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Everything posted by paul555sti

  1. I was beginning to wonder if you had been up all night drinking!
  2. I should be up about 11ish as i have a wedding reception on the friday night. I will bring my camera up and try and get a few shots if i dont have the shakes.
  3. I cant believe it still looks that clean after the trip down, mines was filthy. Looking good billy
  4. At the end of the day with what these cars are worth now as trade in i cant see the point in keeping up the full Subaru service history. If you are selling it to any body then a folder full of receipts is as good i would have thought.
  5. If you keep a big folder of history of all the money you spend on the car then you should be fine. Keep all the receipts and possibly like a spread sheet of all the dates that you service the car on. That way the dates of the services should match all the dates on the receipts.
  6. Get back over to your own forum and stop trying to convert folk to the dark side.
  7. Its bioethanol. Here is a thread from scoobynet about it ... http://bbs.scoobynet.com/general-technical...l?highlight=e85
  8. Great pictures as always Col. Love the last shot of the nova saloon, i think its the first picture of a car on one wheel as apposed to the normal three wheel shots.
  9. Nice one Grant! Hopefully the banana makes the trip to Skye. The locals wont know whats hit them when they see all the cars that are going to make the trip.
  10. You havent mentioned a budget mate but what about this one... http://bbs.scoobynet.com/private-sale-gene...ar-15500-a.html
  11. Try all the usual places, pistonheads , autotrader and also the for sale section on scoobynet. Its a buyers market just now if you have the cash.
  12. Yes it could be a nice side line for somebody. I bought an old dash for £20 quid so i am going to take the risk and send it off. It might be a month or two before i do as i have a few other things going on at the moment.
  13. I think they are all left hand drive one though.
  14. Enjoy some of the replys i got when i asked that very question. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtop...amp;hl=flocking I have a spare dash that i am going to get done in the next few months. and this is who i will be using. http://www.suffolkflockingservices.co.uk/e...g-dashboard.asp
  15. What ever gave you that idea?? Yes he works here http://www.iangrievesubaru.co.uk/
  16. Hello and welcome to the club.
  17. Hmm what condition is the old one that you removed? Its just that i am toying with doing the reverse of what you have done.
  18. Looking good Cal When swapping the rear spoiler did the new one match the holes from the old one?
  19. Nice clean looking car mate. It really suits that colour of wheels.
  20. Hope you getting some free polish or a couple of overtime shifts out of this.
  21. Very very nice Not just one but now two great looking scoobies.
  22. I wouldnt mind a go at something like this as well.
  23. Complete and utter spineless barstewds coward @@@@ers!!!!!!
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