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Everything posted by Gumball

  1. Maybe its cos its boring as french connection uk
  2. cos you would run out of oxygen[]
  3. Hope you stick around and enojy SIDC for as long as........ im not sure,.stick around mate
  4. is that some kinda melencolly crazy sh@t in teh second photo? thats some good nonsense young man
  5. looks like a good day out guys[]
  6. make use of the two of them a nice remap by uncle andrew followed by some power runs and results at Gerrys place.
  7. looks like it was a great day. alcohol and my car being fixed stopped me going. Pity. great photos
  8. I touch goats YGC out
  9. yes its splendid, if i had the time between closing deals to search then i would thanks for the fish
  10. I know this annoys people who live strange lives but could GR555 please get in contact with me asap regarding the rb relay please. I cant find a post with your name to PM you otherwise i wouldnt be committing the deadly sin of a FAO post FFS FAO FAO FAO FAO
  11. aye, i will get the list sent off in teh morning and have your stickers for you on the day. or if im not there Mr Corsa will have them for you. CHeers
  12. Looks Like I have sorted it Phil logged in under Chris's Account YOU HAVE EMAIL
  13. Thanks for the kind words and the best wishes. I didnt really explain it all too well above. Same company, new ventures, some/more time down south with no or not a lot of time back home to play games with scoobs. Never know whats round the corner so the hilarity/offensive bursts/dry humour and helpfullness at times may appear but not for the next few months anyway. Im sure the banter will continue in great fashion with the other members who like to laugh and joke. Again, Thanks for the good times, the fun and the whole experience. Chris
  14. LOL, always the jester Brian[<)]
  15. Good luck and all the best Am sure our paths will cross again[]
  16. Evening all, Well on the theme of changed circumstances I too have some news! After 1 1/2 years of SIDC membership, during which I have met a lot of good people, upset some and didnt get to meet all im going to be away for some time. It cost me a relationship, too much money on mods but alas its all been worthwhile and ive had a fantastic time! Since an unfortunate sequence of events in May 2004 where i lost 1 of my 9 lives I have been working in the IT game. Im just back from Manchester and im pleased to say that i have an opportunity to work on a new project in a new role. Im still in the IT world but this is too good an opportunity to pass, ill still be keeping my Subaru but I wont have time for SIDC and wont be back for the forseable future. Note to all, this is not a revolving door, more just a 'time out'. I will however be at the Glasgow meet tomorrow night in order to finalise things for the RB relay which im sure will be a great success! Thaks for the fish, Chris P.S Higgy - I still have the injectors Fastscooby - can you sent me the cheque for KH, Ill PM you my address. DRmotorsport - things wont be long now! Impreza pete - ill meet you next week
  17. yeah as above.............unless your driving something imported, mapped to optimax or optimax plus booster than dont be blinkered into the whole " I NEED OPTIMAX" mindset. I was tempted to fill up with goatsmilk today rather than drive around looking for the ever decreasing optimax in glasgow
  18. I have a meeting in Gaychester unfortunately and i think Mullac is changing his radiator,
  19. Ally sorry we didnt appear today at Doune. I was otherwise occupied, a bit like Gazza (not the player)
  20. looks like a good turnout today and another good day at AWD.
  21. The list is now closed. The 5 people below please contact the original person to ensure you have the stickers coming this week. Let me know if there are any changes. The unregistered list at the bottom now stands at 9. This will be the list submitted to the RO down south to arrange registration. Money will be collected on Tuesday unless otherwise agreed. The Royal Bank of Gumball does however not operate a 6 month interest free facility[] Thanks Chris ALREADY REGISTERED 1. G.Mac (needing a sticker) 2 imy and squirrel as a co pilot (paid / awaiting sticker) 3. Ally-b (paid / awaiting sticker) 4. Des (paid / awaiting sticker) 5. Ed-209 (paid/ awaiting sticker) STILL REQUIRING REGISTRATION AND A STICKER 1. Gumball 2. st3ph3n 3. Fai17 4. coulty 5.Corsa 6. Pedals 7. Karps 8. Mctwistuk 9. weeb
  22. 1. Gumball 2. st3ph3n 3. Fai17 4. coulty 5.Corsa 6. Pedals 7. Karps Guys, can you send me your full names please as well. via pm is good. I know you have sent me your vrn's already, i forgot to mention the full names.[:$] This is the final list. Exceptions will be made if i get out my pit in the morning and theres other PM's for registration. Couple of people need to square me up on return, everyone else.....see you tuesday. Thanks Chris
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