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Posts posted by Midnight21

  1. Thought it wasn't the sump? Cathy?

    Its not coming from the sump plug (not rotten either looks good)...its up by the oil filter! Its only a few drops when its standing cold but a bit more when hot! Have cleaned around the area with detergent but not had time to have a look yet....watch this space :P

  2. The sump plug is the lowest point of the sump, make sure it is not coming from somewhere higher up, and just dripping from that point.

    Well....squeezed under the car today(I dont have a trolley jack :thumbup:) and the oil isn't coming from the sump plug!! Will take my ramps to work tomorrow and have a better look... She was dry as a bone before I drove to Alton Towers! Its not a lot of oil but will be using her on the Ullapool run and want her to be spot on...will let you know how it goes

    Or the Cat will be coming out to play :banana:

  3. Hi :thumbup:

    Recently had an oil change(my charity prize win) on the wagon and had spotted oil from the sump plug so asked for a washer to be fitted, but noticed today its still leaking :banana: whats the options ...can I buy a new sump plug and washer? Does this mean that the performance oil added will be lost?


  4. was wondering if theres anyone heading up for the highland fling on friday afternoon with space in their car for a passenger?

    ms 222 has once again broken her transport and short of riding her pony to inverness would appreciate a lift up very much, she finishes work at 3.30 and is good to go straight away she assures me..... :thumbup:

    I'm heading up..where to pick up from??

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