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Everything posted by Gumball

  1. Excellent news Gav, i didnt realise it was today it was going in, i got my days mixed. sorry[:$] I was out at a meet tonight and heard that it went like a racing snake now !!!!! Hope you enjoy the new blower as much as i did with mine. Thanks for the best wishes for tomorrow morning. []
  2. I know its easter sunday and a lot of people will be rolling bioled eggs around or spending time with their families. I could only imagine that there are singleys like me who would rather roll themselves about the twisties of rural scotland for a couple of hours. Maybe this is a sign of the times though. I think the November run demonstrated the fact that just cos im going doesnt mean it has to be lightning quick[:|]
  3. THE 20G is £900 i think The STI standard turbo second hand will cost about £400 maybe. The standard STI turbo seems to work well on the WRX's around with good power. You should ask Bing and see what he thinks as he has a wrx with 330/320 roughly running on not too high boost through an STI turbo. Irish Al also has good power on his. he would be able to give you some wrx modding advice Gumball
  4. As you and i discovered a couple of months ago after several times smoking the clutch for shite times, i now have the launch control mastered. This operates as you hold the clutch FLAT to the floor at 5000rpm as it bounces off a phantom limiter ready to go. Now i have this sorted and know how to use it, i dont have any choice with my car than to hold launch control flat to the floor and slowly let the clutch up. too fast and it bogs down, too slowly and the the car spins too much. Looking forward to 12's
  5. no i have just changed stlye to pull back from and heavy vehicles or scoobs spitting up stones
  6. thanks guys, the work is very good. Thanks again to Paul
  7. Jesus, Hair we go again !!!![] just as i thought we had BRUSHED all the nonsense asidde, someone COMBS and ruins it
  8. 10am at strathy park on Sunday morning. In the carvery carpark ready to go with some fuel for the journey. As i mentioned, this could need 1-2 tanks. Andy- thats fine, never one to miss the camera[]
  9. its not the first or the last but who gives a flying monkeys hoop anyway......... back on topic
  10. not at all. i make enough for sporadic mods as i am single and have no children (luckily for them) selling boxing ring time for western scoobies[]
  11. in 35hrs and 20mins, the deathstar will be taken into the hands of Andy F and have almost every part of the full capacity squeezed into life using the gift of even more air mixed with a whole lot more fuel and some spool up on the new blower.
  12. Jim Dickson tyres is a special place to go for good cheap toyos !!! should be under 360 for them yins T1R's
  13. run what you brung isnt ready yet davie. its still running like a box of smashed easter eggs at high noon in the back of an asda lorry. 35.5hours from now.......................
  14. Col, I knew i was being daft. Pootle was what i meant. Poodle sounds good too though
  15. Tonight i was having a look over what was on the tv for the evening after a hard days work and the phone rang. Next minute i found myself up the road at Riceys house. I parked up the car as you would do normally, then i looked outside and the new front mount had been delivered !!! The instructions reckoned it would make impressive chargetemps !!! I wasnt too convinced.............................. Then the next thing i knew, i had some food (for a change) and looked outside. Low and behold the old fmic was on but looked somewhat different. A big thanks to Ricey and his excellent knowledge and skills in artwork !!! there is a clear difference between being decent at art and knowing all the tricks of the trade. A very good job well done. Cheers Paul.[]
  16. think i will take a poodle through and check out the track action for a while. sounds good.
  17. Stephen, The both struts on mine popped off last year and scoob in glasgow replaced them even with green teins wrapped round them. Im sure they will be cool about that.
  18. Good chance to get it done i would think. Im not sure whats wrapping my headers, up and down pipe but it works well when you can get decent stuff round it. If your in lanarkshire, you could try Hypertech in Bonnybridge Greersport in Beith The garage in Wishaw (if they are still on the go) They should all get it and fit it for you. As gordon said, its about £30-50 per 50feet or metres (not sure which)
  19. Im glad i didnt dissapoint you with my response to the character assasination at the start of this thread. Personally, i dont rip anyone that i dont know on the forum. This expells your 1st point. Reference Phil, you were trying to ensure that your barrage of abuse was all above board and backed by him you are implying? how can people feel comfortable to post things with attitudes like that? Refer back to point 1 which states- no one gets the michael taken that isnt either doing it first or is a friend. There for, no one should feel scared to post anything. I dont post on wrx turbo threads cos i dont have a wrx. Same applies to goat threads....dont post unless you want to. This is a voluntary thing surely? Feel free anytime you want to organise something for SS. I look forward to it. The attitude towards you was never in place until the outburst and character assasination today. Im sure you are actually a decent character when not being directly abusive. To be honest, im glad you posted cos i do know all kidding aside that there are many who do not appreciate the perceieved clique or the drivel that gets posted. Surely if we never posted and were merely here to sell parts, help out or organise things then we would in fact be getting manipulated or used??? Thats my point. take some and give some wether it be assistance, thoughts, humour or deadly serious. (this isnt to be misconstrued to cater for personal attacks) As for your thoughts and doing the full Tommy Sheridan experience and the voice of the people. I admire your approach and point out that your confident stand isnt that distant to the same people in your opinion are instigators of coastal divides.. Regards The North Korean dictatorship
  20. Martin, Good if you could come. I need to use this time to discover the roads rather than blast them. I doubt there will be any speed at all unless you go off ahead for a blast. All navigational on my part. Anyone else?
  21. zzzzzzz zzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzz zzzzzz zzzzzzzz oops, i fell asleep there Scott, Excellent thread/post. You started off with "Is it just me.........." in the first two paragraphs. Looking at the thread up until just now? pretty much. Unless of course there are many more that feel the same way but havent mentioned it? Anyway.....i wasnt homophobic till i saw this thread. Your post seems to be IMHO driven by a prolonged inability to acheive and for this i feel sad[] I can see through the smoke and mirrors what you are saying about the forum turning into the gumball and wilky show at times. How could the threads ever take shape around thoughts or ideas of people who post very seldomly???? The West/East spilt?? I didnt know there was one. Maybe in your mind there is but im sure if you asked the majority they would think not. Does this really mean that you have a slightly bigoted or class based mindset? Glasgow has a very largely populated region and to this end im sure as we are all fairly active in the club.............just now we all seem to be posting or taking an interest. Anyway, i know people from all over the country, not just Glasgow. The reason we seem like a "back patting goat blowing clique" is cos we are so into SIDC and meet up almost all the time, or discuss what we can do next to the scoobs mods wise. If that doesnt happen where you come from then i cannot do much about that. I tend to think though that it just doesnt happen around YOU rather than your region. A few people have commented in the past about my boisterous behaviour and when they met me they said "do you know something......your actually a decent guy" The perception of you and your comments in this case havent changed which is a shame. Im sure when i think (for a second or two) about your post, you would like to close down nightclubs and pubs throughout Scotland as well cos theres too many people with social skills all getting on with each other, as you shout "i dont like it, they all have friends"[:'(] All i can suggest is going to evening classes to brush up on this or come through to Glasgow and we can all be friends here. Im confused though whether your saying you have issues or your region does??[:^)] You also mentioned that if we had a problem with your burst we could PM Phil Stevens or PM you and you would give me your opinion. I dont entirely see what he would have to do with it and dont particularly want your opinion on anything. If i wanted to get some new shoes for my horse, find out the best time to milk my GOAT, what handbag to take on a nightout, what pub to visit in Brighton or make my car slower then YES i would give you a call. Is there anything i have missed?? Oh aye, the dig about hypertech and greers and how were giving it the full "BIG THANKS GUYS" threads. Maybe this will be of interest to you Mr sh@t smells of roses http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/573148/ShowPost.aspx Anyway, i need to go back to work. Thanks for the irn-bru WKD fuelled burst. Im loving your WKD side. Keep in touch with yourself Gumball
  22. Thanks Paul, I like it !!!! People will be spewing all over their gardens just now. Not cos of the paint COS ITS ANOTHER GUMBALL RELATED THREAD[]
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