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davey l wrx

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Everything posted by davey l wrx

  1. I use the Road Trip app on the iPhone. It tracks the fuel economy and what you spend on servicing and other expenses. It's quite handy as it projects the monthly and yearly spend (on servicing, tax, fuel) and expected yearly mileage. Though it has to be said i have looked at thescan guage before.
  2. Unfortunately the Ka cancels out the street cred the scooby gave you though Al I've been getting a constant 27-29 mpg by only going over 3,500 rpm when i need to. I even got an average of 27mpg on the highland fling! I had to head down to Telford for a course a couple of months ago and got it to just over 30mpg on a steady cruise down the motorway. Alot of it comes down to if your car is standard or modified and your driving style.
  3. Will do, probably do enough pics to do a how to guide on it. Hopefully my new camera will arrive tomorrow and the weather will be ok this weekend
  4. Honestly..... haven't a clue. Mine is standard. I'm sure someone will be along to tell you. I'm guessing it would need some sort of heat resistance but normal paint might do it.
  5. Sprayed on. Search google for STI, Prodrive whatever you want then size it up to what you need and print it out. Cut out the logo so you have a stensil and spray the intercooler.
  6. The new bulbs arrived today...... Might get it done in the next few days if the weather holds off, unless i move the wenches car out of the way and gain access to the garage!Just have to move all the crap out of the way so the car will actually get into it but it's an option. Thanks for the hints
  7. along the A96 (to find this garage near nairn everyone says is good) Easy to find. Drive through Nairn it's on the Forres/Elgin side of Nairn in the little industrial estate on the left (after the Shell garage and the bridge)opposite the new supermarket thats being built. Bitz is hard to miss at the moment, the expansion work is in full swing to add a couple of new working bays to the place for MOT's ans other stuff. It's where i take mine for servicing and stuff that needs done.
  8. Welcome along, hopefully see you around some time
  9. The new idicator bulbs are on order.... It's time to get rid of the orange blobs on the front of the car! Any hints & tips guys and gals, before i just stick a headlight assembly in the oven on gas mark 4 for 15-20 minutes. I'll get some new black mastic to help it all re-seal when i'm putting it all back together.
  10. Nice pics, i'll have to pay Applecross a visit some day. Run in Sep sounds good, i was going to put something up for a Moray outing but it looks like there's no need now.
  11. Not much need i do believe a deal has been struck and it's already been saved! I'm sure i read it in Evo not long ago.
  12. http://subaruwrcspares.com/1.html Check this place out..... Lock the credit card in a bank vault first though!
  13. Ok i would have minded. I did have a spare Impreza and WRX badges i just goty for the boot of mine, i nearly left them under his wiper to add on to the rest of the collection.....
  14. I wouldn't have minded but it didn't even have alloys on it! In defence of the RAF though it was parked outside the Army HQ building
  15. I know i've tried playing with it bloody photobucket..... Added it as a link not a photo... it'll do for now
  16. Saw this while i was down at Leuchars on a course this week..... Didn't know if it was a mickeytake or the guys serious!
  17. Welcome back dude.... Lurking in the shadows... You Going to Alford next week. Hopefully I'll be there at least for a while before I have to head south for a course!
  18. Looks a bit pricey for a 2002 WRX! The rear seats look like they need replaced and I'm really not sure about the spoiler. Only on a mobile as well so it's hard to get a good look but I'm not completely convinced by the wrap. Still each to their own, someone will like it, I'm sure!
  19. I'm sure Davey at Bitz in Nairn would get parts for you.. Just another option
  20. The gleaner one I think where most of us went! Might not be that but the bank said it could be...
  21. Morning all, just a warning for all those who did the fling this year. I had a call from my bank who have frozen my account and cancelled my card due to some 'strange activity'. It would appear that my card has been scanned and someone tried to top up their phone using my account. They said it was probable that it was done up north, I only used my card in the Petrol station and the Hotel... Check your accounts guys and gals you never know!
  22. Top weekend, learned loads about the car and how to drive it. the roads were quality, just the odd biker not watching what he doing to be aware of. Great route as well, first time I've been up that far north but it won't be the last. Well organised and me and the femme both had a great time (apart from the food in the hotel, but I'll forgive that) Hopefully, work permitting, I'll be there next year in an STI..... For more gentle sight seeing through the highlands.
  23. http://i679.photobucket.com/albums/vv155/DaveLisle/6295f7ea.jpg http://i679.photobucket.com/albums/vv155/DaveLisle/88fef043.jpg http://i679.photobucket.com/albums/vv155/DaveLisle/4023d98d.jpg http://i679.photobucket.com/albums/vv155/DaveLisle/5d93a1bb.jpg http://i679.photobucket.com/albums/vv155/DaveLisle/41bd7391.jpg No lap top at the moment do I've sorted this from the phone for now.
  24. Top weekend I'll be back for the next one.... Hopefully in an STI by then... Great roads and great drive. First time I've thrown the car around like that, learned alot about the car and how it handles. Me and the wench had a great weekend cheers everyone!
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