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Posts posted by Midnight21

  1. I'm surprised you're not taking advantage of your two Scoobs and doing a bit of stockpiling there, Cath :)

    Incidentally, the rumour I read (browsing another forum) is that a 'leaking pipe' at the refinery caused them to have to temporarily cease production of Veep, and that they expect to be up and running again within days...

    Here's hoping...

    Hehe had the Cat out all weekend so its the wagons turn for some fun :D more a shortage in the west and central all you scooby drivers through there :rotfl:

  2. I pulled into an Edinburgh Shell station this afternoon and the V-Power pumps were still open.

    However, I didn't have the Scooby, so wished to enquire as to whether their stocks might be expected to last until tomorrow evening, at which time I might choose to replenish my supply. The conversation with the (I have to say quite polite) African woman behind the counter went something like this:

    Me: "Hi, I've come in to find out how much V-Power you have left."

    Cashier: "No."

    Me: "No - there's none left?"

    Cashier: "No, I don't understand."

    Me: "OK. The V-Power petrol - do you think you have enough to last until tomorrow evening?"

    Cashier: "No."

    Me: "You don't?"

    Cashier: "No, I just don't understand."

    Me (observing lengthening queue behind): "Thank you! :) "

    So I'm hoping whatever they did have lasts until the morra night... :rotfl:

    :D I didnt think to ask in my travels how much they had left! Parked the Cat up until further notice........ bringing out the wagon ...tesco 99 with have to do

  3. mmm - chances are it's dodgy then. You are welcome to swap the one from my car to see it it makes a difference. I just live about 5 mins south of gorebridge on the A7.



    Cool thanks ...I'm not far from Gorebridge but on the A68 side... is it easy to remove lol

  4. You can't clean the sensor as it operates magnetically and is hermetically sealed.

    They can be fickle things and be faulty without throwing a code and equally be ok and throw a code. I had a cam sensor on my car keep throwing a code when I took it on the track but from the logs there was nothing wrong with it.

    How is the car driving?

    Car is a bit sluggish at the moment...but its the starting issues which are a pain!!! Starts 1st time from cold but if I stop for fuel etc ...wont start for about 10 minutes!

  5. Hi everyone :lol: can the crankshaft position sensor be cleaned? I reset the ecu as it was showing up code 11.... (which I replaced about a year ago) and its showing the same code again now (no check engine light!)

    Is that normal to only last around that length of time? :thumbup:

  6. Scott

    I use Mark aka FRANK STI, Mark & Mikey have a unit in Bonnybridge & do a first class job, can only fit things in at the weekend just now though, if your interested I can put you in touch

    I can vouch for them too...my old classic looked just out the showroom after :thumbup:

  7. Ok then Thursdays are bad for me as I have a yoga class every week (its a commitment!!) ...its ok to miss one a month..........my other thread on this was in connection with.... (what event do I attend if I can only make it one Thursday a month??) ;):lol: otherwise any day would be ok if I was only going to the Lanark runs!

  8. Certainly check your PS fluid level. Too low will cause steering to feel heavy.

    If it does turn out to be low, probably worth having a gander for leaks :lol:

    Check mine regular due to the leaking issues so not that..and its not leaking now either, thought maybe air in the system?

    Sorry for "stealing" the thread ;)

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