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Everything posted by micra_wrc

  1. thanks Adam. Hope you and Fee get the Skyline fixed ok. The RA handled her first track day very well. The 16" wheels, droplinks and brake pads made the car feel really planted around the corners and I didnt get any understeer or wiggles coming out of corners at all. question........ is it normal that the Mintex 1155 brake pads that were fitted last week come back into the pits smoking after Squirrel's taken the car on track and be told "thats ok dear, smoking pads means that they are bedded in properly".... [8-)] [] []
  2. nice one. wishing you many happy motoring miles []
  3. list edited to remove Higgy - his Crazy Horse buggy may not be ready [] [:'(] Saturday 2nd June Squirrel (camera man) andywrx Sc00bar00 d19yda Ac!d (if home) Double Zero Ally-b Nanaki scoobymark Tosh32 Gus AlanK thefastone Craig (CR51ALG) Bryhp (possible) Camping Sat night Squirrel andywrx Sc00bar00 d19yda Ac!d (if home) Double Zero Ally-b Nanaki scoobymark Tosh32 Gus AlanK thefastone Craig (CR51ALG) Bryhp (possible) Sunday 3rd June Squirrel (camera man) Imy (group leader) CYP_rock (group leader) andywrx Sc00bar00 d19yda Ac!d (if home) Double Zero Ally-b Nanaki scoobymark Tosh32 Gus AlanK thefastone Craig (CR51ALG) Bryhp (possible) RS Grant 4hero Sammot Jamis WRX Haz Playsatan Fai 17 and family pugpaul H4AFY ALI_ scoobygav Either, but a one day event only the blue dragon Irish Al Dtabbit77 James M st3ph3n thefastone
  4. aww naw [] where am i going to get me bacon butties and a cuppa tea noo....
  5. agree with Iain but didnt want to post it. as a female i know what its like when the scoob comes before you in yer man's life and its even harder for most women, as we dont all like fast cars and "get" how obsessive & expensive it can be [^o)]
  6. final details and format of the weekend has been posted in Events [] can we try to keep banter on this thread please. CLICKY
  7. updated list of those going on next weekend's run. can those under the "one day event only" please add yourself to Saturday or Sunday. If you are working, cannot make it, car off road etc can you take your name off the list. Saturday 2nd June Squirrel (camera man) Higgy (group leader) andywrx Sc00bar00 d19yda Ac!d (if home) Double Zero Ally-b Nanaki scoobymark Tosh32 Gus AlanK thefastone Craig (CR51ALG) rallye 6 Bryhp (possible) Camping Sat night Squirrel andywrx Sc00bar00 Higgy d19yda Ac!d (if home) Double Zero Ally-b Nanaki scoobymark Tosh32 Gus AlanK thefastone Craig (CR51ALG) rallye 6 Bryhp (possible) Sunday 3rd June Squirrel (camera man) Higgy (group leader) Imy (group leader) CYP_rock (group leader) andywrx Sc00bar00 d19yda Ac!d (if home) Double Zero Ally-b Nanaki scoobymark Tosh32 Gus AlanK thefastone Craig (CR51ALG) rallye 6 Bryhp (possible) RS Grant 4hero Sammot Jamis WRX Haz Playsatan Fai 17 and family pugpaul H4AFY ALI_ scoobygav Either, but a one day event only the blue dragon Irish Al Dtabbit77 James M st3ph3n thefastone
  8. it doesnt have to be an Impreza, the Legacy and Forester are good cars as well []
  9. aye, we saw 4 or 5 scoobs this afternoon heading through Stirling. Got a wave from 2 of them and surprised to see a crystal grey hawkeye wagon on the road. Even more surprised to see an elderly guy drive such a lovely looking car
  10. same here. Had the RA just over a year now and steadily got used to driving her. Days like the Knockhill events are really worth the money - its such a safe environment, you get a real feel for the car, the adrenalin rush stays for ages and it really builds up your confidence to drive it properly & anticipate what the car can do next [] []
  11. wow Neil, excllent pics [Y] cant believe how crystal clear they are [H] that's some zoom on your wee/big lens (not sure which one you were using today!) some great ones of me - can you email me the originals whenever you can, no rush. Wouldnt mind the closeup of Grant.. thats a nice pic. thanks for posting some up tonight [pi] kloon - yeah it was nice chatting to you and no, the grin hasnt left my face yet []. was lapsing into daydreaming driving-around-duffus during dinner whilst the OSIDC were talking about squirrel-technical-subaru-talk about transmissions, cylinder heads and the like [au]
  12. agree with Big Den's suggestion of getting a scoob for her. Its great having a 2-scoob household [] although if she's not up for that, i would say choose the missus rather than your own car
  13. great pics dougie - thanks for snapping me [{] glad you had a good day - you even got a pax lap from my Little Lady. sorry that my pesky RA doesnt have grab rails - lightweight car and all that [^o)] it was nice to see so many members come up and spectate - got chatting to loadsa folk when i was in the pit lane.
  14. dipsy, you didnt miss much, the pub wasnt serving hot food or hot drinks - the only thing available to eat were crisps [*-)] had a great time for my first time on track - was a bit tentative and unsure for the first couple of laps but got more confident after the instructer and squirrel gave me some pointers. the RA handled well and squirrel got his share of track time too (even though he did bring the car back with the brakes smoking []) it was a good turnout and the weather was perfect for the track. thanks to JohnS for organising the event I cant believe how quickly time flew past though........ and i've still got a silly grin on my face LoL
  15. I'm not nervous... just really excited... I cant concentrate at work or think about anything else... Think I'll have a go at RFactor and do a few laps around Knockhill tonight now I get why you guys count the number of sleeps........... just one more sleep left []
  16. I'm on track on Saturday []...... its my first time....... cant wait.... for the photographers on Sat, please can you take pics of my car on track if you see me ........ it looks like this [] []
  17. thats a blind corner, from both directions. I'm so pleased both you and the stupid woman werent going any faster - could have been a lot worse
  18. aye the run is still going ahead [] best make it the 10th for your shoot
  19. ouch. Glad you are ok Shaun. Gutted the P1 took such a hit, not nice [] I cant say the same about the stupid female driver though, what was she doing driving on the wrong side of the road, especially around that corner? she could do with a bang on the head, the stupid c0w [8o|] [:@] [li]
  20. yes yes it is going ahead and yes Squirrel will start a new thread in the Events section this week (I keep reminding him to do it!) containing final details difficulty is thinking about the overnighter and where the folk that want to camp should go...... it needs to be somewhere near the end of the run so you can get there pronto on the sat evening but also near the start of the run so those wishing to join in on Sunday's run can get to the start point on time. Squirrel and Higgy are doing the recce on Sunday, route is sorted and we've got a good idea of attendees from the list in this thread. Group leaders are sorted (i think) and we have a designated camera man to capture us at good points when we are on the road. The first post of this thread has details of where we are meeting. so although there havent been any public announcements of late, the Jolly June Jaunt will still be taking place on Saturday 2 June and Sunday 3 June []
  21. glad you got it sorted. perhaps the guys that could have advised you werent online to answer your query this time. I'd give it more than a day
  22. nice one Jim. thats another one down the modding route and wanting a bigger turbo [] this place really is a bad influence on you guys LoL
  23. are you copying the right line from Photobucket into your reply? clicky for guide here
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