Not restricted, but certainly a higher percentage of twonks on the road drive certain make / models of cars..
E.g. I've yet to see a people carrier drive at under the speed limit in a built up area or slow down near a school! It just doesn't happen! Yet drivers of these vehicles will the the first to kick up all the sh*t of the day when their little johnny or daisy get's knocked down walkign home from school!
Porsche Drivers, surprisinly respectful!
BMW Drivers, not too bad round here, couple twonks but often soon realise the superiority of AWD on a damp road and start to behaive themselves.. Worst out there at hte moment are Audi's, Vahxhalls (any model of vaux particularly VXR's) & Focus ST's Not all focus's.. but some.. Fords probably same level as Subarus IMHO.. SOme complete tw&ts out there driving subarus <flame suit on>. But quite a few respectful drivers too!
I don't mind playing but when they start to drive erratically drawing unneccessary attention to themselves and comprimise safety their on their own