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Posts posted by Midnight21

  1. I believe that it can potentially affect any warm-blooded animal, although I must admit there don't seem to be too many accounts of rampaging rabid bulls (thankfully!).

    Och, not at all - felt good to get it off my George Best :boldblue:

    Have you been on the beers tonight :P Rant away........so have I lol

  2. Please could someone who is attending the Kirkintilloch Event on Sunday keep hold of the SIDC promotional banners/flags etc..... for the Magnificent Machines event :boldblue:

    I believe there are no other Scottish Scoobies events in between which need these!!?

    Much appreciated if someone can bring them along.


    Gus :P

    That'll be me then :P

  3. :boldblue:

    Mention speed cameras or road tax to me after I've had a few beers and it's like waving a red rag in front of a rabid bull...

    Can bulls get rabies?? :P The bull at the farm scares me enough....never mind it having that too! :angry: Ok wont mention that again (on a frid or sat night :P )

  4. However much it is Dunk, it's too much - we've been an easy target for too long!

    Seeing as how I'm descending into a rant...

    I also object to this brain-washed obsession the government/media/greenists have with removing people from cars and sticking them onto public transport. Quite apart from the fact that public transport isn't a viable alternative for many people - who says we have to give up on private/personal transport? OK, so there are some issues with congestion and with pollution (so we're told by people who spend half their lives trudging around London), but no-one's going to tell me these problems are insoluble. Feck knows, with all the revenue raised from speed cameras, road tax and congestion charging, they sure as hell can afford to pay some clever people to have think about it!


    Oops think i've started something :boldblue:

  5. Feel quite bad too after mentioning ProGrip to you... :P

    Don't feel bad :P could have been something else if I stayed at home! Great believer in "if its for you it wont go past you" (think thats the saying) :boldblue:

    Will be sticking to the limit on way through tomorrow :angry:

  6. Hi folks, just to say sorry for letting the side down, they got me on saturday heading back from my alignment... received the letter today!! Just having a rant B) I never speed in built up areas or 30s and the motorway was really quiet on sat morning! But never mind I will take my punishment and say no more! ;)

  7. You know something Imy i didnt even notice those posts, sorry guys ;) thanks for pointing that out, i must be dreaming just now.

    As for the photo gallery section, thats is a top idea Imy maybe the forum guru's could sort that one out & save a numpty like myself missing it :lol:

    Thank Imy :D

    Great idea with the photos Imy :lol: I had missed all the other threads with photos too!! :D

    sorry guys thanks for pointing that out, i must be dreaming just now

    Wonder why?? B)

    Cathy, the new wheels really look in their element at the race track!

    Is that when they were clean or dirty :)

  8. Anyone posting picture or any clips of the weekend folks? Would like to see our Cathy up front in the wagon chaps

    Aw shucks ;)

    My Series Mcrae & Cathy's Wagon up front on the start Line, she did offer a race but i declined!!! :(

    Very good day, just a pity about the weather. :crying:

    Maybe next time :D lol

    Weather??? The sun was shining was it not :P:lol:

  9. Thats bo11oks.

    My missus drives the scooby regularly - do you reckon I should tell her to keep the doors locked? What do you do?

    My alarm system(toad) locks the doors 10 secs after the car is started.... bit of a pain most times if you forget and close the door(which I have learned not to do!) but suppose it's there for a reason... security! Can't open he attachment just now so don't know the story yet :( but sounds shocking!!

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