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gus the bus

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Everything posted by gus the bus

  1. Cod that was a good one! Sharon salmon will catch on to this.
  2. << he he he.................. name yer price Gusket! PMSL >> PMSL good one Sharon
  3. << pls dont post my "i have just had a brain operation and needed my head shaved" pls pls LOL >> Well, I'll have to see about that, whats in worth?
  4. << Forgot to mention- there were some animals there tonight. In particular there was a cheatah in my lane............PMSL >> .....and it was the RO?
  5. Sharon PSML. Have a wee glass of the vineyard stuff n chilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!
  6. Folks, I know I wasn't gonna post tonight but hey ho thought I'd have a wee post with a couple of glasses of the old Vineyard tonic before the pit. Just to say thanks to Spooks n Rosie for organising the bowling tonight fantastic! even tho I was pash Great to see such a good squad turnout Gus
  7. Bummer, just along the M8 too! I've a meeting in Fawkirk the morra night
  8. Cheers Scott! I've said to Andy, Sharon, Graham and Brian that we could get them/you? outside the BP @ 7-7.15. that OK with all? Thanks again n see you the Moz Gus
  9. Cheers Stephen! Canny decide which ones to go for mate Have to be gold for me but I like the Redlines and the Pff replicas.
  10. Now these are a real Pff& bargain >> Just what I'm looking for..... and @ that price I'm not on Scoobynet so, how would I go about getting them???? Gus
  11. << Do you?? Where is it?? >> Jamie, just checked the Autotrader website but it ain't listing He doesn't always have all the cars listed anyway so, I'll check for you when I pass tomorrow. Gus
  12. Armadale Motors In eh....... Armadale have one. The guy that owns the garage has a vast collection of serious cars including Ferraris, Lambo's, Porsches etc but I noticed the 22b the other week. Price? I think you can access his site through Auto trader. Gus
  13. << Lol - i did worry after i submitted that last post that you might come back & wind me up, saying "Hey, that's my wife's car!" or similar A widnae even let my wife drive that pile o Sh@te! (wisnae fast enough mate) Anyway, see ya the morra buddy! Gus BTTT
  14. Yip, have done mate Hucking foribble (and its no my other car )
  15. Me too! I canny see these lothian boys (Oobster and AL) getting something n me not Just keeping up with the Jones'
  16. Maybe not a Homer Simpson moment then That technique always works for me Jamie!!! (I know where there's a 22b for sale)
  17. << Got rid of my scooby and the wife got a new jeep. ..........hold on............ Iv'e been taken for a ride!!! Where's MY new car?? >> doh! A Homer Simpson moment me thinks Jamie
  18. << As long as lyndsey doesnt beat me i aint bothered >> Al, you know whats gonna happen now eh!
  19. << Am not going, not playing and not speaking.............. See ya!
  20. << gus and yer prodrive mudflaps. Oh aye, n them too!
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