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Posts posted by Midnight21

  1. Just tried to clean the boost solenoid in the wagon and did the usual .... switch on ignition..connect green plugs, disconnect hoses from unit and spray brake cleaner in it... (hope thats the right way :) ) Its just that the fan kept kicking in then switching off!! Is that normal??

    Sorry but i'm just learning lol

  2. They are at it looking for a further charge of £80, as if the £135 wasn't enough. i believe the £80 charge is to test the unit after it's fitted 10 years plus, a purely optional charge you certain have no need to pay for tracker cover.

    Everyones a robber

    Cool :) will tell them to take a hike then.... in a polite way :beer:

    I reckon that after being subjected to my rotten patter for an afternoon you'll be looking for £20 from me as compensation!

    Ok then you can buy all the coffee's :hyper:

    Glad you're enjoying the saloon... and shouldn't we be referring to it as the "Cathyalunya"?

    Aw :D knew it had my name on it

  3. Are you still enjoying the new ride

    Love it ... but still good going out in the wagon :)

    Gosh darnit - and that could've been a great reason to turn up for the next Borders meet!

    Should've made it twenty bucks... :beer:

    20 quid it is then :D ....if you turn up :hyper:

  4. A tenner says they're charging £80 to have a guy come out and replace some tiny internal battery...

    Thats it ... thats what they said!! I am renewing the subscription on the Catalunya (not giving you a tenner too though lol)

  5. What needs maintained there are no moving parts?


    my tracker is also about £ 120 a year to maintain

    Yip the subscription is £132 a year now but they want an extra £80 for maintainence!!

  6. Hi folks ...anyone have tracker fitted? I thought the fitting, then the subscription was all you have to pay... now they want maintenance too! At around £80 :D

    Crikey they know how to get the money from us :)

  7. I reckon you're right... but I don't think I need a swallae half as much as some of the Daily Mail readership that appear to have turned out for the thread... B):mad: (don't mention single mothers or diminishing pension funds to them - like a red rag to a bull :huh:).

    Never mind, some choice ales lined up at the bottom of the fridge tonight :D

    Me too but for tonight ...Saturday lol (dont ask why i am up this late sober!) :D

  8. Another few to get off my chest:

    • Traffic 'calming' islands.
    • Speed humps.
    • New roundabouts, especially those that take in the region of two years to build... (the Empire State Building took less than 14 months to erect!).

    Think you need a few :D:huh:

  9. It`s good to get things off of your chest from time to time isnt it, I think we should do these threads more often, maybe make it a monthly thing if possible :P

    Monthly .... is that not meant to be a female thing :) maybe it's catching LOL

  10. People that smoke.

    People that let others breath said smoke.

    People that smoke in a car full of kids [with or without windows up/down].

    Pedestrians that press the button at a crossing then just cross the road anyway!

    Motorists that race up the motorway & cut you up for the sake of a few spaces.


    Fuel prices.

    Road Tax prices.


    2 Faced people that talk behind your back.

    SLOW drivers 40 in a 60 brigade that brake for EVERY CORNER!!




    Hatch exhausts

    Idiots that drive with spotlights on!!

    Speed Cameras.

    Dour faced folk.


    Right now count to ten......... :thumbup: bet you feel better now lol

    MM ... See what you have started :) you must have had a bad day?? I'm just heading out for a late night quick run LOL eases all stress :P

  11. Drivers who park closer up the side of your car than necessary.

    The evil cousin of the above, the careless munter who opens his/her car door onto yours.

    Cyclists who appear out of the blue in queuing traffic and pass within millimeters of your bodywork.

    Comments from passers-by when you're washing your car to the effect of "you can do mine when you're finished!". Hardy. Hardy. Har.

    Digital roadside signs that display useless information that does nothing more than distract drivers - they could at least flash jokes up there, or a weather forecast, or fitbaw scores (or even nikked wummins, if the technology's up to it?).

    Gritters spraying the highways on dry evenings when it would be warm enough to take the bins oot in yer kekks.

    Folk who never indicate the direction they are going :P

  12. 1. McTwist

    2. Mrs McTwist

    3. Greersport

    4. Mrs Greersport

    5. Meercat Exhaust

    6. Mrs Meercat

    7. Grant

    8. Imy

    9. Terzo neil

    10. Badbaz

    11. Mrs Badbaz

    12. STI Pretender

    13. Mrs STI Pretender

    14. Ally-b

    15. wrx kenny

    16.wrx kenny + nic

    17. jimser

    18. caitlin

    19. gary d

    20. leslie

    21. yellow craig

    22. louise

    23. Ed-209

    24. kennyuk300

    25.Mrs kennyuk300

    26. JamesM

    27. MrsM

    28. Des

    29. Maz

    30. empty heed

    31. empty heeds friend

    32. big bob

    33. mrs big bob

    34. Ace_tingtong

    35. Ms Tong

    36. Midnight21

  13. I had a wee trip up by Dundee in the Catalunya, weather was quite nice and the sun even came out (sorry Debs and Jon only got your message when I got back) saw lots of scoobs ...one had a paint job like the game ...is it dirt?? :) one with decals and the no 15 on the door ..I was in tesco at the time getting some food lol Then a nice wee drive over to visit BobbyC and Mags for a wee cuppa(missed the slip on the motorway as was admiring the smart Ford Capri which was behind me :boldblue:) but the weather was a bit driecht over that way ;) but car going like a dream :icon_salut: No shimmies though :D

  14. Aye - the handling's peachy in Auto, and as far as I can deduce, that's the mode to use for the ultimate in speed/grip.

    Sticking it in manual mode an rolling the lock control right back to 'O' seems to liven up the back-end, and possibly sharpen the steering a bit - which I quite like. Also had a few power oversteer shimmies, which - if I'm being honest - make me feel like more of a man. I guess if I also took the dress off that might help too... :icon_salut:

    (I'm kidding about that last part :boldblue:)

    MM....You sure about that now :D your going to have to make an appearance to prove it :)

    Oh and really nice hawkeye ...but think I will stick with my classicS ;)

  15. Thanks to everyone for all the really nice comments ... I am VERY happy with the car :lol: see you all soon

    Very happy with the new owner as i know Cathy with cherish the old girl, the Cat means a lot to me and always will & the way i see it i can see her again at club meets so not too painfull......just now

    Aw shucks :D thanks for that .... btw the wheels are off already getting some painting done on the drum part of the disc and having a look at the squeeky brakes :lol:

    How posh to owning two impreza's enjoy

    Not posh just really privelaged :P

    Looks the part, Cathers!

    Tell us how it compares with the Red Dragon then! (wee bit rhymin' slang there ).

    Wee bit different ...big steering wheel, but drives better..

    Two Scoobys! Way to go, more dilemma now in which to use!

    Will probably depend if the marquee is needed :P lol

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