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Everything posted by JohnSt

  1. You used the word Porker, I never mentioned it ! Car was at ProGrip today, I actually drove it there rather than trailering it. My tank is circa 10-12 litres, ProGrip is 6 miles, left with a full tank and only just made it home. There were two full chat 10 second blats included in this though. Car feels great on the road after John fettled it, I was right to take it over, it turned out to be a bit off optimum geometry wise. Just need to get it to a track now so I can play with the roll bars, dampers etc to fine tune it. ---john---
  2. The seat might not be big enough ?
  3. You haven't seem Maniac Mode yet
  4. Again or Still ???
  5. Thread has been a bit quiet for a while, not because nothing has been going on, quite the reverse, it's been all hands to the pumps here sorting issues arising from the old engine letting go at Kames. Last weeks diary for example Sunday Morning, Install engine after it being out to Helicoil rocker cover fixings and cam cap fixing. Sunday Afternoon, discover Head gaskets gone after a roasting the previous week. Monday, Work Monday night, remove engine and strip heads. Tuesday Morning, deliver Heads to Pitcairn Engineering for re-finishing. Tuesday Afternoon, Work, whilst Wifee Spice picked up skimmed heads. Tuesday night, rebuilt engine. Wednesday, work. Wednesday night, re-fit engine Thursday, Work. Thursday evening, arrive home late do to flood as a result of Thunderstorm in one of our server rooms. Later Thursday evening get car out to test. Fuelling issue that caused first engine to expire gone, Head sealing good. Laterally Thusday night, trying to kill myself and my friend whilst applying 500bhp to some standing water in middle of thinderstorm on Semi-Slicks. Friday, more testing in the dry, happy. Apply UberSafe Map and head for Boyndie New engine is in and is running on a 'safe' map. Andy is giving the car the once over next week so I expect it to be a 'bit' quicker then Car was out last weekend at Boyndie (Banffshire) finishing second on Saturday behind 'Stormin Normin's' Evo, with the car down on boost and a UberSafe Fuel map. Played with the map a little and managed to reverse that situation for Sunday with a win. Bolted a second seat into the car tonight to take Craig out for a Wee Hurl, I was conscious he'd spent a lot of time and effort on something that till tonight had been an inanimate object, not what a car is supposed to be, I think he sees it a little differently now Car is off to ProGrip tomorrow for John to work his magic as geometry was out at Boyndie as a result of me needing to change a couple of things. ---john---
  6. Use a Rattle Gun to remove. It's bigger than 20mm BTW. It's either 21 or 22mm
  7. I bought a short motor from Axis a few years ago, lasted about half a season for me, let's just say it didn't live up to the claimed Max RPM. Susequently built my own and with some maintenance lasted two full seasons before a fuelling issue killed it. Having researched the subject to death, and taken advice from some very knowledgable people, Pennine Subaru have built my new motor, I'm more than happy with the results so far
  8. not strictly true, if you have a spare, it has to be legal. However if there isn't one there, thats fine
  9. You can't even see the rust from that distance
  10. 'Moi Aussi', but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Least favourate bit was the serious DTs when I got back.....
  11. He was at Santa Pod... do try to keep up
  12. Nothing his Missus caused !!!!
  13. Shouldn't this be Moderated for Racism ?
  14. John, I have an opinion, but I'd rather meet you before giving it. The colour scheme is not to my taste, its the 'EGO' thing you need to deal with Lets face it having a 340 is nothing to boast about
  15. The ipod is under the dash and the Sub is in the boot (helps traction)
  16. Nothing so sneeky John, I entered all the events when the regs came out, I've borrowed some stuff from the red car for this one so it is not complete ATM. I pulled out last week. ---john---
  17. White'n'Gunmetal
  18. P1 has an open deck block
  19. Erm, no. Couple of issues to sort, minor, but will preclude that unfortunately. Gutted it won't be there !!!!
  20. Not a very exciting pic but heres how it looks after receiving the real wheels and a few Tweeks..
  21. Google is your friend, don't be so lazy
  22. I just did !!
  23. My Head count is 6, so you are beating me hands down there.... I still have 4 of them however and an interest in the 5th. No 6 met a sticky end at Doune though
  24. That 'Baffle plate' is nowt more than a windage tray with trap doors... 'Snake Oil' methinks !! The Dry sump on the other hand...........
  25. Yeah, Whatever Paul, .... that's so MY97
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