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Everything posted by Gumball

  1. The theory test was something that i didnt think was straight forward without studying. After looking through the pack that BSM gave me for a while it started to become fair enough. Then afterwards theres a series of videos that you need to watch and click the mouse when a hazard appears. I dont think that if you were a learner for the first time this would be easy. Then this practical part now has a set of questions at the start of the test that you need to answer. If you fack them up you get a minor marked against you. You now would have 14 minors left. The reverse park, reverse round corners and other things that need to be done in parrot fashion is fair enough. its the using bus lanes when you should and dont when you shouldnt and never going over 30mph. Seems straight forward but with a pass rate of 34% at the test centre im going to and the instructor telling me the examiners have a ratio to fail regardless of ability per week???????????????????????? who knows what might happen. ferk
  2. Duncan @ Hypertech has a civic that i think is 300bhp. Mine at the time was between 370-400bhp The lighter car was with me all the way and couldnt be gotten away from. The power to weight ratio...........
  3. Just dont wave at anyone.Do focus drivers do it?[]
  4. Bad- 1. It drinks fuel 2. Its loud 3. I cant drive it just now Good- 1. It goes like FKUC 2. It looks cool 3. The handling is awesome
  5. I have a lawyer who is fighting this with the DVLA just now. He thinks that it could be overturned but in case that doesnt happen i have to get my date for the test as i have done for next week. If it gets overturned then the date would be changed with the DVLA and i would save my insurance costs etc
  6. im at a loss just now between A BMW 320 COUPE A BMW 320 SALOON 2006 A FORD FOCUS ST-3
  7. Lost the license a while back, sent away for a replacement, never got anything back, thought it strange and intended to send the form away and try again. never got round to it with one thing and another. apparently it was a clerical error they issued one to begin with !!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????/ next thing- its all back to square one.
  8. Sounds like your mum was a great woman !! Hope your doing OK mate. Chris
  9. QUOTE-Now why in the hell do people risk their well being? Are they trying to prove a point or something? I wasn't racing, I wasn't even egging them on. ive seen you on that bend Nigel and im sure you do it everyday on the way home. you got smoked you mean[]
  10. A silver and orange BSM vauxhall corsa 1.1 i think it is. When he comes to get me we pass the deathstar on the out the estate again. He has a chuckle and we get out on teh open road. 30mph or less isnt easy when your trying to study the road so much and look into the mirrors to teh point of being sick. There havent been any issues other than indicating before i look in the morrors, but this has now stopped. We even got onto a National speed limit last week and i got to go at 56mph. it was exhillerating !!!!!!! lol
  11. tv license is one that i do have[] i just saw it as i completed my passport application for the Nurburgring[]
  12. theres a clear realisation by these trumpet gubs that they have been flocking up. This is apprently why they now scan your provisional when you pass the test and automatically send you out the full bhuna. Im really sorry i didnt send a green bit of paper back you welsh slags, i was defending britains interests abroad.
  13. yeah apparently they didnt start sending out letters to people until 2002 to let them know that they had to resit. A testiment in some ways having no points for all this time which is good but its a nightmare, its cost me 300quid in lessons and tests, 400 in insurance and potentially kkkkkk's in missed meetings and business. If i had the money i would sue them
  14. the car is insured not by me just now but someone else so its safe at the moment. The insurance will then be purchased again by me as a new license holder all be it without the same experience allegedly. This is where the cost increase will come from.
  15. yeah it has been dealt with until the pass date then i will need to pay another 400quid. thats the worst bit i reckon
  16. Heres a story- Stopped in April by the federation. Upon checking my details the woman at control blabbed something about a provisional license. The policeman told me that as i had been driving for so long there must be some mistake and i should call the DVLA out of quriosity and get it cleared up. I sat flapping but still thinking that there had been some kind of terrible mistake. Wilky did his best to appease my sense of anguish and we went out for a walk to clear the air and calm down. We got stopped by teh police for carrying sticks in a neighbourhood watch area. twats. Then upon calling the DVLA they confirmed any subaru drivers worst nightmare and said i had missed the cut off for sending back my pass certificate. Easy mistake to make during operational tours of Belfast and Sierra Leone but theyre not interested. You missed the cut off pie head they basically said. So for the last month the deathstar has been sitting outside and hasnt been driven by me. Lifts to work, fast food due to the inability to get to the shops, boring times and a lot of alcohol to fill the void of adrenalin. Lessons? dont be stupid !! anyone of us could pass the test again easy peesy. so i thought anyway. BSM were kind enough to sell me 10 lessons to get me driving like the robot rather than the b road bammer. Theory test passed with 34 of 35 followed by hazard perception and a 69 out of 75 thankfully. All that is left to happen is the practical test next week and then its all in the past. Some people will find this amusing no doubt, but i can vouch for the fact that if you dont have your license its a complete facking nightmare that i hope no one else has to endure !!!!! The buzz at the time when your going fast could be replaced with the idea of losing your license but i can safely say that the risk of losing your job, life, money and good times is simply not worth it. B roads, KH and crail is where to do it. Leave the m way mayhem and built up areas to daftys in saxos. Roll on next tuesday when i pass this pish
  17. Nice day to be working from home.[]
  18. heres the rost note of teh deathstar when she was at 403bhp. I would like to hear that sound again and havent been able to for a month for a reason that i will divulge after its over. a few days to go and its all good again [:$] http://www.vidilife.com/index.cfm?f=media....F7E-4625-887E-4
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