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gus the bus

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Everything posted by gus the bus

  1. Is it worth keeping the Edinburger list separate to avoid confusion!?
  2. I'll do the Edinburger one! Spooks will you let us know details of where we are meeting etc @ next Wednesdays Lothians meeting!? A wee SENSIBLE run oot afterwards per chance? Lothians List: 1) Spooks 2) Gus the Bus
  3. << Erm.............you didn't answer my question. So how do we get the deposit to you? >> Sharon, must be Scotts Christmas treat!?! I PM'd the same question so I presume he's happy that we are all honest enough to turn up and pay! Scott? Gus
  4. Prodrive ones mate! were adjusted from lowest to highest when I got springs oan but only required on the fronts as the rear doesn't go down as far. -35mm front and -25mm on rear. Gus
  5. << << Had to give up earlier this afternoon. Driving from Airdrie to Livingston , only got as far as Harthill and turned back ! Took nearly an hour to get just to Harthill !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >> Got to big it up for the moron in the WH Malcolm wagon who tried to overtake another wagon stuck on the hill on the M8 just after the Livvy exit then got stuck himself leaving both lanes blocked. Nice one. Still amazing and quite amusing to watch how many people think red-lining in first gear will get them through. >> Fudds!
  6. Stephen, got the Teins and Prodrive settings done myself a couple of months ago @ Duncs. Really transforms the look (ride height!) and handling is ten times better. Good shout mate! Enjoy! Which reminds me a must pop in and see if my Filter has arrived yet Gus PS A wee pic of how it looks now is attached! Mind n adjust yer mudflaps!!!
  7. << I am seriously tempted to head for Harthill Grant >> Al listen oot fur ye Grant! Should be fun!!!!? Gus
  8. Just came that way myself Brian! West Lothian seems to have it worst!!! (came doon fae Perthshire) Gus
  9. Good to meet you mate and look forward to seiing the Pics in January's Scooby mag. Gus
  10. Well as posted last night that there wiz nae snaw in Harthill!!! Should have kept ma mooth shut coz there is aboot 4-5 inches ootside ma hoose noo! Stuboo, were they pics taken ootside Spraystores? Gus
  11. Not even a flicker in Harthill where it normally snows in July Never mind I'm heading to Perthshire the morra mornin so fingers crossed!!!
  12. << CAR NOW SOLD...... Yee haaaaaaa >> 3 weeks and counting buddy!!! until.........
  13. Well, I'm disgusted to say that I haven't washed the car since Sunday (yes Oobster and Irish Al its true Mr Gleeming has left his car DIRTY!!!) I've been v.busy since then and would rather leave it that way than any half-hearted "av missed a bit" effort. Will give it extra double special treatment on Seturday just to make up Gus
  14. A few more pics attached if I have done things right!?!? (Gus the techophobe!)
  15. << As regards to runs guys,how about a change next year? I have been in touch with Cumbrian Scoobies and there are some cracking roads in their neck of the woods. The idea would be to do their territory then have them up here for a highland run. If you are interested give me some feed back so after the new year festivities i'll set the wheels in motion. Only a suggestion. Billyboy >> Into Northumberland too!!!? Kielder Forest and the Forest Drive (which is about 12-13 miles long) I used to work in Kielder and there are some fantastic roads in the area. How about a horseshoe run? Borders taking in the Beeftub again, through to Brampton and along the Southernside of Kielder. Upto Kielder Village, Across the Forest drive to Byreness on the A68 and back up through the borders. would be happy to map it with you squirrel/ Billy!? Gus
  16. God that looks good You will just need to splash oot again Chris!!!!
  17. Aye, they would have had a good Christmas bonus on us lot
  18. Craig, You would catch shepp wi that one!!! Very nice tho Gus
  19. << Oi gimmie a mo PM's about to be done Spooks >> Al let you off then! but, just this once Gus
  20. Try away Paul! If I don't get you can send to my e-mail address as previously supplied. Gus
  21. Sharon doesn't need a real turbo anyway! She's mad enough!!!! Looks good
  22. Me wants one! Thats the next mod for me. )What kind of price are you talking for supply and fit Graham? Gus
  23. << Booking made we need firm numbers and a deposit for this event. You will all have pm Spooks >> Scott, have you sent Pm's? I haven't got one if you have mate Gus
  24. Great picture Ken! I'll check out the rest l8tr. Gus
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