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Everything posted by paul555sti

  1. No big guns!! I think other than Andy F's race car then some of the names on the list will have the most powerful cars in Scotland possibly.
  2. http://www.honestjohn.co.uk/insure/index.htm Found this on google.
  3. Sounds like a plan, i am even taking her in doors to her first Scooby event. ( she hates driving at speed so doesnt go in the car with me much ) We are booked into the hotel that Imy put the link up for.
  4. Hmmm never really thought about it like that. I have booked for the Saturday night. Will see what others have planned but i was thinking, drive down Saturday during the day, have a few beers and a meal on Saturday night . Up on the sunday and enjoy the event and then straight up the road afterwards.
  5. Not mine thankfully My cousin has bought a turbo wagon that has a gearbox box problem. Now he isnt sure if its a uk car or jdm. The gearbox code is TY752VW4BA. He has told me that the problem is a damaged gearbox casing. He says he has somebody that can transfer his internals if he can find a spare casing. So does anybody have an old gearbox casing or a fully working replacement gearbox for sale. Cheers Paul.
  6. This one has been for sale for a while due to the high price so there may well be room for negotiations. http://bbs.scoobynet.com/private-sale-gene...ighlight=forged The other option would be to buy one like Gav ( scoobyseller ) has for sale and then spend the rest of the cash turning it into exactly what you want.
  7. A list of whats happening. http://www.knockhill.com/events/event.php Mind and come over to the SIDC stand and say hello.
  8. Welcome to the club. I dont know the car but did see it for sale and it looks like a very clean and well looked after example. There are plenty of happy hypertech customers on here.
  9. I did actually mean to comment on that fact and forgot all about it. I was going to say it was local knowledge of the roads or it could be just that you are mad as a box of frogs Either way it just goes to show that all the money spent on cars is pretty much a waste as you have as much fun in a standard one as us in our modded ones. I wish i had know that a few years ago it would have saved me a bloody fortune.
  10. Speak to Ian at Godspeed brakes or Alyn at AS performance. http://www.godspeedbrakes.co.uk/ http://www.asperformance.com/
  11. There are a few of going to be on the SIDC stand, i will have my camera so i will keep an eye out for it.
  12. Col i am sure there is a roof bars thread over on nasioc. Check the Thule website to see whats available.
  13. Imy Rich's car has more power than mines. Mines also has some issues at the moment that will hopefully be addressed in the next few weeks. I thought the standard of driving on the run was very good. We also noticed that alot of cars allowed us passed which was nice to see.
  14. And next time dont switch your car to low boost and get my hopes up about how quick my car was.
  15. Not sure about the size but i am sure the sti bit is better than the wrx one. Is the wrx one not made of plastic where the sti one is a smoother better quality alloy one?
  16. Plenty of reading for you here.. http://www.andyforrestperformance.co.uk/index2.html
  17. If Dunc cant fit you in then there is Dastek at inverkeithing and also Extreme at whitburn. Ask sma01 on here about ava.
  18. No problem! Just tell him it was Paul with the 555 that pointed you his way and i might get a discount of my next bill ( kidding Dunc as i know you will read this )
  19. http://www.hypertechscotland.co.uk/home.html
  20. I have been at plenty rolling roads watching scoobies run and have never seen one go pop yet. I would think it would be a good bit less than 100 quid.
  21. Contact Dunc at Hypertech Its in Bonnybridge so not far from Glasgow.
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