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Posts posted by Midnight21

  1. I got my car back from Hypertech last night, after it being up there for a few weeks.

    I can't thank Dunc enough for getting it sorted. It was a bit of a saga to get to the bottom of the snags.

    It's back to pulling like a train again ;):huh:

    Great news :D bet you can't wait to take it out now.....

  2. Your old wheels were nice in their own right Cathy, but your new ones suit your particular car much better! :huh:

    Car's fair taking a pampering of late is it no'? Hope the horses aren't getting jealous... ;)

    Course they aint they get plenty spent on them too lol

    I still look at those and think "wish I could have wan a' them!"...

    Its for sale :angry:

    Thanks everybody for all the nice comments :D

  3. They look fair braw Cath ;) really sets the car off,

    Was through your way last night at the hospital & broke down, had to abandon the van at Straiton, went back to sus it out this morning & found a hose had blown on the intercooler, couple of jubilee clips & some hose & hey presto back on the road again.

    Thanks Bobby :huh:

    You should phoned me for a tow :D and a cuppa lol

  4. Nice shiney white wheels nice nice........are you trying to blind us all :lol:

    Of course then i can overtake you all :P

    Excuse the rubbish in the background lol

    Was meaning ....dog kennel,horse trailer,shogun etc lol will get a good background one day soon ;)

  5. Found this definition in urbandictionary


    an evil laugh often said by evil geniuses who plans to take over the entire world


  6. Nice work again, pretty obvious improvement from the 50/50 shot.

    Now I thought you kept a clean car Cathy?? :rolleyes: Amazing the difference that a good machine polish can bring, you must be well pleased with the result. Plenty incentive to make sure it stays clean, and with good wash/proctection technique, now you've invested in the new look !

    Does the paintwork look more orange than red in this pic - lighting / camera / my eyes ??


    It is the camera(and the dull workplace!) it doesn't look orange in the flesh :thumbup:

  7. :thumbup: Bobby they pics are great :wub: good job I only put you and mags on the "wee" horse...if they all saw you on finlay 17'2hh you would have looked like a pea on a mountain :rolleyes:

    Really suited you though

    I should be back online soon!! (just managed a wee preview at work! ;))

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