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Everything posted by jamie_wood

  1. Found this today when I was looking for a replacement. Just a waste of a good car!! Gone from show room condition to banger condition!! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...mMakeTrack=true And it used to look like this!! An offer has been made to save her from the hands of another muppet. (ish)[]
  2. Good luck matey[*] Hope it goes well for you. Central meets were always fine. Everyone gets on and there's never any dummy's spat out. Hope I can make one if there's a meet in July/August. Might even have a wee toy by then [6] Cheers
  3. Petay, Its pretty much just plug n' play if its the right fitting kit for your car. Split the Ign loom and fit the Y section. There will be a signal from your Handbrake and two earths if they are still the same as the older ones. Not sure if yours has voltage readouts, boost, speed, etc. Give it a go. Disconnect the battery before you start the job remember []
  4. [8-)] Range Rover or and X 5 ? Only problem is that they also attract jealous folks
  5. The Audi or the BMW all the way[] Anyone who says they are shit will no doubt just be jealous[] Go for a big diesel, ie a 330 BM and get it remapped. It will destroy a Scooby.
  6. In my opinion (not that its worth anything) I would have said that oil starvation would have shown up on the Main &/or Big ends first. Is it No.3 piston by any chance? Melted piston would be more like a Fuel/Air issue Just my tuppence worth.
  7. [:^)]Im sure I saw someone ask about the price of a piston at the start of this post[8-)] Stripe, IIRC a piston is about £70 each. That was about 12 months ago though. Not sure if prices have gone up or down. Its a rough idea though. Hope this helps. Also, make sure that the garage gets to the bottom of the problem and can satisfy themselves in thinking that oil starvation caused a piston to melt. Check out possibility's such as a faulty MAF and get rid of any nasty VTA Dump valves too[]
  8. Sorry, change of plan. Going on holiday now. Managed to get extra nights so were heading away tomorrow morning now[] Have a good day out anyway.[H]
  9. Calm down Murph!!! You should know by now that things dont happen over night here. By the time we did the police check on you, got your criminal record sorted out and found out your real name....its taken until now[] So, now your the new R.O, whens the next run, whens the next meet, when are we going Karting, why dont we have our own stickers, why .......why...why...???[] Only jokin'! Congrats on the new position. Atleast you have an excuse for sitting infront of the PC all night now. Speak soon, see you at KH tommorow in an shiney M3 [6]
  10. Here are some piccys of my old car. Not sure what percentage they are though.
  11. Good news [] Top bloke and comes from Farming blood too. Wonder which toy he will bring?
  12. Hi Guys n' Gals Long time since I have managed to get on here. As some of you might know I have been stuck out in foreign waters for what seem like eternity!! I think it was February the last time I was able to log on[sn] Anyway...due to my change in work commitments over the past six months or so, and also an ever increasingly hectic personal life, I have decided that its best for myself and the club that I stand down and let someone else take over as the Central R.O. I have neglected the position since the start of the year and its simply isn't fair to not give 100% to the club when it needs it. I know that some folk look for more events and meetings than there have been of late and I dont want to be the one that stops the progress of the club in this area. I was lucky enough to have Paul Clark (PaulC555) help me out by organising a meeting this week and has also taken on all responsibilities of the R.B Relay between now and the 8th of May. He has already done much more than I have been able to do in the past couple of months while I was away[:$] Thanks Paul[] Paul will be standing in as R.O for the Central region just now and you will all be informed when he is officially appointed the position by the committee in the coming week or so. I hope you will all welcome him with the same enthusiasm I received back in the start of 2005 when I was lucky enough to get the position. It has been good fun over the past year or so and although the Central meets might not be the most active by not going bowling, karting etc, I would like to think that we always have a good turn out and everyone gets on well. There have never been and meets that have turned sour and I have to say that it was always a pleasure to get everyone together for the "banter". Im not going to disappear from the forums all together, I just wont be on as much as I used to be. There are already more new user names on the scottish section than I would care to count, so I'm not sure how many would know me anyway[] I will keep you all informed with the progress of my car ownership and future plans. For now the only wheels I have are my mountain bike!! And if Im good I get the wife's Jeep to go on longer journeys[] There are no immediate plans to replace the old Buggy with another Scooby in 2006. We are on the hunt for a bigger place out in the sticks this year so I can fill a garage with toys and other "boys stuff". I hope that by this time next year I will be back with a battered old MY93 with a tweed interior and 16" alloys...if Im lucky that is!! Anyway...I would just like to say thanks to all that supported me over the past while, especially Dougster for his help, Spooks, Scoobay, Billyboy and John S for being part of the team.Wilky and Gumball for ....being Wilky and Gumball, also the Squirrel for being such a good Video rental man..the list could go on........................ Its been a pleasure[ip] So long everyone[au]
  13. Not got the red flaps. Just a large rear wing. Not an STI one, more like a Prodrive one from 96. Cheers
  14. Thats the spirit Malky [] Thanks
  15. Come on you lot, dont start this all over again[] I dont see why there is a major problem with holding the two events on the same weekend. But, it would be better for some folk to split the dates I guess. Why cant we have some civilised Pm's between the folk who are organising the two events? After all thats why the function is there!!! It prevents the Forum being littered with outbursts that have no place in the "Driver Club" Dont use the pages to have school yard fights. I can see Gumballs predicament since, apart from last night, there has been no "bttt" for the post since the 6th of the month and its not been placed in the "Events" section of the Scottish Forum. I can also see what Ricey is trying to say about choices of dates , but its not always possible to remember or find every single event thats planed for the coming weeks and months. Like I said, thats what the "Events" section is for! Please sort this out via Pms between the two of you and post up the outcome for everyone to know. This is not the place to air personal vendettas.
  16. Or you could try Vise Grips on them. Would be handy of you had a vice?
  17. Jimmy, Soak them in Wd40 over night and then try double nutting them (not a glesga kiss) You know what double nutting is? Screw one nut down, screw it far enough that you can get a second nut on. Tighten the second nut up against the first one and then use the first nut to try and slacken the stud. Understand that? If possible you could also try and give them a little heat to aid the process. If that wont work then you will need to buy new ones from Subaru. They are bloomin expensive though @ £4-£5 each!!! I would try a local hardware store or a smiddy as they will have them a lot cheaper. if your struggling, gimme a shout and I will get some posted up to you.
  18. Just wondered if any of you guys n' gals were from Gillingham by any chance? Been looking at a WRX RA thats for sale down there. Its a white ,L*** TJK. Has gold five spoke speedlines and a big early style prodrive wing. The owner had a yellow Porsche and also now has a Boxter. Stays near a McDonalds. Was wondering if any of you knew the car or the owner. Cant get a hold of him on e mails since last Tuesday but had no luck. Any info welcome Cheers
  19. 1.FAI17 2.Marc29 3.G6RAY 4.Matt 5.ScotyCupraR 6.Grant 7.Irish Al 8.Baby No 2
  20. Hi Matey Im nae too bad, n' yer sell?
  21. I think.....you should but even MORE stuff from RCM. Had a shot of a car thats been prepared by them and its the BLX. Well done for not buying from a "Max Power" tuning outfit and actually going to the guys who DO know about these cars. They were built as rally cars so more folk need to understand that it takes folk with that knowledge to prepare the car.
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