and mot, argue the toss with uncle John, then bully your way onto the track. Alternatively you could book an sidc track day and ask one of the nice KH instructors to come out for a few laps and help you, which they are more than willing to do! Callum W
  22. Thats the very chap! Very nice, I may be tempted to buy the 380, mind you, the new focus RS is drawing me like a moth to a lamp so the subaru needs to be feckin outstanding! Cheers Neil! Callum W
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