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Everything posted by Gumball

  1. jesus jones, i just did no work for a whole 15 mins there in anticipation of what may have happened with the white top. it did but not quite as i imagined. stunning paintwork
  2. shhhhhhhhhh, i didnt want anyone to know that I was turning it into a Justy[]
  3. I want to keep the turbo under wraps this time.The power i hope will just be good and better than the 20G.
  4. dont forget the fags and your mobile for amusement too
  5. I would like to thank Bill and Colin and Jason at Greersport for the work they put into my car over the last few days with exceptional results !!![] TBH the forum has my mods and car spewing out their eyes but the point of the thread isnt to smoke the gloat about my car, its to thank them for what they have done and the care and attention they have given it this week. The car was dropped off there needing a few things done to it and changed in prep for the remap next week with Andy. There was a long list handed over on delivery of what i would like changed or done during this week and tbh i thought the list would be a wishlist rather than reality. There was a smile from Colin and a comment that none of it was a problem in the timescales. Wullie at Meercat was visited also to ask for a straightening modification to the system to allow the power to sail over the 400bhp mark. Although he has more cars than New Dheli at the moment he has the time to change it at a very good price !!!! During the operation the Inlet hose into the turbo emerged as gubbed and needed to be changed. Bill called me and advised me that i needed a new one. A phonecall later, Roger Clark Motorsport had been called and liased with greers to see exactly what i needed.Andy F also went out his way to help out!! It arrived within 24hours and was fitted. Subtle changes were made such as the defi boost gauge now being located in the air vent to the right of the steering wheel, the bumper trimmed to free up even more of the FMIC, a bracket made to hold the fuel lines in place and breather hoses set up and fabricated !!! this was all over and above the New turbo and the injectors going onto the car with the reqiured oil change after fitting the new blower. Ive been astounded by the knowledge, experience, help, friendliness, urgency and listening of everyone involved to make sure that the deathstar hits map day as planned. It now stays off the road for a week as it doesnt know what air or fuel is going into it or out of it. off boost on the way home i used 1/4tank in 30miles. The CEL will pop off too when Andy squares it away Thanks very much Chris[][][]
  6. WHO (world health organisation) reckon that if it mutates amongst mammals as it has with cats etc, then humans could start passing it onto each other and at least 700,000 people in the UK could be killed. In a 9 year old boy in Vietnam, they found traces of the flu in his sh@t, lungs, urine, nose and blood. he lived with his sister in a room and she also got it. whats that all about??????? Shaking hands in the UK will be banned if it becomes a pandemic and starts taking out the village. Star buying volvic and cans of food now and tape up your window sills, stay in, play GT4 and Toca and dont go out.
  7. it all happens through there eh. Bird flu, traffic cop nightmares, decat dramas, cars taken by police [:^)]
  8. starngely enough, mine kept getting stolen last week by two guys with a couple of goats
  9. Did you get the blue manifold??????? Looks nice
  10. Pete, I think you should use the revolving door now mate. Its not often that when (from my experience in SS) someone gets unhappy at something people actually apologise for their actions or any offence they may have caused !! It takes a man to admit he is wrong and i think you should come out your tree house and stop being gay, then we can all go to the dyno day, i can smoke your car again then we can get hosed on Saturday night
  11. Excellent news Col.If mine doesnt get better before Germany can we take yours then?
  12. Hi, I am looking for the brass screw from an FSE Fuel Regulator should anyone have one or taken one off their car and maybe replaced with a Sards regulator??? Or equally, does anyone have a new or second hand fuel regulator that i could have?? Thanks Chris
  13. Wilky and I just went to see this 22B in autosolutions in Rutherglen and i have to say that although its my favourite all time scooby..............I NEARLY BOUGHT IT !!!!! This car is an awesome bit of kit and i really want to have one but as he said...its nice but not as powerful and would just end up modded and chasing power when its better suited to someone thats going to look after it and not mod it. £22,999 is worth a trade in, in my books. I hope someone from SIDC buys it cos this is a special car. jap rather than a UK and very special
  14. you long haired friend of jesus LHFOJ One would presume that being of celt origin relates to smelling of wee wee? Incorrect YGC []
  15. not good at all !! lucky you hadnt left the scoob unlocked and threw the keys on the stairs tho
  16. yeah you need to take a sly shot so we can see what she looks like. if she redeems herself she might be lucky enough[]
  17. jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez did she just finish on the set of the sound of music before she started changing her spark plugs?
  18. Sorry to hear your bad news Paul !!!!!!!!!![:@] Did they lift the keys out the house?????
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