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Everything posted by Gumball

  1. list of 7 people. This list will be closed off at teatime tonight. Is there anyone else that needs to register for this event? or that wishes to. Thanks Chris
  2. what about cumbernauld services again at 1130hrs
  3. 9 people now representing the glasgow region !! anymore fancy taking part? remember and Pm me your VRN (vehicle registration number) please. ALREADY REGISTERED 1. G.Mac (needing a sticker) 2 imy and squirrel as a co pilot (paid / awaiting sticker) 3. Ally-b (paid / awaiting sticker) 4. Des (paid / awaiting sticker) 5. Ed-209 (paid/ awaiting sticker) STILL REQUIRING REGISTRATION AND A STICKER 1. Gumball 2. st3ph3n 3. Fai17 4. coulty
  4. I now have the registration form for the stickers and payable money. Can you please ask whoever arranged to get your registered if this has been done in teh next 24hrs? This way, if you have been missed for any reason i can register you and get your cash. Anymore people coming on the glasgow part of the relay? Please remember to PM me your registration numbers of your vehicles for the central list of cars. Not for the FBI, police or anyone else.
  5. aye, i think we will be leaving glasgow at 1130hrs if zzaaattz ok? Callum, Cyril and I and possibly Colin R are going.
  6. Evening, I need to start by saying this- Jose Mourinho hasnt left Chelsea, Stevie Clarks just helping out with this game. There hasnt been an incident at the embassy, someones just popped smoke by mistake. Good, i hope that makes sense. Bastille? no none of that either. SUBJECT- On Sat 6th May, the RB relay will be setting off from Lands End to JOG. When the relay gets to Kames, the Ayrshire region have very splendidly organised a full day and nights event for people from all over to attend. The relay has to head North on the Sunday morning for JOG. 7th May 2006. To this end. Glasgow as a region will be meeting up at HAPPENDON SERVICES @ 0830HRS ready to set off when the relay passes that location at 0900HRS. We will then convoy as a region North with the relay to Stirling, where Paul555 and his band of merrymen will take over (STIRLING SERVICES).@1100hrs. It would be a nice plan for Glasgow as a region to carry on the relay over this stretch of road. Some people already have registration stickers for this relay, but i know there are people who would like to take part that havent. To this end. In order to get as many members from our region, ie GLASGOW to attend as possible........... Can we have a list of names for people who would like to attend this and convoy. ALREADY REGISTERED 1. STILL REQUIRING REGISTRATION AND A STICKER 1. Gumball PLEASE PM ME YOUR VEHICLE REGISTRATION NUMBER WHEN YOU ADD YOUR NAME I hope this post makes sense? To summarise again, Glasgow region will be travelling from Happendon Services on the M74 to Stirling Services 0830/0900-1100hrs SUNDAY What you need to do now is add your name to one of the lists WITHIN THE NEXT 48HRS. The cost for registration is £5. This will go to the charity fund. We will have a Glasgow (style) meet on Tuesday night next week 25th April where i will collect the money from people..............after paying it in advance. If you put your name down, then i need to get the money on Tuesday. If you cannot make the meet then we will sort something out. The meet will commence at Hillington Brewers Fare at 1930hrs-2030hrs ALL POSTS WELCOME REGARDING THE TOPIC AND THE EVENT. ALL PM'S WELCOME REGARDING ANY QUESTIONS ETC ETC Thanks Chris
  7. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/657577/ShowPost.aspx heres the link. .
  8. maybe we should speak to the man on the moon[:|] ive more chance of getting a sticker now if i throw shite at the moon for a few hours. Maybe ill win a prize...........a sticker. Then i can take part in the relay that Callum has so cleverly organised Goat wishes Gumball
  9. Bob, i wont be able to make this now unfortunately. Pete isnt able to make it and i was going to be coming along with him or staying at his. Sorry to let you down. I didnt find out till a minute ago. Chris
  10. I think Billy is working on the day so perhaps we should go to Kames on teh Saturday afternoon or night and either stay or muster again on the sunday morning at Kames and drive with the relay to Stirling or further perhaps? The problem seems to be the stickers that are required for the entry. I dont have one either.
  11. shell garages here reckon that the fuel shortage is due to only one refinary being in operation at the moment and hence......no motion lotion for scoobs. even less cos of all the people that dont actually need it but like to fill their volvos and bmw's with it cos it smells nice.
  12. is there fuel at corstorphine shell garage??? or the one near the hearts ground?
  13. theres still a couple of places in south glasgow near the Gumpalace that have some[] Ill get some later when i go for octane booster which is also a pleasant result. 2 boxes of your finest please
  14. There are a few in Glasgow that have optimax just now. Hillington and Renfrew rd both have none Cumbernauld are also out FFS.
  15. The car is special. The STI badge is equally as special. Any optimax anywhere or do you use BP still?
  16. ever thought of clicking on quote and then leaving a space and typing underneath it????[] Goat
  17. This is a view based on owning botha WRX and an STI[:|] 2.5 wrx- New shiny car more warranty More Subaru assist time (recovery/breakdown) the Kudos of a new 2.5 wrx Worse handling Less power The ability to mod on a 2.5 block which will give you more power and torque (if you ARE going to mod) 2.0 STI An STI More power as standard Better handling The kudos of the STI worse fuel consumption Less of a starting point if you want to get large power out the 2 litre (limited to 450bhp) Looks better IMHO Its an STI I think that having experienced both of them, the STI is a better option and is more enjoyable than the WRX. The internals are stronger, the handlings better and it goes faster. I remember buying my WRX and thinking "what are all these blue things with high spoilers???" and wishing i knew more at the time. This isnt a i dont like wrx post but just my personal opinion. If i had the cash i would get a 2003/2004 STI
  18. is the car not mapped or rough on idle? overfuelling? or as davie said, a pipe ie the return fuel pipe may have come loose, check it before you drive it i could smell optimax last week and then the car died and fuel sprayed all over the place.
  19. Maybe you could appeal to all the usual glasgow members to appear tomorrow? The Central meets always good fun and a stones throw away from some cracking roads home rather than the Mway.
  20. Paul, Im sorry that the central meet idea hasnt worked out this time by the looks of it. I always enjoyed the central meet and can only not attend due to the 60mile trip with a serious shortage of optimax coupled with the 1 x millers booster i have left in the boot of the car. Today i lost the stealth astra as well which doesnt help. If i manage to get optimax tomorrow i will be there but i really think that its due to a lack of interest in sidc in certain cases, a good few cars off the road getting mods, people being away and this fuel shortage rather than a personal thing. You have been doing the meets now and again and are a credit to the region !!!!!! Christopher
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