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Everything posted by paul555sti

  1. Yes he was good enough to tell me how my friends were going to end up killing somebody. Yet he was the one that forced people of the road, typical lorry driver that thinks because he has the larger vehicle that everyone else should just make way for him.
  2. I stopped to let him through and he gave me an ear full
  3. It looks like it would have been a great day out. Lots of damaged GT cars
  4. On our last stop ( and possibly the last time Tam will speak to me ) we stopped off at the David Stirling memorial, he was the founder of the SAS. We met a guy who was taking pictures of the memorial and he got chatting about our cars. He offered to take our picture with the cars. He was the owner on the BMW in the shot beside our cars.
  5. The best of it is he doesnt even drink ( maybe now we know why if thats what he is like sober ) I may not make it back from knockhill alive on saturday now.
  6. Ok people drum roll please....... This is the stuff on nightmares, can you imagine waking up to find this standing at the end of your bed I can now slightly imagine what the jail must be like
  7. Gary my mate raced his first honda powered elise in the Lotus on track series. There isn't much he hasnt broken or worn out on them. He has owned both s1 and s2 version. If you want any pointers on what to look for just give me a shout and i will have a word with him.
  8. Cheers Andy, the wheels on your car aren't bad either! Its the first time i have seen it in the flesh and its stunning Me Tam and Brian went down through Glen co when you guys headed towards Oban.
  9. Just home as well Well done to all those that had a hand in organising this event. It was with out a doubt the best weekend i have spent in a subaru. Good to meet lots of new faces and put some faces to the names on here. Some of the roads and scenery were amazing. Thanks to Tam and Brian as well for a great blast down through Glen co Loads of pictures to follow. ( especially a certain one )
  10. Dale, Bobby and a few others were heading up this afternoon.
  11. I know its not what you are after but have you tried the rarerims site? http://www.rarerims.co.uk/ You can upload pictures of your car and try different wheels on it.
  12. Nice right up mate, look forward to seeing you in action up at knockhill. Hopefully your local knowledge will help.
  13. Lotus elise! Great mpg on normal driving and also a cheap track day toy as there are not heavy so good on brakes and tyres.
  14. I am not getting mine back till 7 pm tomorrow. 11 hours before i have to get up again.
  15. http://bbs.scoobynet.com/scoobynet-general...nding-dccd.html Have a look at the posts by Johnfelsted
  16. Andy F doesn't do suspension set ups Hypertech i don't think do corner weighting. Some of the Scottish Elise guys use somebody in banchory i will try and find out more later on from a mate.
  17. Hello and welcome. Hopefully quite a few of us from central and glasgow are making the trip up to Alford this year. Look forward to seeing your car . What engine / options did you get in yours if you dont mind me asking.
  18. And putting stuffed toys on the rear shelf
  19. Here is the site for them. http://www.carbotech-europe.com/
  20. Sti intercooler for sale here . http://bbs.scoobynet.com/private-sale-gene...parts-sale.html
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