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Posts posted by Midnight21

  1. Hello everyone :P:lol::D just popped in to say I am now the proud owner of another Subaru :lol: .. its the Catalunya which belonged to Derek (Strike)

    I hope your not too sad that its sold :lol: but its got another good home :P

    Have been driving it for hours and not long in :D ...left Derek's around 3pm lol

    Wee pic the now and more later but most of you will know what its like :P


  2. hey ive got his address on the v5. just dont want to travel all the way down if he's not there now

    if there is any one in the edinburgh ,roslin area that would swing by to see if the cars still there it would be much apprciated.

    was away to sell the astra aswell to get another impreza too

    met him half way :D i know this was stupid now

    the finace companys trying to get the astra back to clear some of the debt, its the easiest option for them then theyl chase the guy for the rest.

    i'm fighting with them just now to prove i was a inocent buyer but cause no money changed hands there not interested.

    Used to see an Orange Impreza around Loanhead(close to roslin) young guy driving it! but not for a while..... pm me his address and i'll go have a nosy

  3. I picked up a copy of "TOTAL IMPREZA" today (from W H Smiths in Helensburgh!) and I'm in it TWICE.

    Great write ups for the Falkirk Wheel meet and Horsepower Heroes up at Hypertech (Dunc was telling me about my fuelling issues in the pic - you can almost see my wallet groaning!!).

    Well done to everyone who orginised both these events (£870.00 raised for Help for Heroes) and Dave Pearson for covering them for the mag.

    Cool :D must get a copy (Fraser your going to have to hide that George Clooney look <_< )

  4. God Only Knows what'd cause that, Kenny - Wouldn't It Be Nice if it turned out to be something simple?

    Sorry - couldnae resist carrying on the BB Theme <_<

    Hope you get that sorted.

    He might not get that one :D

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