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Posts posted by Midnight21

  1. I thought it was a fab weekend as Fraser said, headed up on the Friday...my only regret was missing out on the last leg of the journey round the island and not really being able to see much when driving :icon_salut: ...thought the rain was going to be an issue but think we took it down the road with us! would love another ...SOON lol

  2. Great weekend as usual, really chuffed with my car :D it drove and ran superb ;) Some great roads and scenery just a pity with the heavy showers! Dont have a lot of pics but looking for the cable as i type lol

  3. Makes me home sick to see these pics, I am from Portree and would love to move back some day I miss it loads :D

    Looks like the weather was in your favour too.

    Cheers Iain

    Ive got some cracking pics of the harbour(the view from the Royal Hotel room :-)) will post them up soon

  4. our scoob is now sitting at 182000 and tbh we have not had a problem with the car as long as the oil filter and oil services are regular it will run for a long long time. I was panicky when our scoob went to 150000 but she just keeps going and going.

    Dont worry just go out and enjoy the car after you have done the belt and bits and bobs!!!


    Crikey and i thought mine was high at 90k :o Good one!

  5. iam with conner ive only got this site as sidc and thats how i refer to it with friends. And didnt know its other alias untill this thread when i searched.

    ;) I only thought this site was called sidc too! At least the domain has been purchased by another scottish scoobie person we know rather than some one else who could have used it in the wrong way!

    Oh and thought it was only women do the bitching :rolleyes::o

  6. exactly the point im making, is it worth all of the heartache and expense at the end of the day? :crying: theres much more fun to be had driving them than worrying about them, so when are you and shelly booking for knockhill then ;)

    Na don't think so, not that brave :D not in my own car anyway!! ;)

  7. Yeah - what's all that about? :crying:

    Must admit that I don't really go for the 'twilight cruising'. Prefer to save my petrol for the weekend mornings when the roads are deid and the sun is (hopefully!) shining :crying:

    What's the point in twilight cruising! You cant see the cars to wave at :crying: I usually have a drive in the afternoon after work at the weekends! Its the only chance I get :blush:

  8. Fair point, Cathy - can't argue with your alibi! :D

    Aye well, you never know - I've been across to Midlothian and down into the Borders on more than once occasion since picking up the Scoob. Some great roads through your way!


    Aye especially the borders roads :lol: and not far from me :P

  9. Hello and welcome to the forum :lol:

    You can wave at me if you see me in Edinburrae - I will be happy to reciprocate (yet to score a wave from an Edinburger).

    Curious... I have the same issue with classic drivers. In fact, just the other day I spotted this red classic wagon in Falkirk and - hold up - I think we've already covered this :D

    Thats because it wasn't me :P and i would wave to ya if your ever through this way lol

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