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Everything posted by Gumball

  1. The answer really is YES, IN THIS CASE YOU SEEM TO BE LUCKY but i know that for the next 14 days you are still going to be thinking about it incase you get a letter. If the RA works and it didnt go off then they didnt target your car. Not every car gets pinged, they have to physically target you if they think you may be going too fast. These guys do this on a daily basis and must have an eye for whats too fast or isnt so maybe they thought you were being a good boy.
  2. That is special, On the 9th August at around 1630hrs GMT you should look on there to see 16 scoobies passing through[]
  3. Then the next thing i would do that i didnt want to cos the more people have these the more people use them then the more the police become aware of there and then the more chance of laws being passed on these. Laser Jammmers are illegal and could result in your car being flagged on the PNC then the boys turn up at 6am to take your car away and destroy the jammer. Hence- This bit of kit is legal and theres nothing they can do about it. Follow the clues, find out what it is, get one........but dont post up what the things called. Parking sensor- works to beep as you get close to a wall, car etc. just happens to work on the 904nm frequency the radar guns and vans use. Is legal. Happy hunting. Chris
  4. reminder- I still have a trackday credit for this day which is for sale for £50. If you havent bought one through the shop then take this. John S will then let you on the track. Chris you would think i had stolen this ffs.
  5. Good luck to you both on your special day.[pi] Marraige tips? i was never silly enough to have experienced it so i couldnt say[]
  6. Craig, The road angel will shout "laser laser check your speed" as the cameras beam hits the front of your car. Unfortunately the road angel is .03 of a second slower than the beam so technically all your road angel is doing is telling you you have a letter coming through the door. (should you have been speeding) Take into account as well that the speedo can be 10%higher than the actual speed you were doing. So what for example could have been 90...............might only be 81. Then that 81 could get reduced cos you saw the camera and started braking before the beam hit you..........75. The only way to be safe is to not speed or buy something special for the front grille[] Chris
  7. looks the horses hot one !! nice I like your fence too
  8. Clowns, Im sorry they have damaged your lovely car with their silly implements and wish that they had been caught in the act and arrested or spanked. They were trying to take the car and clearly believed that the old hot wire would work when they got inside. knobbbers
  9. 1.Fai17(on track) 2.G6RAY(spectating) 3.Marc29(spectating) 4.Gumball (not sure yet)
  10. Wilky just told me through ESP- Hes not interested, so in reflection, im not, hes, not, Gavs away, your still here, the mod has spoken and i would say that this thread can now float into Cyberspace. The end
  11. It wasnt like that a couple of days ago though? maybe you have got some nasty fuel
  12. quote- and gumball its third gear drifting he is doing so that over 50 anyway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mate, i dont give a flying monkeys hoop if your in 19th gear. I didnt comment on your roundabout antics or whoever it was. Thanks and now consider me removed from this conversation. Im bored now.
  13. maybe post the list then people will be able to advise you or not what to get from it?
  14. maybe i missed something. I know you didnt directly bombard me but i know that the maureen joke wasnt directed at anyone from Falkirk. If your mans cossie has 418 at the wheels then your right, it would eat me alive. so whit, i knew that anyway. U feel agreeived that i got excited and acted wide? did you not call me a to$$er to begin with? Anyway, im going to apologise in this instance. Chris.[]
  15. I think if you have a car with a standard engine (internals wise) then you really need to keep it the short side of 380 or so. As seen recently the standard tmic for example only really likes to operate with 350-360 or less before it starts causing heat soak/det issues. Really the furher up the scale you go on the cars the more you need to have in the reserve finance wise incase it all ends in tears and a blob of chocolate. Ie having the money to replace something thats gone bang, like a piston or the likes. The standard STI engines are fairly strong and this is overlooked but in honesty i would suggest not trying to see how much it takes before it squats its inards out all over the tarmac. As far as i know, the highest figures a standard 2 litre engine has taken in Europe, without having forged pistons, rods and such like is 452bhp and 372lbft. Scoobymania were or probably still do a kit for 8k that will give you these power figures. Perhaps 340bhp/340lbft would be the ultimate balance for power, speed, and peace of mind??????????????[:^)] ** forgot to mention the bottome end** If you change your oil every 3000-4000miles depending on how you drive your car then hopefully there shouldnt be a problem with this going. An uprated oil pump or not holding the car flat out on a private track at 150mph will also help this to stay alive.
  16. A1 autokits sell millers power boost
  17. lol [] theres some biters in teh water today PMSL
  19. very good Gav, I wished you the best then as per usual there was mention of the quote- starwars scoobies and the common nonsense that goes with it. ANYWAY ITS NOT ABOUT THE CAR ITS ABOUT THE DRIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!MAUREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL Gav Then you mention MAUREEN as if thats not a dig and claim to be whiter than white. then your calling me a tosser after you and your mates burst disguised as humour. your a facking bellend and think that your s***e on these threads is all harmless banter? youve taken it too far this time with the gash. dont ever mention the our cars, starwars, my driving or call me a tosser again and ill do likewise. NB- I have of late been mentioning that "No Gavs sound" to people when asked. for whit? you to take the cnut out me online knobjockey
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