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gus the bus

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Everything posted by gus the bus

  1. << how glad am i that i didnt go how daft would my yellow scoob have looked in the pics all alone >>
  2. Paul, Haven't got any PM's mate! Sorry I haven't been intouch but not been online since Friday night! My mate seems very keen on your car but unfortunately he has his Corsa Td to get shot of (I thought he had sold it but the buyer pulled out) Know anyone that wasn't a wee V reg corsa 1.7td to run around in?? If so I could maybe get your car sold (he wants £1600 for corsa) Shame you missed a great day today mate Hows wee Erin? Gus
  3. Superb! Well done and well organised Gumball, Imy squirrel etc... (and driven!!) everybody. Sorry I couldn't stay all day but it was great to meet so many new folks and put a few faces to names! Roll on the next trip Hope the full-day folks all got out n back safely!? Gus
  4. We will all chip in and buy you a scoop (scoop not Scoob) for your Christmas and that will shut them up! Anyway, its not what you've got its how you use it that matters. Gus
  5. << aw cheers bud, always think certain people laugh at my wee Ruby.......... ty >> Why? Its SIDC not SITDC Sharon
  6. << If Ally gets a look at how the other half live then it will be game over for my wallet!! I have her convinced that Im only on 20k a year and things are tight Shes happy just now with her solar portable thats connected to the neighbours sky dish >> PMSL oh.... you were serious
  7. << Whats with the rough ass tarmac job in the piccys then? >> Coz he has lifted the monoblocks to floor the Kitchen
  8. Oooooooooooooooo MONOBLOCKS!!!!! Fancy!!!
  9. << Nice one Lads Foook Work like it Gus i will have a BHP Developments sticker on the back That should narrow it a little Thats it sorted then mate! lookin forward tae meet ye buddy! Gus
  10. << I hope theres no slippy conditions on sunday, whatever that is Col. >> Col, the roads through Glenshee are white in July!!! Gus
  11. Craig, would certainly make one good picture mate! Just think!!!!.......5 lines of cars with the Blue yins wi gold wheels 45 cars long I'm sure we will get the chance for that pic too!? Gumball!? Gus
  12. The mighty convoy South! Why not mate (Down to Kinross anyway eh?) as I'm headin fur Livi. Gus
  13. Bummer GET WELL SOON Erin? Will be in touch. Gus
  14. << cheers gus you know the cars a cracker.....anything you could do i would appreciate..willing to negotiate the price for a sale.... got my heart set on something else......grrrrrrrrrrr i can pm you my mobile number if you like..... >> Go on then! I'll get him tae look @ the photos you've posted here. cu Sunday buddy! Gus
  15. Sure was! Did a no wave??? Was ma car clean?? eh..... Was through the day too but wasny in ma scoob I saw a WRX300 (same as mine!) @ the Town Hall/ Municiple buildings the day. Anyone on here?????? if so...... GET IT WASHED Gus
  16. Paul, One of my mates is wanting to get into the scooby game (nae pressure fae me , honest!!!!). I'll see him @ the footy the morra and let him know. Thats the sort of figure he is looking to spend me thinks. Will catch up with you on Sunday and let you know. Gus Ps what you got yer eye on???
  17. Its aw Latin tae me too Sharon! Ali, nae getting any ASBO fur disturbin the neighbours noo Gus BTTT
  18. Folks, just a wee note that "Forces" swap unmarked cars ( from an insider!!!) Gus
  19. Chris, Hope yer sober fur Sunday morning mate!!!? Gus
  20. << Gus You is a coming? Woo Hoo And Mrs Bus ? Cool Mrs Mac is coming along on Sat too Well she is at the moment Craig >> Aye Craig, Fook work lets Scooby!!!! I'll see if I can pick you oot amongst 50 scoobs PS my Reg is a wee bit of a give away. So, you will probably find me first!!? Anyway BTTT Gus
  21. Mmmmm! meez starting to like it (a lot!!!) Had a closer look @ one in Ian Grieve the only real let down is 16" wheels.... pash! Gus
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