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Posts posted by Midnight21

  1. I am replacing the wheel nuts on my wagon...they are fitted to P1 wheels (white) and wondered how I measure them and any recommendations on types to go for would be gratefully received :rolleyes:

    The stamp on the side says M2-1.25 but the ones I saw for sale say M12-1.25... B)

    Cheers B)

    Edited to ask if I can use tuner nuts on P1 wheels :D

  2. Not necessarily Jump starting related, but if anyone is concerned about havign a battery removed for an extended period of time and then the alarm system screwing up! I recently had the battery out of mine for about 4 weeks.. Plugged it back in the other day just to get thee fluids moving and it fired up no problem at all! ;)

    Would have probably removed the battery if I had known the car was going to be "snowed" under for so long... thats good to know :)

  3. Remember to turn off the "donor" car before you try and start the dead car to prevent a spike.

    Connect the positives from battery to battery and connect the earth from the donor car to an earth point on the car and not direct to the battery.

    Bon Appetit

    ;) Aye just to confuse me more then :)

  4. Hi everyone just cleared 4 weeks and 2ft of snow from my wagon..but she wont start :) Just want to know if its ok to jump start her or disconnect the battery and charge it?? Wasn't totally dead but not enough to turn her over

    Cheers in advance :(

    oops edited to say from another battery not by pushing :)

  5. All right the fun has gone now :( but on a different note they will be having curling out at Lanark Loch for the first time in 30 years....... now that brings back sweet memories of a kid running over the frozen Loch

    You sure it was 30 year ago :)

  6. What a good idea though...I see lots of scoobies in my area but don't think any are on here (well except one or two lol) Do SIDC not have something like a membership pamphlet to put on car windscreens? I could do that :huh: lol

  7. frigging lucky your getting both , down here we've got he-haw! :D

    I remember when I was in Lewis last New Year their roads were covered in the stuff (not even icy or snowing at the time)!!! Think they have to use it all up or they get less next year :D

  8. today i have mostly been sledging,took the truck up the sma glen,did a few donuts and found a suitable field...


    then someone suggested building a ramp,which may have got a bit out of hand lol


    NEXT PIC PLEASE :rolleyes:

  9. have a look at the wee dispenser units on your bonnet, there could be grime blocking the holes.

    wiggle something sharp, like a safety pin, in them to check.

    Done that ..have had the pipe off and there is no water coming through at all :rolleyes: ....Its hard throwing water on the window driving along the road lol

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