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Everything posted by paul555sti

  1. Copy and paste the forth link below the picture on your account into your reply or threads on here.
  2. Open a photobucket account or something similar. Upload your pictures to there and paste the link from your photobucket account onto your thread on here.
  3. Hello and welcome to the club. Nice clean looking car you have there.
  4. If you have had the same problem with several sets of tyres then i would get the alignment and geometry checked again. Who has checked it in the past? Take it to dunc at hypertech or progrip in bonnybridge and get it checked out. It will cost less than a set of tyres.
  5. Welcome to the club Andy. If you are in the borders then i am sure John the borders r.o will be along to say hello shortly.
  6. Is it not just colour coded side skirts and a spliter on the front?
  7. Would it be a newage car or the classic you were after? You mention something special well there is a stunner for sale at the moment over on scoobynet. http://bbs.scoobynet.com/private-sale-gene...ra-limited.html
  8. The owner has just posted up on scoobynet and it turns out they only nicked three as the other one was in his boot.
  9. 1. John St's coilovers 2. Playsatans Gearbox 3. Squiggle's bodykit off the fat banana!! 4. PlaySatans Gearbox (after I fight off Grant for it!) 5. Welsho's pink anti roll bar 6. Higgy's Engine. 7. Playsatan's wheels ( his spare set would do me nicely ) 8. Any SW engine thanks , there must be at least 1 or 2 to choose from here 9. PlaySatans whole car!! (Yes i am greedy! ) 10. Wilkys whole car ( i am also greedy )
  10. Best of luck for the years events. I wont be missing this for anything.
  11. It depends how much you are looking to spend and what type you are after. These guys are worth a look and you can try wheels on a picture of your car to see how they look. http://www.rarerims.co.uk/
  12. Liking picture four how it looks like the wee white man is about to get in the car.
  13. Have a read.. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=124767&hl=
  14. Tam i am sure Bobby will be along at some stage to help you out. He has done almost exactly what you are after to his one.
  15. Timings from the event down south for those that are interested. http://www.lancerregister.com/mlrsprint/30...ventid=20090308
  16. Could you not just try a few nuts onto the top of the gear stick shaft to work out what size it is?
  17. Craig you might like the full sequence on this thread. http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.a...th%20March%2009
  18. Looks like you were having fun up at knockhill today . ( Col hope you dont mind me pinching these from pistonheads. )
  19. A pretty good write up here. http://bbs.scoobynet.com/technical-topics-...isc-4-pots.html
  20. A worth while round trip by the sounds of it! Nice wheels, i had an eye on a set of those on flea bay recently.
  21. I got my reply from Andy as well. Z32 maf on its way. Just need to speak to Dunc now to get the bits fitted.
  22. Marky is going to phone me when he finishes work and we were planning on meeting up about 6.45ish at cumbernauld and head through.
  23. About ten years ago i had about £1000 worth of stereo gear nicked out of my golf gti. Myself and my brother bought one of these each. This was before anyone had really heard of tasers over here I never found any of my mate brave / daft enough to touch it though. We still have them but havent used them in years. http://freespace.virgin.net/autotaser.uk/ Daytime demo ( not mine ) Night time demo ( not mine )
  24. If you have a word with grant he has just had one fitted to the banana. I got mines via the clifford website and the guy came and fitted it at the house. This is the one i got and it was about £350. http://www.cliffordalarms.co.uk/acatalog/C...MK_II_info.html
  25. My clifford lets out a chirp is somebody is hanging over the car looking in the widows and i think the sensitivity can be adjusted. I wouldn't want the talking one as that just encourages nobs to stand next to the car and trigger the voice.
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