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Everything posted by paul555sti

  1. Cheers folks! Now that we have more day light we should try and get a few mid week runs. The dukes pass is a great road but some of the surface is a bit tatty now. We would just need to leave a bit of a gap between cars to avoid the stone chips. Ross just send me a pm when you are back and we will sort something out.
  2. Well the kids were at school and the sun was out so i thought it would be rude not to take advantage and go for a run in the car. I haven't been over the Dukes pass in a couple of years so that was my first destination. I headed out to Calender and then over the dukes pass to Aberfoyle. I enjoyed it that much that i did a u-turn in the main street in Aberfoyle and headed back over the Dukes pass From there i went up the side of Loch Lubnaig then up Loch Earn, i went along the north side of the loch and headed for Comrie. From Comrie i took the B827 and went over to braco. I then headed back over towards Glen Devon and back down towards Kincardine. If carsberg made back roads they would struggle to come up with anything as good as these. A couple of shots from the run.
  3. My mate had a honda type r powered lotus elise that was his road car but he also raced on the lotus on track series. He had an agreed value policy because fitting the engine to the car had cost so much and added value to the car, he wanted to make sure he would at least get his cash back if the worst happened. He paid slightly higher premiums for the policy though.
  4. Thats shocking mate! It just shows that although we think we are all getting a great deal with some of these companies, you don't know what they are like until you try to claim. Hopefully you get it sorted out soon.
  5. This thread will show you what you need to do. http://bbs.scoobynet.com/technical-topics-...er-project.html
  6. Dan looking the tuning stages on Andy's website ( link posted above ) , stage one says up to 330. I am guessing that's what he thinks are the limits of the standard turbo.
  7. To quote a man who knows a thing or two about these cars "A fully decated 2 ½” bore system is adequate up to 350 bhp. After this a 3” system is recommended. Sports cat systems are available but ultimately still limit power compared to a fully decated setup" Taken from Andy Forrests website. This is worth a look as well. http://www.andyforrestperformance.co.uk/58761.html
  8. Sorry to hear you have had more bad luck mate. Hopefully with John's help on the other thread you will get things sorted out soon.
  9. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=130490
  10. I am sure its from wallace performance. Unsure of the spec.
  11. I knew that evo looked quick when we were spectating but holy sh@t! Nice vids Cal Its 2009 btw!
  12. A few more from today.. Rich you are ment to keep your eyes on the road.
  13. Awaiting Bobbyc as he must have the lowest mileage most replaced shock combination on here
  14. Great pictues as always Neil The starlet one is a beauty, the look on the drivers face as it sliding
  15. I had my mate up today to his first trackday and got a couple of friends take him out for some laps and this was the thanks i got
  16. How bloody cold was it? Good to see all the regular faces. There were plenty of photographers up as well so i am looking forward to seeing all the pictures. A big thanks to Graeme and Paul for taking my mate out for some laps. I have a few pictures uploading toflickr at the moment that i will post shortly.
  17. No its not that one. The guys name is something like going for 400bhp or something similar. It mentions that the box has had a rebuild but i cant remember why.
  18. Thats true its like having bloody dial up again.
  19. There is a ppg one for sale over on scoobynet at the moment. I would post a link but the site is down .
  20. Got to agree with most of the above, i paid my membership to get the benefits that came with it. It has pretty much paid for it self with the discounts that it gets me but not sure why anyone would pay a tenner for a badge under their name.
  21. When i bought my OMP wrc wheel i had to buy a boss to fit a subaru for it.
  22. There is a sti bottom end over on scoobynet at the moment.... http://bbs.scoobynet.com/private-sale-gene...ocks-smoke.html and also a forged engine for sale as well... http://bbs.scoobynet.com/private-sale-gene...ight-break.html
  23. Ask on scoobynet, you will get an response.
  24. Looking good, i think the white lettering would finish them off nicely. I just ordered new discs and pads from Ian today.
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