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Everything posted by paul555sti

  1. The apexi is just a boost contoller and can be used with the power fc but its not an ecu.
  2. Its just a shame there is nobody up here doing it. It could be a nice little side line for somebody.
  3. Grant i bought a spare that i am going to mod before i send it off and it only cost me 25 quid delivered
  4. Havent had any prices yet but the threads on scoobynet look about 125 quid.
  5. Welcome to the club. I just waved to somebody in stirling the other day with the same style wagon, very nice.
  6. Cheers Scott, i know Craig and my brother pm'd him through the mlr for me. His car was a stunner, he has now moved down south. I think the company that did his ended up loosing bits of his dash. It looks like i will end up having to send the bits down south to get them done.
  7. http://www.rarerims.co.uk/alloys.asp
  8. Did you check the oil regularly? It sounds strange that the dip stick was dry, where has all the oil gone if you had to put that much in to get it to show on the dipstick? The deal that acid has put up requires you to provide a block for them to build that deal. You will need to strip yours to find out whats wrong with it and what can be saved or what needs replaced.
  9. Will you two get a flocking room.
  10. http://www.getflocked.webeden.co.uk/ Not in scotland but i liked the name.
  11. Gus you have had more scoobs than the Johnsons. http://redirectingat.com/?id=42X123&te...3Fsrc%3Da_syn31 Its worth watching if you didn't see it the other night.
  12. Paul that would be great mate. Rich i have already bought a second hand dash that i might make a few mods to before it goes to get flocked. I was hoping for somewhere up here as i might get a couple of other bits done at the same time. Its the posting the stuff down south that kind of worries me as it may get damaged in transit.
  13. Does anybody know any companies that do this up here in Scotland? I have had a bit of search on google and it seems to be all down south.
  14. Nice car Rab. Love the original sport interior. Nice pictures at the forth rail bridge.
  15. Chris it might be worth having a look over on nasioc, there is an aggresive set up thread that might give you a few ideas.
  16. Nice results, i bet your brother enjoyed the day.
  17. Looking good mate. Where did you get the injectors from?
  18. A lap of the ring in a skyline with a nervous passenger. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=2T739gw3UqY
  19. And i am very glad that you did. Look forward to seeing this develop mate.
  20. What dates that happening on Dunk? I will come along if i am off.
  21. Got to laugh at all the male models on here, i bet after a couple of pints most of you wouldnt say no. I wouldnt need asked twice
  22. I think its 05 onwards it changes from 5 x 100 to 5 x 114 or something along those lines.
  23. I think the Ferrari set off as it left.
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