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gus the bus

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Everything posted by gus the bus

  1. Some list Al! You should post up your list for next year and Lyndsey will see what you want NEED for your Christmas Unlike yours, mine is still a long list but once the spring comes and the bike goes it will be green light time (hopefully!)
  2. Al, just get the 18" alloys mate they would be here sooner but dont tell Babe No2 I said that she will hit me!!!! Sorry, can't help otherwise mate
  3. Billy, plenty in the Cumbria and Northumberland areas. Worked in both with the Forestry Commission!!! Many twisty challenging roads (even in an Forestry Commission Transit )
  4. Doesn't surprise me! Also the Bali Bombing took place on the 9th of November (11th Month!) 9/11. Gus
  5. << I can't claim responsibility for those ones, but certainly the ones on the A70 are Scottish Coal ones. Well they're not actually ours, but they're contracted to our sites. >> Stephen, they aint all coal ones buddy. Some are going to/from the Quarry @ Forrestfield. The Coal ones are coming to/from Polkemmet opencast me thinks. gus
  6. One thing about these roads during weekdays there's masses of Coal trucks shifting at a speed which almost defies physics at times. I've been heading to some of our sites, not in the scoob but in a company car, to be greeted by a Coal Truck coming round a blind bend in a 16 wheel drift. >> Stephen, they are feckin mental these guys! I get them everyday between Harthill, Blackridge and Caldercruix
  7. << Nice poem Wilky. I am getting Sweet FA for mine, but Ruby has had new wheels, new seats a new plate and a new zorst. NO MORE for her then til next year. >> Whit about they "Subaru" stickers am getting fur you, Irish Al and FastScooby next week? For Christmas I'll be getting eh, eh, eh, eh a VISA bill .....and hopefully something fur the Scooby
  8. A like that one too buddy! Do all these roads on the M.Bike too A lot of good roads in that neck of the woods Also, Innerleithen over to St Mary's Loch and into Moffat and back by the Beeftub or another favourite is down to Hawick and then A7 to Langholm over the tops to Lockerbie. again, mega rds with nodoby on them
  9. WWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooo! Now it will sound like a scoob rather than a feckin Tractor Good work Sharon.
  10. Fort William to Kyle of Lochalsh for me or Poolewe to Gairloch. Fast but twisty roads and normally nobody on them. Local favourite are the Lang whang A70 from Currie to Carnwath and Carnwath to Peebles
  11. Isn't half quiet tonight! Helllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Its quiet, here that echo!
  12. << had to mention the firm thing, theres always someone lurking to add a different meaning to your posting. >> Obviously not on tonight eh!?
  13. << cheers gus seriously considering it with the droplinks and arb, but dont want the grief from the mrs about it being too firm ( doesnt complain about many things being too firm) >> PMSL Would cost you about £320 for the springs, fitted and geometery set to whatever setting you so desire. Gus
  14. << looks lower than a snakes baws stephen, very nice indeed. think you need to get onto the group by for a set of 18 inch pff replicas in anthracite. Is it overly firm with the springs done, are your fillings still entact >> I've got the same set-up and would say its firm but on the max without being " o ya fooker I drove over a stone" firm. Well worth doing if your thinking about it. gus
  15. << My plan is to go get a quote first thing then give him a bell after Iain >> He canny argue with you on that Iain. Keep it right, keep it simple but take no Sh*te.Solicitor or not, its a road traffic offence. Gus
  16. << Car arrived back safe and sound at work this evening after Hypertech took it this morning. Servicing done and the car is feeling very nice indeed. But more excitingly the Tein springs have gone on and it's now riding lower than Buddy Holly's plane! Combined with the front splitter it's now a real speed bump worrier. Not seen it in the daylight yet, but in the dark it looks really menacing at the front. They've left my mud flaps in the existing position at the moment, but I think I'll need to move the front ones up a notch. Great service yet again from Hypertech, so my thanks go to them. >> Notice the difference in handling wi the springs stephen!? Car sitting much lower and firmer eh! Did Dunc get your Geometery done @ the same time.
  17. Me too! I reaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy fancy a chinese meal tonight Peter.
  18. Good work Peter! Where did you get it done mate! Gus
  19. A few pics folks! Not the best due to poor light but non the less!
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