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Posts posted by Midnight21

  1. Thats my tailgate fitted today...and its an excellent colour match :rolleyes: so just to get the window tinted now, but having a few problems getting the tree sap from it (must have been lying for a while!!) Any hints please?

    Oh and anyone looking for wagon spoilers ;) as I have both... for some pennies (or swap for other stuff lol)

  2. Och, not as long as you might think - I'm a dab-hand with the HTML/forum tags :thumbup:

    Aye, ah know - just messin' :thumbup:

    Did you ever go into the chippy, find no-one at the counter apart from one big huge woman, think to yourself "ah great, no queues!", then discover to your utter dismay that this woman is actually collecting an order for a family of twenty-three! :icon_pray: Happens to me all the time... who are these people!? :thumbup:


    :thumbup: Don't have that problem out in the sticks lol and I usually phone the order in first :rotfl:

    Takes me ages to figure out this "wrapping them in quotes" (and at work too so keep getting disturbed) :icon_salut:

  3. That's nae good - hope he has a solid excuse for that indiscretion - i.e. 'hit by lightening' or 'washed away in a flood' (quite possible, given the state of the weather this evening!).

    You're a true petrolhead, Cathy - never let it be said otherwise! :rotfl:

    Aye, about the same where I buy mine - seems to be creeping upward rather ominously again... :icon_pray:

    Tell me about it... I had to go out in that too. The funny thing was I actually thought about washing the car earlier on today! Close call :thumbup:

    Jings - chips for the horses? :thumbup:

    Dinnae be daft - it's all good! :occasion14:

    :thumbup: how long did it take you to reply to all of them :thumbup:

    anyway horses don't eat chips (well mine probably would!) ....they were for me :icon_salut:

  4. Hi cathy think you should go for the ones seafar99 is selling , the white ones would look really good on your wagon :icon_salut:

    cheers kenny

    Your the third person to say that :icon_pray: Do like them but would prefer black :occasion14:

  5. :(

    It's one way of avoiding sunburn! I did get out for a run too though (see post above) :D

    In fact, if it wasn't for the price of petrol, and the guilt associated with racking up a tonne of miles on the car, I'd have stayed out all day B)

    Aye, there are some mechanically knowledgeable folks around here - sometimes make me feel like a bit of a leech for hanging around :P

    What about yourself - did you get out for a runabout? Get your tailgate sorted?

    No tailgate fitted yet!!!!!!!!!! :) Guy at work let me down..was meant to help me with it today....(its too heavy to try it myself!) wait till I see him tomorrow :) lol

    Anyway on the up side I had a wee run out to Hypertech to watch some of the cars on the rollers (in the sunshine :D) ...and the price of v.power... £1.06 at mine!!!

    On the down side headed home to torrential rain,thunder and lightening...thought at one point I was speed camera flashed lol.... and now i'm soaked doing the horses in the field :o

    Think the chippy sound a good idea tonight B)

    Sorry for hogging the thread again :D

  6. hi cathy it was 17s with 215s that came of and new ones wearing 225/40s i meant to come over and say hello but shot of early my eyes killing me wae hay fever sorry.


    Cool thats ok B) my hayfever has been bad the last two days!! must be the thunderstorms make it worse. Think I might take a trip out to Skidz and see if they can help :)

  7. After having stuck my heid under the bunnet again today

    You should have out in the sun driving it not looking under the bonnet :)

    Must admit to feeling pretty ignorant about all this stuff. I just haven't tinkered about with motors in years, and in those days I never had a turbocharged engine, so I never had a reason to get up to speed with that side of things. Plenty to learn then!

    Crikey I am amazed how much I have learned just browing the forums and tinkering about B)

  8. Hi Kenny meant to ask you today what they were like B) Are they 18"s? did you always have 18"s on? What tyre size did you go for ? Must get something done about mine soon!!

    Still having issues with fitting 18" wheels though, but they look good on your car :)

  9. Have you tried things like facebook, bebo or friends reunited or any other social networks?

    Aye thats an idea ;) I found and old friend through facebook....but had to send messages to the 5 people who had the same name but they replied back to me

  10. hi my bhp is about 265 but haven't a clue how to add it to the list so if someone else can cheers and then tell me how to.ta much,oh and had a great day out on sunday even the other half enjoyed herself.

    There you go ;) if you click reply then highlight the list then copy(ctrl + c) then paste it to your reply (ctrl+v) the add what you want to at the end...hope that helps its kinda hard to explain :thumbup:

  11. 1. Bobby C - GB 270 - 340 BHP

    2. Mag C - Type RA ver 2 - 280 BHP

    3. kennyuk300-UK300 - 265 BHP

    4. imy - ver 2 STi Type RA V-Ltd - estimated 310bhp

    5. wrx kenny wrx approx 245bhp

    6. Scotsman - Bugeye WRX Wagon - 306bhp

    7. Notsosmall- Blobeye WRX approx 245bhp

    8. C_WRX - Blobeye WRX - 280bhp

    9. Trackhound - Blue WRX Bugeye Wagon - 401 bhp

    10. Soundie - Classic Jdm WRX Grey - about 315bhp

    11. Strike - Hawkeye RB320- 320bhp

    12. Frank_Sti - Blobeye STi - estimated 400bhp

    13. Stubaroo - Blobeye WRX - 230bhp

    14. NKWRX - Hawkeye WRX 245bhp

    15. STi_steve Blobeye STi 305bhp

    16. STI Pretender - Type R - 330bhp (estimated AndyF)

    17. Mrs STI Pretender - Blobeye STI - 329bhp

    18. scoobysailor - Bugeye WRX - 333BHP

    19. Burgy_51_ - Hawkeye STI - 349BHP

    20. jonboywrx - Classic uk - 324 Bhp

    21. n3dny red wrx ppp

    22. ciaranrb5 classic RB5 est 240bhp

    23. scooba - black classic 93 - 400bhp

    24. whitey - bugeye wrx - 220bhp

    25. Gstar - GB270 saloon - 266bhp

    26. Steveairdrie 95 sti type ra white 310 bhp

    27. Cruz104 - 05 Blobeye-315bhp

    28. marky.t.s - 00 m/y UK turbo- bog standard-218bhp ish?

    29. empty_heed - blobeye wagon - gx sport - 125bhp

    30. bigbob - turbo 2000 - 230bhp

    31. ace_tingtong - JDM ver 2 STi 555 v-ltd Edition - 330 bhp

    32. mick67 - sti ver 3 - 261 bhp

    33. Midnight21 Classic WRX wagon (in red ) ? 220 bhp ? (thats what the handbook says lol)

    34.scooby222- blobeye sti- 345 bhp

    35. kebab nemesis RB320 - 320bhp

    36. Squiggle 380bhp Ar$e estimate although i prefer the term sufficient

    37. badbaz - Blobeye STi with rally graphics - 340bhp

    38. jimser -g4y classic- 360bhp

    39. Lisa Lashes - 22b - as you will know the 22b bhp is still a closely guarded secret, nudge, nudge, wink, wink!

    40. Boab type ra- wr1 310bhp

    41 Gus the Bus V1 RA 2.1-286bhp

    42 BalliSTIc - WR Blue MY08 STi - 300bhp

    43. JonnySTI - 02 STI - 370bhp

    44. s25yme - 06WRX - 227bhp " My little pony in the stable with the thorough breeds"

    45. Jock Wood - GB270 - 340bhp

    46.Double Zero-01 WRX Bugeye-250bhp or there aboots

    47.geosub- bugeye wrx- 260bhp


    49. Ross WR51 SUB- STI WR1-330bhp

    50. Phil 265bhp

  12. Right then, Midnight21's turn...

    Not as neat as it's late, I had to add different wheels and adapt them from chrome versions (biggest I could find to work with) but they really do suit the car! Black with red stripe imho. ;)





    Thanks Stu really liking the black/red :thumbup: time to get the steady hand ready lol

  13. That's the closest yellow I could get without painting each fin of the wheels separately so yeah, pretty much lifted off the graphics. I'll get some more options together when I get home.

    PM me a pic mate and I'll put something together for you.

    Aw cool thanks :thumbup: will do it when i get home

  14. Big thanks you to Cathy and Derek who let me loiter around with them for a while

    In agreement with Derek .... sorry I also lost you on route to the cafe, then i disappeared onto the wheel. Thats what its all about... having mutual interests (scoobies) and being friendly :thumbup: See you next time

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