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Everything posted by paul555sti

  1. Gary try camskill i have been told they are hard on beat on prices. http://www.camskill.co.uk/
  2. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtop...view=getnewpost
  3. Its a week tonight, you dont need to be paid up to come along. You will get to put a lot on faces to some of the names on here if you can make it. Tam and myself and possibly graham will be there so it will be like a U.G reunion.
  4. Tam doesnt post on here much. I fitted my seats over at his garage. Try and get yourself along to the central meet this month ( if you are off ) . Graham has the car off the road doing some suspension mods i think. I had to laugh when you said about folk leaving after the tour.
  5. Lol i have loads of spare time. The plant i am on at the minute is getting mothballed in 2010 so who knows . They say that everyone is getting kept on but we will need to wait and see. I bet the car is fantastic with that power. Are you going to keep it for a while now?
  6. Thats great news Brian. Glad to hear it's all sorted now.
  7. Dam that was cheap, did they come with the side mounts?
  8. Cal last year i sorn'd mines for 4 or 5 months but to be honest it just sat in the garage on the battery conditioner. I would start it at weekends and let it run for a while. There were days though when it was dry and sunny that i could have been out enjoying it. This year i taxed it for the year so its there ready when i want to use it.
  9. Thats shocking mate. Hopefully one day you find out who it is. Have you thought about cctv ?
  10. I should have said that the back seats wont be used.
  11. Whats the thoughts on harness bars ? http://www.rallysportdirect.com/shop/sparc...chol-p-400.html
  12. Edited for accuracy Well mines will be staying with me forever. Going to have a year of not spending any money on it next year . Then the year after i am going to try and get some serious power although not to the level of some of the cars on here.
  13. I use this one. http://www.theultimatefinish.co.uk/Store/P...x?ProductId=104
  14. Nice results, bet that gives a few people a scare.
  15. http://bbs.scoobynet.com/scoobynet-general...t-one-free.html
  16. It says on his site after the first map any subsequent maps are 195 plus vat. You would be best sending him an email to find out what he would charge.
  17. Greats seats these Its a guy over on scoobynet that is selling them. They are a very snug fit .
  18. If you didnt have bad luck mate you wouldnt have any.
  19. Its still there Dale http://www.dvlaregistrations.co.uk/home/en...p;x=75&y=12
  20. Well its not P or M or T so that only leaves ..................
  21. Nice car Colin Some great roads round about Comrie.
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