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Everything posted by Gumball

  1. Peter is a genuis. The convo always comes back to his project and power lol[] Motec is a very very very good ECU and has been given serious consideration by a few people with some good mods and hunger for power. Pricey though and you need to head south ECUTEK- Andy Forrest really knows his stuff in this arena. He is local and will offer you more advice than someone who sees a jock coming for a cash transaction. The ecutek software does from my understanding have areas within it that arent captured to the same extent as GEMS such as finding a spot or area in the map that might not be a precise as GEMS. Hence the reason why GEMS covers a broader spectrum and costs 3 times as much. Gumball says- 8/10 cats cant be wrong when it comes to Andy Forrest and the work he does for people. Get yourself up there after making an appointment via PM or email cos he will be busy mapping during the day and get it done. A coffee and a roll and bacon bribe will see you having a good mapping session[][]
  2. LOL. thats dungfunnel IMHO You cant get done going towards it cos you could be smoking a mans rod and your wife might be the owner of the car. see what i mean?
  3. remember that the more people that have this legal device will alert the copperoonies that there is a flaw in the system. I would take the link out and let people search for the device thats legal and is marketed as a parking sensor that just so happens to work on teh 904nm frequency that the radar guns and cameras use. Mine is splendid[]
  4. Found this web page a minute ago warning that there is a new police motorbike that comes armed with a laser speed camera which can be used at sites throughout the Edinburgh area that the usual van cannot park at. That suggests more ability to sneak around in the undergrowth to me. Being a new driver i would say "watch your speed". Being Gumball i would say "this is a LASER OPERATED MACHINE[]catch my drift? get the kit you need http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/edinbu...ast/5032702.stm
  5. would a coil pack do this Dave?
  6. she took my license off me and shredded it. I then automatically get sent a new one. i wonder why they started doing that??? twats The old charm offensive clearly worked on her[]
  7. Yeah ill need to be. its too much of a risk and im not going through that pish again for anything.
  8. LOL, some good posts there !! Wilky, work it right up intae ye. Ed, that would have been me Northbound about that time indeed. I never went over the speed limit once[] Strange experience
  9. LOL HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Watch out Glasvegas, Gumballs back on the road. I passed my test this afternoon having driven for the designated 45 minutes totting up ZERO MINOR POINTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the best wishes troops, your support and my desire to pass this today............saw me through. Now im going out in the scoob to Braehead Thanks G
  10. are you going to fire the pirelli stickers on teh front mud flaps as well? would look even better IMHO
  11. i cant find a photo of the car with the new BBS JDM alloys on it so i thought i would add this little beauty from a few months ago- You should look on http://www.japanparts.com for some nice wheels
  12. Al, As mentioned above most of the cars that arent standard will do this. The further up the modding ladder you go the more it smells. Nothing to worry about. The car is pumping fuel even on idle to a certain level for the power you have. Meaning when you get to the top it doesnt lean out. For your own piece of mind, have a look under the bonnet and make sure that all teh fuel lines are still connected fully and nothing is leaking or coming off. Have a look near the scoosher bottle round over the inlet manifold and see if the return lines are loose in any way. But im sure itll be OK.
  13. Martin- Yes thats right. I dont have any points at the moment and i dont intend on getting any. This will see a change in the manner in which i conduct myself. For the better. Peter- When i pass i will be breezing up to the North of the city to see the bird[]I will come and see you again shortly though.
  14. good luck Simon, i hope it all goes swimingly for you. Tell uncle Andrew i was asking for him.
  15. yeah im going to breeze down to the garage and get some snazzy green numbers for the front of the star !!! aye right. The bomber will be out in about 7 hours once again. i cant wait
  16. thanks for the best wishes guys. Im leaving the deathstar at home not to tempt fate. I need to drive like a saint. Saint Christopher the patron saint of travel, lol. Saint Gumball. Hopefully it will all go ok and i will be out tonight in the 400R Cant wait. I might even give the guy a kiss when he passes me. Ill just have to pretend hes a goat.
  17. []98 of us on this forum or in the club in Scotland !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. ffs its all a few hours away.............................aarrrrrgh[:^)]
  19. Thats crazy!!! I think it was Raikennan (2nd) and whoever was 3rd had their car go on fire cos the Safety car was out and the race slowed right down. The cars have no fans??? Thats a serious heat soak........
  20. F1 action from Monaco on itv right now. Schumacher was sent to the back of the grid for the start due to stalling in qualification and appeared to be intentional to stop anyone else beating his time. Now watch him take them all to win the Monaco GP. Easy.................
  21. I would buy a set of Mintex 1155 pads. red stuff IMHO are the worst pads ive used on track. spare alloys with yokos is a good idea.
  22. Yeah its Ballieston. The hardest but the quickest to get a test date cos of this. Good idea about the cammo kit. "good afternoon sir. you should pass me before we even start cos if you dont? cheese wire.com"
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