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Everything posted by micra_wrc

  1. welcome to the forum. Happy driving. Recommend you look at security of the car - horrible things have been happening to our scoobies recently []
  2. jeez that's bad [] i didnt even think there would be that amount of damage. that must have been scary. so happy that you managed to get out fairly unscathed. good luck with whatever you want to do
  3. great pics marty. theres something about the decals/rally stickers that make the cars stand out []
  4. aw Mark thats awful [] i cant believe they went to all that bother of moving the 2 cars to get to the scoob and then reparking them - kinda shows how determined they were hope the car turns up soon, in one piece. i was on the aberfoyle road today and only saw two scoobs but will keep an eye out for it. pleased that no one was hurt
  5. great pics. looked like a good day. Had to LoL at the ladies cooking in the transit van []
  6. jeez thats awful. I've been down the Braes road and know where that happened. It just hits home how dangerous other people can be (am thinking about the attempted car jacking incident at Duke St while I write this) firstly, couldn't make out from your post how badly injured you are but wishing you a speedy and full recovery. secondly, i cant believe the mentality of those neds to drive erratically, run you off the road and only stop to help themselves to your gear instead of helping you... without even acknowledging or apologising for what they've done [8o|] [:@] hope that they get caught and get whats coming to them - what they've done is not on. also, gutted for your car but as long as you are safe and well then that's what matters [{]
  7. hi vicki, good to hear you are all right and that you've still got the scoob, last time you were online your man had that accident near Edn. might as well push the boat out and come to your 1st Gla meet next Thursday night []
  8. stunning pics Cal. Love all the arty ones - awesome scenery there! had to LoL at that road sign []
  9. Chris, Old Inns is the Shell Station on the M80 just after the Castlecary junction. There used to be a Little Chef there too but its been closed down. have fun if you go []
  10. happy birthday Brian [^] [<)] [G]
  11. welcome. Lovely wagon. you must have just missed us setting off on one of our monthly runs. They happen the 1st Thursday of every month - Hillington, 1900 for 1930 departure. Think you may need to get used to the petrol consumption of these machines, LoL at borrowing a gerry can from a farmer. Looks like its an import from the rear washwipe you've got... best sticking to Shell VPower for fuel rather than normal 95 ron unleaded []
  12. nice one. Remember your scoob was leaking water for a while, glad its sorted [Y]
  13. nice one Craig. Classics rule [H] hope to see you out and about soon
  14. thanks for the warning Jamie. take care folks, seems like breaking into a house with occupants doesnt mean much these days []
  15. nice pics spooks. See you managed to get a snap of our snapper Neil []
  16. some good pics there. was a good day, the stand looked ace [Y] Well done to everyone that turned up and took part, it was a v. early start for you all [] bumped into a few SIDC'ers wandering around thanks to Rosie for overpacking on the food front and to Tam/Brian for bringing their trusty camping stove and kettle - had a good cuppa this afternoon. the weather turned out quite nice and time seemed to fly by.
  17. yeah [] was visiting family out that way never spotted ya davie. Car was washed on Monday, must have just been the rain that made it looked newly washed LoL
  18. gutted for you Hafy [] hope you get it sorted and safely back on the road.
  19. thats a bummer dave [] I know that road well and pretty much everybody overtakes me because i'm too slow at 50 mph [:S]
  20. p20 of the PDF file. thats lovely. I remember them, they were the OSIDC for dinner that sat night. It was a busy weekend for them and our chaperones did well keeping them busy and having such a great weekend. Love the "... trip to a racing circuit at Knockhill, Scotland. Very unusual place as it featured a road coarse, skid pad, rally course, and all other sorts of neat things in one location." "... we ventured back to the ship via the narrowest and hilliest road in all Scotland just in time for it to pull out to sea. " and typical Weegie " I wish to also thank you for your wonderful sense of humor, as much of my time was spent trying to defend our American honor whilst hurling back proper insults." LoL [Y]
  21. LoL. You should write that out and stick it over your credit card! happy that you're happy []
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