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gus the bus

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Everything posted by gus the bus

  1. << They make quite a difference dont they gus? Only on for 5 mins while the mrs watches x-factor pish >> Minted! Put a bit of shape to the front! Now whats next? anyway BTTT Gus
  2. PFF's for me Craig! Hoping to buy a set in the new year myself! If I can sell the motorbike Andy, got my "bits" fitted today and had a wee run up roond Carron Valley and the Trossachs Saw a few scoobs! number of waves=0 Anyway BTTT Gus
  3. Halifax Nova Scotia- Canada September 04 was my last trip and Ontario and Calgary in May 2004 (Canada is my second home!!!) Was meant to be going back across this month but my brother got married at Dalmahoy in October so thats the next four visits up the spout feckin expensive place (Dalmahoy that is!!!) Mind you a did buy the new scoob this year Gus
  4. << Car was at Valet-Tech, Unit 7 Sprinkerse, Stirling for a wax and paint refurb, all for £29.00, A+ job and the car was spotless Oh, in the passing he was talking about a treatment for the front end to protect for stone chips. Its some new product or other and will do a paint touch up of stone chips then treatment. Never got no cost. But worth consideration owing to other threads about stone chipping and the like >> Good job Ally! This stone chip thing wasn't precision cut film was it??? Was something on "5th Gear" the other week showing them applying it to the front of an Elise! Might be that eh? looked like a good idea to me Gus
  5. Welcome young Baz! ... and enjoy! Gus
  6. << I managed to balance a fully loaded 44 tonne artic on only it's n/s wheels. Unfortunately this only lasted a few seconds before I went all the way over. Pictured at the recovery yard in Perth. The load's still sitting in a field in the middle of Fife! >> Ooops! Quiet day in the office for me! Gus
  7. Oops! I heard through the grapevine that someone was arriving in a 55plate WRX!?! Gus
  8. Count me in! Ma Scoob needs a wee blast along the M8 and up the M9. 1) Hi Soob 2) PaulC555 3) Gus the Bus Gus
  9. << Which one ? >> Cup Semi Final ....oh..... and Edinburgh n Lothians meeting Gus
  10. Sorry I didn't make it folks! :-( but did hear a few Scoobs burbling around outside the Footy ground! Oh ye ... and my team won!!!! Wont miss the next one BTTT Gus PS who got the new WRX then??
  11. Thanks Ian, I look forward to the results Gus
  12. Ian, Try again, your e-mail isnt swithched on in your profile Gus
  13. I'll e-mail you one Ian! and you can post it up. I've been having problems with the link Cheers muchly Gus
  14. Ian, can you do one of the Gus Bus? Plllllllllleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasssssssssseeeee! Gus Pic attached!
  15. 1. Paulc555 2. TheSquirrel555 3. Irish Al and baby no2 4. ScoobyAndy 5. Zeolite 6. Gus the Bus-Spectate or Marshall Paul, I used to do the Marshalling for events in Keilder Forest when I worked there and for Monklands Sporting Car Club when I was a member so, happy to help if needed!? Gus
  16. << Hiya Tried Privilege insurance and saved £100. Ta much >> Vicki try Admiral too if you aint bought already!? Gus
  17. Saw one when @ Ian Grieve in Falkirk Yesterday! Thought it looked too much like a SEAT for my liking but I'm sure it will grow on me! Gus
  18. Me,me,me,me,me, me and eh.... me! 1. Paulc555 2. TheSquirrel555 3. Irish Al and baby no2 4. ScoobyAndy 5. Zeolite 6. Gus the Bus Now yer talking Paul Used to go to the bike roadracing in NI and Eire and would LOVE to go to the Tarmac Rallies. Keep us informed of dates, costs, details etc.... Gus
  19. How much fun would that be!!!! Pulling wheelies down the street I'm sure you would get some looks with that Mod Gus
  20. Greetings Vicki, Welcome aboard. I bet you canny wait til Friday?? I'm just up the road Towards Sunny (NOT!) Harthill. Gus
  21. Oh yes! I had the i200 wide body "rally kit" fitted too. Looked the dogs danglies One of these days I'm gonna add up the cost of all my cars (and their mods!) and see what I have actually spent on cars over the years! I think I might even shock myself Gus
  22. The guy in the parts department @ Fiat once asked if i'd like him to keep a couple of alloys in stock for me @ the dealers instead of having to order them in from the central warehouse. >> So was he yer rally backup team!!!????
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