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gus the bus

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Everything posted by gus the bus

  1. << Dont worry gus, Im sure you wont be the only one. I might do the same, depends how im feeling on the day (am working the night before). You're making the effort to turn up, thats the main thing. Iain >> True cheers Gus Bttt
  2. GROUP 1- SQUIRREL (steady) 1. The Squirrel 2. scoobykev 3. RubyTheScooby 6. st3ph3n 7. karps 8. Steve 9. GSP 10. sandyRS16i - now moved to group 4 11. stuboo & young Baz (new to this so would appreciate some tips and directions to perth meet point e.stubuchan@hotmail.com) 12. Ally-b GROUP 2- JC SCOOB (STEADY) 14. Fee (return only) 15. pedals 16. Coulster 17. Irish Al & Baby No 2 18. Montey 19. scientific steve 20. Scooby Kart 21. Finnie ( If I am still alive after a lads night out in Newcastle on friday before) 22. Col 666 23.p1.mike 24.G.Mac 25. RB5 69 and Claire (am hoping to make this to keep up the RB5 Owners Club contingent!) GROUP 3- Corsa (family section or people who want to chill) 1. Davie Corsa ,wife and little un.... 2. Ed-209 3. WRXMANIA 4. PaulC555 + Wife and Little un.... 5. johnny50 + wife + taz 6. Cupraderv + wife + bairn 7. gr555 + wife + little un.... 8. Gayle 9. FAI17 & Family 10. RB5 and Donna 11. Andywrx 12. WRC No 1 13.Eastfifetyke 14.Kirkyboy + partner (possibly) 15.roy + family 16.Gus the Bus (and possibly Mrs Bus) GROUP 4- MEETING AT GLENSHEE 1100-1130HRS (FINAL) call gumball on - 07976 853 652. we cant gaurantee exactly when we will arrive. give or take 30 mins 1. Catherine and Ken Ross 2. Craig Mac 3. WUZ 4. Fee (on the way there only) 5. Iaing >> 6. Power Junkie 7. sandyRS16i 8. mslorach Chris, in response to your PM I have managed to get the morning off work so will join the "chillin" Group. Unfortunately, I need to go to work for 2pm(ish) so will need to return after the photoshoot.Sorry! but hey, its work that allows me to afford a scoob Gus
  3. Heading that way shortly! I'll keep me eyes open! Cheers Gus
  4. 22b for me too! There was one for sale (may still be!?) at Armadale Motors. Looked the dogs danglies Gus
  5. Chris, Makes perfect sense! Hope I can make it. Still working on getting a change @ work so I can make it!!! Gus
  6. Andy, I'll eat anything All the places you have mentioned are good! Try the Chinese takeaway in Harthill! Doesn't look like much fae the ootside but the food is always good and the folk who own it are mega friendly!!! Or is that because I dine there 6 nights a week (need one night off a week ) Gus
  7. Al, think you might get a wee bit of outer arch rubbing with that width of tyre especially on the rear.Also, may depend on the offset of wheel you are fitting too. Gus
  8. << << And there's one in Falkirk too, Ben & something. Used to be a used-car sales place on the same ground before the chippy was built. They have an advertising board @ the new Falkirk football ground >> Benny T's ??? Was there the other week....Black pudding supper & a tub of curry sauce - Lovely!! >> Aye,, Benny T's it is!
  9. << FAO Fee and Gus The Bus You guys cool to meet at Asda Bridge of Dee at 0900 and we can meet Ken and Wuz in Kingswells at that big Park and ride place? Craig, If I can make it I'll be coming from another direction and will meet uz @ Crathie. Its all work dependant at the moment hence the (tbc) If I can get oot of work aw the gither I'll join a group from Perth (trying ma best buddy!!!) Gus
  10. Didnae hear that one Andy! Is it not "The Golden Fry" in Lithgae?
  11. "That one just as you come into Harthill from Whitburn used to be good and had huge queues, but i haven't been there for ages." Andy, ..... and I widnae bother coz its pash noo! Just up the road fae me tae but its honkin man! Gus
  12. Aye, waited in a long,long,long queue there one lunchtime not so long ago! Pretty good it wiz tae
  13. << my fav chippy at the mo is Sizzlers in Airdrie, their chips are magic, no grease and the fish!? all freshly prepared - gorgeous!! i think u can always tell a good chippy by the size of the queue............. bigger the queue better the chippy!! Sizzlers always has a queue as everything is freshly prepared mmm anyone having a chippy tonight then? i think i am!! >> Is that the one near Airdrie Fitba Club?
  14. Jims chip van that used tae come roond the doors when I stayed in Blackridge!(I think he does the cooncil hoose estates in Armadale and Whitburn tae!) Always made fresh for you. The best!!! On the road it must be the chipper @ the Beach end of Pittodrie in Aberdeen. The fish is still flappin man!!! Or is it that the three oor bus trip fae West Lothian has made me drink too much spicy cola Gus
  15. << Bloomin thing doesn't like my postcode............. Anyone know a post code close to Blackburn in Aberdeen.........or where to find one? Dave >> Dave, dont put your postcode in as it will only accept US zips. click the "not in the US" button and you can the type in "Aberdeen" or whatever and it will give you a drop down list to choose from. Gus
  16. 1. ScoobyAndy 2. RubyTheScooby (Any for me but the 7th is the night after my birthday and i don't get out much.......) 3. Irish Al ( either would be good for us) 4. Johnny50 5. Spooks - not on the list 6. WRXMANIA - me - now on the list (30th preferred as no idea if I will be working 7th December this year yet)... 7. Gus the Bus Count me in!!!! (date?) are we sticking with the 30th? Gus
  17. Salt and......SAUCE for me (well vinegar too actually cos as GSP rightly says the sauce is watered doon with vinegar!!!) Gus
  18. << Gus Cheers man It is great but i cant wait for the sun to come up tomorrow Camera at the ready Then its down to Falkland on Saturday for the geometry set up WOO HOO Then you'll be rocking (nae rolling!!!) Gus
  19. Ian thats well smart! thanks for doing the Bus mental! Gus
  20. looking good Craig! You should only have to adjust thew front mudflaps up one notch! The backs should be fine (they are on mine atleast!!!) Gus
  21. << Last holiday was a week in the Algarve about 4 weeks ago. Best 'holiday' was a fortnight Med cruise me and the wife went on this year for our honeymoon >> Ya big romantic
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