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Everything posted by paul555sti

  1. Sorry to hear this Imy. Damn it means i will have to take her in doors out for valentines night now.
  2. As all of the above , totally gutted for you mate.
  3. Thats bad news. I am Baz's brother. ( i work on g4 )
  4. Evobaz would never have missed a shift on KG to go to crail
  5. Something like this. http://www.carbongoodies.co.uk/onlineshop_114379_23046.html
  6. Don't let them get you down. What you guys did is nothing short of amazing but unfortunately you will always get a***h@les out to make a quick buck.
  7. On my bugeye wagon they were just stuck on, i couldnt say for sure on yours though.
  8. Great taste grant. I love some of the cars on the aggressive set up thread over on nasioc. If i could justify it i would have the classic and a blob just like the one in that picture.
  9. I think they are M12 x 1.25 but they should be able to confirm it when you order them.
  10. Imy, scroll to near the bottom of this link. It depends how deep you pockets are. http://www.unit-8.co.uk/acatalog/Wheels.html
  11. A massive well done to all three of you.
  12. Fantastic Just back from the central meet and it was the first thing i checked. Well done to who ever won them.
  13. Grieg if i had the cash i would get one of these.
  14. http://www.cliffordalarms.co.uk/ I am sure i got the £350 option but its been a while now.
  15. Grieg i googled Clifford alarms and got a guy that came to my door and fitted the alarm at the house.
  16. Camskill is another place to try and also Jim Dickson from whats it called.
  17. I sent you a private message but i just had another thought. Sign up as a full member and then what you save pays for a years membership.
  18. I dont know if this deal is still in place but its worth asking. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=95405
  19. Cheers Dunk, i had seen this after i paid for mines. I am planning on doing a couple of mods to the one i am getting before i send it for flocking.
  20. Cheers Baz, i will just arrange to get it done myself.
  21. Cant watch the video just now as i am at work . How does it attach to the rim?
  22. http://www.andyforrestperformance.co.uk/58668.html You wont go wrong with the above.
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