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davey l wrx

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Everything posted by davey l wrx

  1. Well my redundancy cash arrived this morning..... So i've been on the phone to Ian Litchfield and bought this (well i will have once i've been to the bank and transferred the cash) http://www.litchfieldimports.co.uk/stocklist.asp?inc=332 Just need to sort out getting it shipped up to Aberdeen now...
  2. Give me a shout if you need to use mine through there Al. I'll still be back and forwards to elgin anyway...
  3. This is my last week int he RAF Al though i will be back and forward no doubt with the boy still living in Elgin with the Ex..
  4. Al if it's cheap[er to get them to Aberdeen/West Hill you can get them delivered to my place over there and i'll bring them over on my way to Kinloss on Sunday... Just another option
  5. Painting is the way to go Al thats what happens when you have them coated.... the alloy doesn't like the heat treatment. There was a mobile company in Moray that did wheel referb's i'll have a look for their details when i get back to kinloss on sunday.
  6. You never know. If they did something about the 2.5L engine issues in the new cars i might think about buying one. At least they've sorted this out though
  7. Shocking, hopefully he gets what he deserves. Good news though, Subaru UK are supply a replacement vehicle for a few weeks while they prep a new forrester to replace the burnt out one free of charge (can't get the works computer to sort out a link). They have released a press statement though so at least the paramedics will have a motor to use and a no cost replacement on the way. Thumbs up for Subaru on that one then.... Now who do we talk to about chocolate pistons and ringland seals then?
  8. Feck..... Log that one in the memory banks then! When did you spot the damage, that could have been decidedly risky if the wheel let go!
  9. Hmmmm they could have been and seen it and said no.... be interesting to see what they come back with. I'm in West Hill every weekend now so if you need an independant pair of eyes to look it over let me know.
  10. Not heard anything i think it was Scooby Doom who first raised the subject.... I'f i'm not moving stuff to my new pad in West Hill i'll certainly be there.
  11. Cheers eveyone. Scuba Dou i'm an engine technician (23+ years experience) who's done the assimilation course for airframes. So i can handle engines, propellers (6 years on herc's), fuel systems, hydraulics, skin repairs, etc.... I don't envisage there being a problem finding a job, i'll be in Aberdeen at a jobs fair in early November so i'll test the water then. Just need to decide if i go on or off shore! Thanks for the link i'll save it into my jobs file.
  12. Litchfield is top of the list it has to be said Al, it'd be great on the fling next year as well. Keeping the WRX as well, new wing to get rid of the rust the previous owner caused and a full respray in order i think. Latest is the army haven't decided who's moving into kinloss yet... Might not know till the new year but we are pushing them on it. Trying to get some of them in next summeer to hand over a decent place and not let it go for a while. All the hopes for a day on the runway/airfield have gone as it's being used as an emergency diversion airfield for Lossie. Looks like i'll be in west hill before my 'official' day to leave as i've already been declared non effective and can go when i want. just have loads of courses to do... how to write a CV being one of them! I'll still be around Moray anyway Al, Bobs off to Uni but Alex will still be living in Elgin so i'll back and forward most weekends. Should still be available for the Rrallye day in Keith next year as well.... depending what job decides to take me on.
  13. Haha no need to be sorry i applied to go, i've had enough of it. Shouldn't have a problem finding a job in Aberdeen as an aircraft techie... most of my mates who've left have walked into jobs. See ya in Aberdeen at some point, i'm in the area most weekends anyway.
  14. Well afetr 6 months of waiting i was today told that i would be one of the 930 RAF dudes being sacked. My last day in uniform (officially but i'll be gone before then) is 3rd November before i get my P45 on the 1st April next year. This means i'll be moving to 'shack up' with the wench in West Hill. So hello Aberdeenshire Scoobies... i'm on my way. Top of the list for the pay off is either a tidt STI i can modify or just bite the bullet and call Litchfield's and get a type 25..... Anyhoo i have beer to drink - not too many though i've got to take the daughter to Ediburgh for her joyous time at Uni.
  15. I'm in Aberdeen (well west hill) most weekends if i can fit it in i'll have a look for you! Got any details on the car
  16. Cheers Al i'll have a look when the nights start to close in again!
  17. Not much you can do to be honest. I don't think there's anything out there to fix the problem, I cartainly haven't seen anything. The only way round it is a new windscreen i'd say. Mine's the same after the fling and with the high quality of the roads up here. It is weird how they can fix a crack in the screen but not the nicks and stone marks but i suppose it would be a nightmare trying to polish it up!
  18. Just the usual Al.... only replaced one main beam when it went. The rest were all in there when i bought the car. They aren't bad to be honest, i was at a weird angle taking the pic and the sun was out! I have been thinking about fitting some brighter ones for the winter. Something else to spend my cash on.
  19. Yup..... i tried all the links from Photobucket to insert the pics. I'll sort it out one day. Cheers
  20. I would have used a hairdryer but i haven't needed one of them for about 18 years!
  21. http://i679.photobucket.com/albums/vv155/DaveLisle/h001-1.jpg http://i679.photobucket.com/albums/vv155/DaveLisle/h011.jpg Well finally got round to doing the job today. Only issue was a minor bit of melting where the light got too close to the oven wall but it'll survive. Only needed about 10 minutes at about 180 degrees and they came apart easily. Definately looks better. Don't know why but i can't get the pics to appear in the thread just the links...
  22. If i'm not getting a tan in the Falklands i'll be up for this.
  23. I'll get some ravey-disco choonz and power up the sub!!!!!
  24. I'd love to attend this one but it's my birthday on the 3rd as well so i can guarantee i won't be in a fit state to attend!I will be watching it on tv though, with a stinking hangover
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